Fork and Nico had come up together in the Jackals, did prospect duty at the same time where Justice had earned his patch the year before, after two and a half years of prospect duty. Justice had worked closely with Nico, so Nico knew he wanted out, knew he'd regretted joining the club and couldn’t otherwise find the way out. Justice was apparently also pissed when Bick joined. Bick regretted his decision almost immediately and was only too happy to find this escape hatch. These guys would bring additional assets to the club.

Justice had a near photographic memory. Bick supposedly had talent with hacking, forgery. Though we weren’t looking for opportunities for forgery on a regular basis, it was a talent that’d be good to have. Both would make good additions to the club if they truly were decent guys who joined the wrong MC.

I was thinking that if Scott had been a fully patched member before the Nico vote happened, it might not have been unanimous. Then again, looking at Scott right now, I was surprised he hadn’t spoken up before the vote. No, prospects weren’t allowed to speak unless spoken to during a church vote, but by Scott’s face I was surprised he didn’t break that rule.

While it was plain to see that Edge was chomping at the bit to go have fun with his gift, Scott was trying to burn holes into Nico with his glare.

Bront stepped forward, then seemed to realize Scott was hanging back so muttered something to Scott.

Scott’s eyes stayed pointed at Nico and he muttered something in reply, so Bront moved forward.

“Brontosaurus was just put on extended probation,” Deke said, “So it’s a-typical to bring him forward for a vote this soon.”

Spencer spoke up, “Everything he’s done for the club including takin’ a bullet last Fall, all he’s done to show how much gettin’ his patch means to him, including what he did today – my take is that he deserves it without waitin’.”

Deke turned his gaze to a stunned Bront. “Before we put it to a vote, I’m gonna say it Brontosaurus… you’ve shown what the club means to you time and again, but brother, goin’ rogue like you did coulda bought a lot of headaches for us. I want you to remember that and remember what your actions coulda cost you.”

Bront straightened up, looked Deke in the eye and responded, “I respect you more than I can say, Prez. I won’t apologize for what I did. That asshole deserved worse. But I do regret if it hurt your opinion of me. Though, all due respect Prez, just gonna say, if it was after I had my patch, nobody would’ve tried to stop me so it wouldn’t have been considered goin’ rogue. And if Spencer had gotten there first, that guy would’ve been laid out anyway.”

“Fair point,” Deke replied.

Bront continued. “This club is my life. This is the life I want. My club brothers mean everything to me. And I’ll keep busting my ass to show it every day. But if you don’t think I’ve proven that and want me on another six months’ prospect duty, it’s fine. All good. Six years even. I’ll do what it takes to prove it for as long as it takes and as long as I get to be part of this MC in whatever way everyone deems, be it prospect, member- ”

“You’re heard,” Prez cut him off.

“Or Prez,” Bront finished anyway, then shot him a grin.

Everyone laughed, including Deke.

“Watch it,” Prez then warned.

Bront laughed, then looked to Spence. “Appreciate the nomination, Spencer.”

“It’s deserved, brother,” Spence replied.

Prez put it up for a vote, telling the new members they’d have voting power next church. He had the yes votes of the absent members in advance and every single other member voted Bront in.

He got hugs and back slaps from most of us, handshakes from the new guys, except Justice who hugged him heartily like they’d been buds for years.

Bront shrugged off his prospect cut.

“We’ll hand out new leather at the end,” Deke advised, getting a nod from Bront.

“Scooter,” Deke spoke up and the room hushed as all eyes swung to Scott.

“Before you put me up for the vote, Prez, I got something to say,” Scott got out, his voice vibrating with anger.

“Go ahead, brother,” Deke invited.

“And it might change how some of you vote. I have a problem with one of our new members being part of the club and if I’d been able to vote ten minutes ago…” Scott paused and looked Nico’s way, then flexed his jaw muscles.

“Can I address this?” Nico requested, obviously knowing it was about him.

Deke jerked his chin up, folded his arms, and waited. And I read Deke as unsurprised. I’d lay money down he expected something to go down on account of this. And maybe this was why the vote for Scott and Bront was happening tonight, to get all the shit out of the way so we could move forward as a cohesive club.