Page 82 of Tempting the Player

“Tell me about it.”

“Wait!” Chess suddenly remembered. “Did you just say you talked to Frankie?”

Tazeem nodded. “Yeah, I did.”

“Did he say anything about his dad?”

“No.” Tazeem shook his head. “But I didn’t ask him.”

“Hmm.” Chess withdrew into thoughtful silence.

When Tazeem stopped at a red light, he turned to her and asked, “He still hasn’t shown up at home?”

“No.” She sighed. “He told Kendall that he was going for a business trip two days ago.”

“What business trip?” Tazeem frowned. “I thought he quit.”

“He did.” She winced. “But I was too scared to break it to Kendall. She called me yesterday asking if I was in contact with him and when he’d be coming back to town. Apparently, he hasn’t picked up his phone since the day before yesterday. And all I could say was ‘I’m sure he’ll call back’. I feel so guilty.”

“You have nothing to feel guilty about.” As the light turned green, Tazeem started moving again. “You tried to help him. Not everyone would be generous enough to try and help him keep his job even after the crap he pulled.”

If Derrick was a single man, Chess would’ve likely let the chips fall where they may. But because of Kendall and Frankie, she’d gone to see Richard the day after Derrick quit. Thankfully, Derrick hadn’t given a reason for quitting so it was easy to convince Richard that Derrick was just overwhelmed by work and needed a few mental health days.

“I only got him a week’s reprieve.” She exhaled tiredly. “If he doesn’t come back by then, HR will process his resignation.”

“A week’s reprieve is more than he deserves.” Tazeem asked, “Has he replied to your text messages?”

“No.” Chess shook her head. “And his phone just keeps taking me to voicemail when I call.” She frowned, “I wonder where he is. Do you think he’s okay?”

“He’s okay… probably somewhere out there drinking himself silly and cussing you out, while you’re running around worried and trying to help him.” Tazeem reached across their seats to squeeze her hand. “Stop worrying about him. He’s not worth it.”

“I wish it was that easy to stop.” Even though she was furious with Derrick, it was hard to stop caring about someone you’d been attached to for over half a decade.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Synovent.

“Meet you at home?” he asked as he watched her gather her purse and case from the backseat. His calling her house ‘home’ had become so natural that neither of them even noticed.

“Yeah.” She closed the door once she had her stuff. “Pass by the store and grab some mincemeat when you get off work. I think I’ll do meatballs for dinner.”

“Okay.” He smiled. When she turned to walk away, he leaned out his window and called out, “Hey, hey, hey.”

“Huh?” She turned back to face him with wide eyes.

“Not even a goodbye kiss for your man?” he asked.

The hopeful look in his eyes was enough to make her walk back to him. She bent to touch her lips to hers. But of course Tazeem couldn’t be happy with just a peck. He cupped her nape to hold her close before deepening the kiss.

When they finally separated, she was breathless and frazzled. “Tazeem, this is my workplace.”

“I know.” With a laugh, he started the car. “Have a good day, Baby.”

Her face hot with embarrassment, she watched as he drove away. Even though she was stunned by his audacity, she couldn’t hide the slight smile that lifted her lips as she got into the elevator. Several people got into the elevator with her, including Felicity.

“Good morning,” Chess greeted.

“Morning,” Felicity returned with a secretive smile.

Chess learned the reason behind that secretive smile when the elevator emptied on the second floor and only she and Felicity were left in there as they headed up to Synovent.