Page 62 of Tempting the Player

“What are you talking about, old man?” Felicity scowled back at him so fiercely. “I didn’t do anything to our team.”

“You sneaky bitch-” Derrick lunged forward as if he wanted to punch Felicity.

“Okay, okay, okay.” Chess stepped between them before someone did something stupid. “Let’s all calm down. What’s going on Derrick?”

Just minutes earlier, Chess and Felicity had been holed up in Chess’s office, watching the revised ads, when Derrick had burst into the room, looking like he was about to spit fire.

“She- she-” While pointing at Felicity, Derrick spat out, “She’s a mole.”

“What?” Both Felicity and Chess exclaimed in unison.

“She’s the one who’s been feeding Mark information about our team.”

Felicity half-laughed half-sneered. “Uh- no, I haven’t.”

“I knew there was a reason why you came into our team when you don’t even like Chess,” Derrick accused. “You came to spy.”

“What are you talking about Derrick?” Chess still didn’t understand what was going on. “What do you mean she’s a spy?”

“Haven’t you wondered how Mark knew about our venue and canceled it? Haven’t you wondered how he even knew about Tazeem and Jay? Her.” Derrick jabbed a finger in Felicity’s direction. “It’s her. She’s been feeding him information.”

“That’s a load of bullshit.” Felicity was outraged. “I haven’t fed Mark anything.”

Even though Chess trusted Derrick more than anyone else, this accusation was too absurd. Felicity? A spy? The woman was no saint and sabotage was definitely in her wheelhouse, but she wasn’t the type to stab someone in the back. If she wanted to hurt someone, she’d do it while staring you right in the eye and laughing maniacally.

Incredulously, Chess stared at Felicity and then at Derrick. “Derrick, are you sure about this?”

“On my mother’s grave,” Derrick swore.

Still, Chess had to ask, “Do you have any proof?”

“Proof? Proof?” Derrick laughed caustically before explaining, “You know that I’ve been trying to recruit as many influencers as I can to promote our show, right?”

Chess nodded. “I know.”

“Well, I made a whole list of potential influencers and emailed it to Felicity for her opinion.”

“And I told you it was a bullshit list,” Felicity snapped back. “Everyone on your list has atrocious fashion sense. No one with common sense will attend any fashion show they promote.”

“THAT’S YOUR OPINION!!” Derrick barked while raising his fist like he wanted to punch Felicity.

“Okay. Let’s back up and calm down.” Chess ordered. “Take a breath, Derrick.”

“Sorry.” He took several breaths. “I’m calm. I’m calm.”

“Why don’t we sit down and discuss this like calm adults?” Chess worded it like a suggestion but her firm tone made it clear that it was a command. Felicity and Derrick settled in armchairs that faced each other across the coffee-table, while Chess pulled one of the seats that were by her desk and placed it smack in the middle of the two adversaries.

“Okay.” Chess turned to Derrick. “You were saying you had proof?”

“What proof?” Felicity, who wasn’t in the least bit intimidated by Derrick’s threat of violence, chuckled mockingly, “He’s just making shit up.”

“You’re not making the situation better,” Chess scolded her. “Let’s listen to him.”

Derrick shot Felicity another scowl before continuing, “Well, every time I talked to the influencers, I found out that Mark had approached and snagged them first. Every single one of them! So I’m like, this is hella suspicious. He approached everyone on my list? It can’t be a coincidence. He must have seen my list. But how could he when I’d only shown it to Felicity.”

“You must’ve shown it to him,” Felicity accused.

“I didn’t,” Derrick denied.