Page 25 of Tempting the Player

Chess opened her mouth to insist that he would, but before she could get a word out, Felicity turned around. Good thing Tazeem’s hand had already dropped because Chess wasn’t sure how she could explain a client touching her.

“What do you guys think?” Felicity asked.

Getting back into work mode, Chess spun around to take in the hotel’s ballroom. Casa De Flores was best known as a wedding venue but it would still work as a fashion show venue. It was certainly spacious enough to hold the large crowd they were expecting.

“It’s big enough,” Chess acknowledged, “and I can see where the walkway would be. But what about the dressing room?”

“We have a large room right through that door,” the venue manager stepped forward to explain. He was pointing to a door up ahead. “With some minor adjustments and paneling, it would work great as a green room.”

“Would that come at an extra charge?” Chess asked.

“Not at all,” the manager said.

“What do you think?” Chess turned her attention to Tazeem and Elliot. As they were the representatives of the companies whose clothes and shoes would be walking the runway, she needed to make sure that they liked the venue.

“I’m good with it if Elliot is,” Tazeem said.

“Hmm.” Elliot walked around the room, soaking it in, and asking Felicity and the venue manager questions to see how his company’s preferred décor would work in the room.

Chess’s phone rang while they were still talking. A glance at the screen revealed that Kendall, Derrick’s wife, was calling.

Chess excused herself from the group to go and take the call. She found herself in one of the smaller rooms adjacent to the ballroom.

Her back was to the open door as she swiped on her phone’s answer icon then pressed the phone to her ear. “Hi, Kendall.”

“Hi, Chelsea.” Kendall’s Southern Belle origins showed in her lyrical drawl. “I’m just wondering if you’re anywhere near Derrick. I can’t get him on the phone.”

“I thought he was with you.” Chess frowned. “Don’t you have chemo today?”

Derrick was supposed to tour the venue with the group, but when he’d reminded Chess that Kendall had an appointment, she’d let him off the hook without much of a fuss.

“I do.” Kendall pulled in a deep breath and when she spoke again, she sounded a little shaky. “I just got done with today’s rounds, and I’m a little too weak to drive myself home.”

“Umm.” Chess racked her mind for an explanation for Derrick’s disappearance. “Maybe he got delayed or something. Or maybe he’s still at the office. Why don’t you try the reception? Donna should be able to find him for you.”

“I already tried.” Kendall explained, “Donna says he’s not there and she doesn’t know where he went.”

“Um.” Chess thought for a second then offered, “Would you like me to come and get you from the hospital?”

“No, no, no. I’m fine taking an Uber.” Kendall paused for a beat then added, “I’m more worried about how Frankie will get home. I don’t think I have the energy to stop by the school.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Chess immediately reassured. “I’ll ask Senia to grab him while she’s picking up Jay.”

“Thank you.” Kendall sighed in relief. “You’re a lifesaver.”

“No worries,” Chess dismissed with a smile. “I’m sure Jay would love the company anyway.”

Still smiling, she ended the call. With her phone still in her hand, she turned around, only to find that she wasn’t the only one in the room. Tazeem was standing at the door. Judging by how he was casually leaning against the side jamb with his arms folded over his chest, it looked like he’d been there for a while.

Immediate annoyance swept through her. “Were you eavesdropping on my phone call?”

He didn’t answer the question. Instead, he asked, “Who’s Jay?”

And immediately, her heart began to beat faster.

TAZEEM SAW THE INSTANT NERVOUSNESS that jumped into Chess’s gaze at his mention of the name Jay, and a question that had only been asked out of casual curiosity took on a heavier weight. Now he really wanted to know who Jay was. No, heneededto know who Jay was.

“Who’s Jay?” he repeated while straightening to his full height.