I rolled her.

“It’s been one minute, not ten,” she pointed out, mood lighter.

“I can kiss and touch you for nine minutes,” I reasoned, holding her face.


It was around ten o’clock at night and it was me, Gigi, Scott and Deanna, plus Bront, Bick, and Pudge in the larger upstairs lounge. Deanna and Gigi were sitting together chatting. I was smoking a joint while we listened to Tom Petty’s greatest hits album on the stereo. The mood was mellow. Scott and Deanna seemed okay to my eyes, seemed like they usually were, so I was guessing things were on the mend for them.

There was a knock at the door. Nolan answered it.

“Well, hello ladies…” he greeted. “Who are you here for?”

It was Dina with two of her friends. They were all vamped up, looking for attention, and clearly, Dina was looking for me. She looked straight at me and asked, “Here to find out if anyone’s in the mood to party.”

“People are permitted by invite only,” I called out. “You can party downstairs in the bar like everyone else.” I put my joint out in the ashtray and tucked the roach into my cut’s inside pocket.

More bodies moved in behind them. Blow, Speedy, and a visiting nomad named Nix.

“Always in the mood to party,” Blow said, smiling at Dina and her friends. “Come on in, girls.”

Fuckin’ Blow. Another example of why he wasn’t leadership material. He heard what I said and didn’t bother finding out if there was a reason for it. Not to mention our lockdown status should automatically mean nobody outside club members and their women in the fuckin’ clubhouse.

I pointedly crooked my finger for Gigi, who was watching the exchange.

She smiled and came to me.

I patted my thigh, so she crawled into my lap and put her arms around me.

“Hello,” she greeted.

“You about ready for bed?” I asked, thumb stroking her bottom lip.

“Whatever you want, baby,” she answered huskily, then sucked my thumb. I pulled it out and gave her a dark look of promise, knowing all eyes were on us.

“Yum,” Dina said, sitting down beside us. Close. Too close. “Room for one more?” She leaned in. Her eyes were on my girl rather than me. “What do you think about that? Can I join you guys?”

Gigi gave her a sweet smile, which made me bristle. And then G’s eyes bounced to me and she obviously spoke before reading me, because she sweetly offered, “Whatever you want, baby.”

“Fuck me,” Bront muttered. “Lucky fuck.”

“No thanks,” I replied to Dina, making my disgust clear.

Dina pouted. “You pissed at me, Jesse?”

“Not pissed, Dina, just not interested.”

“Maybe some other time?”

“Don’t hold your breath,” was my reply.

Blow laughed. “Jesse, are you high? Because I’ll take not only those two,” he gestured to Gigi and Dina, “but you two as well.” He jerked his chin toward Dina’s friends. Then he called over to Deanna, “Not to leave you out either. You’re all welcome.”

“Don’t tempt me to call you into the ring, O’Grady,” I stated.

“Whoa, Jesse. Just jokin’.” Blow laughed it off and then gave Dina a slow head-to-toe perusal.

“Bedtime, Gigi,” I said, lifting her off my lap by the hips, then tagging her hand.

“Goodnight, everyone,” she said and waved.

I felt all eyes on us as we left.

When we got to my room, I locked the door and leveled her with a dark look.

“You want that?”

“Want that?” she parroted, pulling a hoop earring out of her earlobe.

“A threesome with me and that chick?”

“Only if you do,” she said, looking confused. She took out the other earring.

“Come on, woman. You’ve gotta have a fuckin’ backbone on ya. I mean… gimme a fuckin’ break.” I shrugged off my cut and chucked it on the dresser.

Her expression fell.

“You want me putting my hands on someone else?”

She stared.

“Do you?” I practically roared.

“No,” she whispered.

“You want that chick’s hands on you?”

“Not really. But if you wanted it, I’d be okay with it.”

“Because you want it, or you think I want it?”

“Because … because I want to make you happy.”

I tried to summon patience. “You think the way to my heart is by giving me access to another bitch’s pussy?”

She winced.

“You’ve got every right to tell another woman trying to get in there with me that I’m yours. Just like I have every right to expect nobody looks at or touches what’s mine. Or makes smartass comments about puttin’ their hands on you. Understood?”

She nodded, wide-eyed.

I stalked out to the bathroom.

When I was back, the light was off, so I undressed and got into bed.

“Jesse?” she called in the dark.

“What?” I snapped.

“I’m glad you didn’t want a threesome,” she whispered.

I sighed, chest feeling a little less tight.

“Really glad.”

“Dina was the last chick I fucked. Didn’t like the way she played that tonight. You see her in the bar, up here, or around town, steer clear.”