“What? That’s wild!” Nolan chirped.

Deke shot him a look.

Nolan pulled his lips tight, but looked excited.

“I’m slammed with this build Spency and me are workin’ on; that’s on top of the garage bein’ booked solid for the next three and a half weeks,” Ride said. “If Jesse can lead on this, it’d be good. I’ll help where I can. We need him at the garage during business hours as much as possible so good he’s back. Can this thing happen with Jesse and Deacon when the garage ain’t open?”

“Possibly,” Deke replied.

“I’m pretty good with a wrench,” Nolan piped up.

Spencer scoffed. “Yeah, so’s our teenage sister. Mouth shut during church, dumbass.”

“My bad.”

“Right,” Deke cut in. “That’s all I’ve got tonight. Deacon, Jesse, Ride, you three get together with me tomorrow. Come by my office after the garage closes and we’ll make a plan for that. Deacon’ll get with either Nico or Brontosaurus when the plan is finessed. Any new business?” Deke asked.

Nolan’s hand shot up like we were in a classroom.

Deke blew out a long breath, eyes on Nolan. Then Deke lit a smoke, eyes still on Nolan who wasn’t breaking eye contact, A drag. Exhale. Another drag, exhale through the nose. And still direct eye contact.

Nico cleared his throat and half-coughed, failing at trying to mask how fuckin’ funny he thought this was.

Nolan waited. Smiling. Hand still in the fuckin’ air.

Finally, Prez rolled his hand. “Out with it, prospect.”

“I wanted to put forth a motion that we let prospects talk during church.”

Some of us groaned but most of us busted up laughing.

Except Scott. He was still stone-faced.

Needless to say that though Nolan came to us after working for three months as a prospect in Sioux Falls, the guy was a mimbo if I ever saw one. He’d get the attention of the girls with his looks, and he was ex-military, young with only a couple years of service under his belt, but skilled with weapons, explosives, and had a way with all things outdoors. Nolan was eager to live the MC lifestyle and so far made no complaints about any of the dirty jobs he was handed. I had the feeling Rudy offered him up as a prank. And a way to get him out of his own hair.

“Denied,” Deke smacked the table with his gavel, then we all filed out, the last word on that matter being Little John threatening to give Nolan an atomic wedgie.

Some of the guys headed out the gates and to The Roadhouse. A few went up the stairs to the clubhouse and some headed out either on four wheels or two, but in groups.

I found myself at Gigi’s rust-bucket car. After I fished the keys out, I pulled it into one of the loading dock bays to get some light on it and gave it a look over. It’d never pass a safety inspection. She needed to send it to the scrapyard. Not sure the scrapyard would even want it.

Though, it didn’t matter. When she got back, after things settled, she could use my truck when she needed it. I was on my bike as my first preference anyway and didn’t need to drive to work while we lived here.

I fired off a text before I crashed for the night.

Me: Things ok? About to crash here.

G: Things are ok. I’m itching to play my guitar but can’t do it here. She hates it. So I’m gonna write for a bit and then sleep. I miss you already.

I put my phone down on the dresser beside stacks of her clothes that she didn’t take with her.

My phone pinged again.

G: BTW, when Aunt Francie woke up, your mom handled her masterfully, giving her the lowdown on the plan for the next week while the social worker is working on getting home care arranged.

Me: Fernanda knows how to handle difficult people. She raised me, after all.

G: LOL. She did a good job. Night Jesse. Xoxo

Me: Night baby.

G: Oh. I gave her the wig. No tears of joy but I think she was pretty surprised. I think it made her feel a little guilty about saying she didn’t like my new haircut. Good night.

I put my phone down and flicked the light out as I pressed the button on the remote. She’d already gotten me into the habit of watching TV for a bit before crashing. There was a spare TV kickin’ around so Deke’d already told me to keep this one.

Ten minutes later, my phone dinged again.

Chantelle: Hey. Busy? Feeling like some company if you’re interested. Haven’t seen you in a while.

Time to end that. It was casual enough it didn’t need to be a big deal. Hadn’t seen her in weeks, but it didn’t feel right ending it by text. Not only because she was friends with a bunch of the girls that worked for Ma and Arch. Also because she was a decent person. It’d been all physical with us, never anything deeper than that, but I liked Chantelle. Not to mention she’d done a few favors for the club.