He invited Edge to come closer as he popped the trunk, and we all watched the slow smile spread across Edge’s face. After moving in to see why, we saw a bound, gagged, awake Mantis.

“Merry early Christmas, he’s all yours,” Nico said, tossing Edge the keys. And then he grinned at Mantis while there was a cackle of laughter from a bunch of us before he slammed the trunk.

Edge grabbed Nico’s hand and held on, giving him a look that was heavy with gratitude. And after a beat of looking like the emotion might get the better of him, he transformed to looking like a beast. Nostrils flaring, eyes fiery, I was sure he was more than fired up for time with that piece of shit.

“Thank you, man,” Edge ground out through clenched teeth. He looked like he wanted to howl out a war cry.

“My fuckin’ pleasure, brother, believe me,” Nico replied.

Skip and Pudge took that as their cue to go, getting keys from Justice to help them accomplish their goal.

Pudge and Skip would deliver an oblivious Gordino to the airport. Gordino thought Justice and Nico arranged for him to be dropped at the landing strip nearby to be picked up and hauled into a cruise ship. He was thinking he’d be let out by a ship employee who’d check him into a room where he could chill and enjoy the cruise taking him through the Caribbean where he’d undoubtedly choose a port to fuck off to so he could get away.

But instead, it’d be Dominion Moving and Storage picking him up to be taken to where he’d be transferred to the cargo hold of a different cruise ship. Not one sailing through the Caribbean. The container he was in was going to Belize and would be attended to by people who wanted his blood.

Justice and Nico were voted in conditionally, told they were on unofficial probation despite that Fork put his ass on the line vouching for them.

Deke made it clear to them that though he didn’t want Fork on probation, that he trusted Fork’s recommendation otherwise they wouldn’t be here, that the entire club voted for it, needed a trial period to make sure of a good fit.

Nobody disagreed on the Fork matter. Chris Forker spent months helping us gear up for this. He’d saved lives and he was directly responsible for the fact today was a success.

The table for our chapel had been delivered yesterday, part of the gear we unloaded from Skip’s rig, though there weren’t chairs yet, so we stood around it, Deke at the head, a pile of leather cuts in the middle. More than just the four cuts for the new brothers, though, so that said there was more to come.

The table was beautiful. Wood, glossy, with the outline of our patch burnt into the wood.

“Know what’s comin’, but as a formality, opening the floor. Any new business?” Prez invited.


That was Spencer. All eyes swung his way.

“I call for our two prospects, Ted Bronson and Scott Harrison to be up for a vote to become fully patched members. Know that leaves us with only the one new prospect, Bick, but we’ve got Nolan comin’ tomorrow from the mother charter to resume his prospect tour, so between the two of ‘em, we’ll be covered. I got yes votes from Pudge and Skip for both brothers before they left to run their errand.”

“Step forward, Scooter and Brontosaurus. We’ll address the dino first,” Deke said.

Bront looked thrown. Not only did he think he’d bought extended prospect duty, but Spence had been treating him like he was the plankton on the food chain for the club, so that it was Spence that put Bront’s name forward was clearly a surprise to him.

My gaze moved to Scott. His eyes weren’t right. They were so not right it caught me off guard. This should’ve been a happy moment for him. I knew he was itching to lose the prospect cut. Though prospects got to live in the clubhouse rent-free and had meal allowances at Deke’s Roadhouse, they didn’t get profit-sharing and Deke paid them a living allowance. He wanted to get a regular job and earn more. Get a share of the MC’s profits. Scott wanted to hit that milestone. He wasn’t an asshole about me getting mine first even though he started prospecting for the club before I did. That said, I knew he wanted to move forward, beyond the grunt status. So, he should’ve been smiling right now.

His expression was hard. Harder than I’d ever seen it. His gaze was aimed in the direction of our new members. If I wasn’t mistaken, that glare was aimed at Nico, the big, mean-looking former Jackal who’d just made Edge’s year.

Nico was their sharpshooter, and he was tight with Fork. Got brought in through his father just like Fork, only Nico’s father had been killed three years earlier in a turf war with a different MC. Nico got Justice on side, knowing Justice was gonna be easy. Bick, the prospect, was Justice’s cousin, had been brought into the Wyld Jackals almost a year back.