“I’m gonna be busy with work the next while. Garage is slammed, but I’ll check in on lunch hours, at night. And if you need anything, call me,” I ordered.



“Thank you.”

“I’ll call you in the morning.”

“Okay. Sweet dreams, baby,” she said, and it was loaded with emotion.

“Be a lot sweeter if my sheets smelled like you, hostage, but I’ll deal.”

“Did I say I miss you already?”

“Bye, baby.”


“Good you’re back,” Deke said when I got to the table for church. “Gonna be hoppin’ at the garage.”

“So I heard. Good news.”

“All good?” he asked.

“It will be,” I replied, “thanks to the club. Delia’s stepping up.”

“She’s a good woman,” Deke replied.

“The best,” I agreed.

A few more brothers came in, Scott coming in last and shutting the door. I hadn’t seen him since the car wash. He didn’t stay long that day and I never saw him at all at the afterparty. That, coupled with the look on his face now, was concerning.

“Hey,” I greeted.

Scott was typically smiling, joking, making eye contact in greeting, but not today. And his eyes were hard, his mouth was tight.

“Wanna grab a beer after this?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Another time.”

“Brothers, let’s get this done. First up: Fork’s got the floor,” Deke announced.

Our gazes all swung toward Fork, who advised, “Sarge and Kylo were seen today in town.”

The room went wired.

“Who’s Kylo?” Bront asked.

“Kylo used to be the Prez in Pierre,” Fork replied. “Before that, VP in Sioux Falls. He’s fresh outta the joint after doin’ a dime.”

“Where were they seen?” Brady asked.

“Across the street and a coupla doors over from your place.” Fork’s eyes were on Rider. “Apartment above that convenience store.”

“Fuck,” Rider clipped. “The meth dealer’s place?”

“Yup. Larsen’s tight with that shithead,” Fork replied. “Didn’t know Kylo made parole until today. And he’s tight with my old man. My contact has heard my old man’s name a bunch. Think he’s up in Saskatoon with Larsen’s old lady’s family.”

“Where’s the intel from?” Nico asked.


“Who’s Paige?” Nolan asked.

“Wyld Jackals sweet butt, and save your questions for after church,” Deke advised. “Prospects don’t speak in church until the floor is opened.”

Nolan’s face went red. “My bad, Prez. Wasn’t even allowed in church in the mother charter.”

“I do things a little differently here. We’re a smaller chapter. But there’s still protocol. Make sure you’re educated.”

“Sorry, Prez.”

“Brontosaurus, Scooter, would you take Nolan and Bick for a beer and make sure they know all they need to know after we’re done here?”

“Got it, Prez,” Bront replied.

Scott wore a scowl on his face. “Yeah,” he muttered.

Deke did a double take, then leaned back in his seat, and eyes still aimed at Scott, asked, “All good there, brother?”

“Bullshit at home,” Scott muttered. “Sorry.”

“Right. Been there. But need your head in the game, yeah, Scoot?”

“Yeah, Prez. I’m here.”

“Good. So Fork… floor’s again yours.”

Fork straightened and his eyes scanned the room. “So, I’m about to be playin’ a little game of remorse. Larsen has sent me a couple texts, feelin’ me out. Askin’ if I’m happy with the patch-over. Askin’ if Deke’s pissed that they’re still wearing their patches in public. Pokin’. You know. Long game or it’ll be too obvious, but I’m gonna act unhappy about the moves I’ve made. Make him think I might be open to doin’ somethin’ on the side with him to make some extra money before I leave town for good with that windfall.”

“They’d fall for that?” Spencer asked.

“Long game. Know how to play ‘em. Won’t trust ‘em for a second but I’ll let ‘em think they’ll get somethin’ outta me. Trust won’t be formed; I know how these guys operate. It’ll be a game of chess. They don’t know I know how to play chess. Know I’m here but have no idea the time and effort I took to plan their downfall. Played it off like Uncle Rob recruited me and Deke scooped me up knowin’ I was unhappy, but that I didn’t do much to help otherwise and that now that I’m here, the grass ain’t greener.”

“They’ll slit your throat as soon as look at you, Chris,” Rob warned. “It’s a bad idea.”

“I’ll be cautious. Not many left with any brains in their heads. They’re down to just a few. Far’s I know, it’s Kiddo. Unc. Larsen. Kylo. Then there’s Sarge. Alec’s pullin’ some strings from inside, but mostly Sarge is in charge. He’s not stupid but he’s also not real savvy either. Nobody beyond that until they recruit or team up and Larsen, Kiddo, and Unc maybe share a half a dozen braincells between the three of ‘em.”

“Long game. Baby steps. Eyes open. Ears open. Always,” Deke put in. “Love to have ‘em gone sooner than later but rather we took our time, did it right and minimized losses.”

“A hundred per cent,” Fork agreed.

“So, boys, next month we’ve got to return a favor that was owed for help during the patch-over and what they’re asking for is likely a job for Deacon and Ride or Deacon and Jesse. Some assistance may be required from you, too, Pudge. And maybe Nico or Brontosaurus. It’ll be a few days away in a couple weeks and some time’ll need to be spent on planning on how to free a hostage, steal back some property, and return both to them.”