Lifting his hand, he knocked on the door, feeling a stirring in his dick. He was so freaking aroused. He wanted her. Badly. This feeling wasn’t dissipating. It kept growing, and he didn’t like it. He hated the lack of control his wolf was having. There was no way he was going to tell Alpha. He couldn’t stand the thought of any other man being near her, sniffing her, seeing her. He wanted to force all men to leave her alone. Agatha belonged to him.
The door opened and there she was, looking stunning, magnificent, beautiful. There were not enough words to describe her.
“Boyan,” she said.
He couldn’t seem to form words.
What the fuck was happening to him?
This was strange. Agatha had been thinking about Boyan, then a single knock at the door, and there he was, waiting. He looked strange as he gripped either side of the door, like he was trying to hold onto something.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s nothing. Just a bit of a headache.”
“Oh, let me go and grab you a glass of water.” She’d been wondering what she said to him last night for him to suddenly seem to close up and disappear. She didn’t have a great record when it came to men, but this was a first for her, sending them off, running scared.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t need any water.”
She stopped. “Would you like to come in?”
“Actually, I’ve been asked to come and get you.”
“Come and get me? What for?” She folded her arms, not exactly liking his tone.
“The town’s … mayor, he’s kind of a big deal in these parts. He wants to extend an apology your way, or something. I’m not exactly sure why he wants you, but when he gives the orders, I have to follow them.”
She had a feeling that was a lie.
Agatha frowned. “If he wants to apologize to me, why is he not here?”
“He’s … you know, busy.”
Something was up. She had no idea what was going on but she did know that Boyan was lying.
“Do I need to make an appointment?”
“No, we need to leave now.”
She looked at him. “You don’t look in any state to travel.”
He smiled but even to her that looked forced. “I’m fine. Honestly.”
Agatha sighed and then glanced down at the time. “I don’t have long and then I’ve got to get to the bar. Val’s going to train me.”
“Ah, okay.”
“Yeah, it didn’t go too well last night. I lost a few glasses. I’ve offered to pay for replacements, but he doesn’t want me to. I don’t mind. I broke them, so I should be the one to replace them.”
She grabbed her jacket, keys, and bag. “Will we have time to come back here?”
“Will you be able to drop me off at the bar?” she asked.
“Yes, I will.”
“Awesome.” She pulled the door closed and flicked the lock into place.
Humming to herself, she followed Boyan, only to stop when they came to a motorcycle. She didn’t know a single thing about motorcycles, but she could tell this one was expensive. She had no idea if that made it a good one, or just a machine that got him from one destination to another.
“Er, no, I don’t, no, I’m sorry. I’m going to have to walk,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat.
Boyan chuckled. “It’s not as bad as you think.”
He no longer sounded so choked up. She looked at him and saw he did in fact look perfectly fine. There was color in his cheeks and he didn’t seem to be holding on for dear life.
“Has the headache eased?” she asked.
“Yes. What is the scent you wear?”
“You know, the perfume.”
“Oh, I don’t wear any scent,” she said. “I think I had an allergic reaction to some of the soaps and creams when I was growing up. Everything I wear is unscented.”
“That’s not possible.”
Agatha frowned. Boyan was growing on the “strange guy” radar, and it was starting to concern her.
“Ah, do you want me to make my way to wherever it is your mayor wants to meet?”
“No,” Boyan said, shaking his head. “It’s fine.” He climbed onto his bike. “Get on.”
“I prefer to walk.”
“And I’d prefer for you to get to work on time. Val won’t have a problem training you but you won’t have a job much longer if you’re late. He doesn’t like it when his staff is late.”
“Oh,” Agatha said.
Death machine, or on feet and no job at the end of it. She really didn’t want to get on that bike, but she also didn’t want to lose her job. She forced herself to climb onto the back of his bike. As she did so, she wrapped her arms around his waist instantly as the fear seemed to twist her stomach.
Was that a growl? Agatha frowned as Boyan’s chest seemed to rumble. She was pretty sure he’d growled. Was that even possible? Of course it was … but an actual growl? She must have been hearing things. This town was a little strange. No, not a little, a lot. She didn’t have a clue why she still found it charming.