Cupping her breasts, he stroked them and weighed them appreciatively. He teased her nipples until she thought she’d go mad. Every part of her was responding eagerly to his touch, allowing her to sink into a rich velvet pool of sensation.

Frustratingly, Marco kept a space between them, although he did allow her to feel the brush of his erection. And then he touched her. But too lightly. And his hand never lingered long enough to satisfy her needs. And all this time he was smiling down at her, as if he knew exactly how frustrated he was making her.

She’d had enough and broke free.

Their tussle went up a notch. They were both determined to have the upper hand, and of course she couldn’t fight him, but wrestling Marco was so much fun, and only added to her arousal. She rubbed her body against his—she rubbed every part of her against him. He seemed amused by her strength but she’d been working outdoors for weeks and had never been a weakling, but she would never be strong enough to dominate Marco.

That made it more fun. One minute he would let her think she was strong enough, and the next he would master her. Right now he had her in a firm hold and was tormenting her at his leisure. She tried calling him names, but it only made him laugh.

‘You love it,’ he said.

She would never admit to that, but he was right. Marco’s expression, his wicked smile, and even the blinding flash of his strong white teeth—she loved everything about him.

‘Do you think you can fight me?’ he said.

‘I know I can,’ she hissed back.

She shivered, exultant when he slipped his hand beneath her flimsy bra. She thought for a moment that he was going to rip it off, but still he kept her waiting. The master of arousal had her in the firmest of grips, and he allowed her no choice other than to accept the pleasure he was dealing her. He stroked her breasts with the lightest of touches, and then had the nerve to smile when she whimpered with frustration. When she was least expecting it, he slipped his fingers beneath the delicate join holding the fragile cups of her bra together and ripped them apart. His eyes flashed with triumph when she cried out with surprise. Disposing of the ruined bra, he tossed the remnants aside, before turning his full attention to her breasts.

Now she could only breathe and exist as Marco touched her. He had robbed her of the power to do more. It wasn’t just that he was holding her so she couldn’t move while he pleasured her—it was more that she didn’t want to move. Why fight pleasure? Wasn’t it better to relax into sensation such as this, and enjoy?

She exclaimed with delighted shock when he pinched her nipples, and the sensation travelled rapidly around her body. She rested in Marco’s arms, a willing victim to his skill—so much so that when he finally took hold of the waistband of her thong, she exclaimed with relief. She should have known he was still teasing her. Tracing the tiny scrap of lace around her waist, he slipped his fingers down between her buttocks, before returning to trail them across the swollen mound that was aching for his attention.

‘More?’ he suggested, angling his chin to shoot her a look with those wicked eyes.

She garbled something, which was all she could do. In answer, Marco cupped her with his hand, though with a touch so light it was even more frustrating than not being touched at all. With a growl of frustration she arched her back and thrust herself firmly against his hand, and then she worked her body shamelessly against it in the hunt for more contact, more pleasure...

‘You have to tell me what you want, Cassandra.’

Marco’s tone was deliciously stern. ‘You.’ She blazed a frank and fiery stare into his eyes. ‘I want you.’

‘And where do you want me?’ he said calmly.

‘Deep inside me.’

Before the words were out of her mouth Marco had lifted her arms above her head. Ramming her back against the wall, he held her in place with the weight of his body. Catching hold of her buttocks, he encouraged her to lift her legs and wrap them around his body as tightly as she could. She was happy to do so. She was claiming him. He wasn’t going anywhere.

Lacing her fingers through his strong black hair, she kept him close with their mouths just a fraction apart. His fierce stare burned into hers, but he refused to kiss her.

She thought she knew why. Marco didn’t want her to close her eyes. He wanted to see everything she was feeling reflected in their depths. He wanted that degree of control over her, and that level of contact between them, when he took her for the first time. She wanted that too. She wanted to see Marco’s responses just as hungrily as he wanted to see hers.