“They’re also lifestylers,” he added. “Cole is the Dom and they are his submissives. In their sexual life. I’ve heard they were once twenty-four seven hard core, but not anymore.”

“They found a good balance. At least that’s what my brother says.” Van found the tablet that controlled the smart suite. “Mr. Roberts knows my brother from the BDSM scene in Dallas.”

“But you’re not into that,” she murmured.

Van shrugged. “I don’t need it the way Jake does, but I don’t mind playing a little if you want. I’ve been in clubs before.”

“You’ve been in one club.” Hale also didn’t want Elisa to think they were big into the D/s lifestyle. It was fine to play around, but he was never going to be some hard-core top. “His brother is a founding member of this club in Dallas. When we lived there for a couple of months, we went to have the experience, but that’s not anything you need to worry about.”

“I’m not worried.” She slipped out of her jacket. “Just curious. This place is pretty.”

Oh, but she hadn’t seen the half of it yet. “Van, could you do the honors?”

“Of course.” He touched the tablet, and the long curtains began to come apart, revealing the floor-to-ceiling windows that covered over half the room.

Elisa walked to the middle of the living room, looking out over Cole Roberts’s version of paradise. It was a winter wonderland, with tall aspens and cedar trees that seem to be trying to find the sky. Everywhere the world looked white and pristine.

“In the summer the fields are full of wildflowers.” He moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “And you can watch the deer grazing.”

“And Maurice trying to get it on with the local moosette,” Van added. He’d set his bag down and now sank onto the big leather couch.

He was pretty sure that wasn’t what a female moose was called. It was probably called a female moose, when he thought about it. He would have to look that up.

It hadn’t even been hard to convince him to skip the rest of work. He’d checked in, and Alexei had already come in to cover for him. No one had said a word when he’d explained Hale was all right and it had been Mel who wanted to bond over alien mating rituals. Zane had simply told him to come in tomorrow and watch out for secretions or something. That part had been a jumble, but the point was, Van was here and he wasn’t being an asshole.

“I think the proper term is cow,” Elisa said with a smile. She leaned back against Hale. “Maurice would be a bull. Not that I’ve seen him. I’ve been told you can’t be a proper Bliss resident until you’ve met Maurice.”

“He’ll come around,” Hale promised.

“He licked me.” Van shuddered. “It was horrible. Do you have any idea how huge that tongue is? It was pretty much my whole face.”

Hale wanted to lick her.

More than that, he wanted to be happy with them for a while. He wanted to make memories with them. It was precisely why when Lucy had offered him a check, he’d asked for this instead. He’d wanted to see Elisa standing here in the middle of this magnificent room, the winter wonderland forming the background of an afternoon they would never forget.

He kissed the shell of her ear, loving the way she shuddered.

Van lost his grin.

“We’ve put this off for a couple of days, but we should think about preparing you,” Hale whispered as he let his hands drift up, cupping her breasts through the khaki shirt she wore. He started to unbutton it, revealing her gorgeous skin to his partner.

Her head nestled against his, and she offered herself up to him in a way that made him feel invincible. She trusted him with her precious body. “Is this the plug thing? The one I have to wear for hours at a time?”

He was not about to send her out after potential criminals wearing a butt plug. He wanted her wholly focused on her job and not her anus. “For today we’ll play and get you used to it. When you’re not working you can wear it.”

“I think it would be kind of hot for her to take down the bad guys with a plug in her ass,” Van said.

“Not happening,” she replied, but she was rubbing against him. “But I agree to the other terms. I do want to do this right. I love what you do to me in bed. Both of you. But I want you at the same time. I want to feel you both inside me.”

He could hear what she wasn’t saying…even if it’s only for a little while.

He would take all the time he could get with both of them and then be happy to be with her. He would find a way to be enough. He would find a way to not always be waiting for Van to come home.