Page 103 of Tempting the Player

“Oh, God!” The cry that fell from her lips was as involuntary as the tightening of walls around his length when he sunk in.

“Jeez… ah… oh…” Tazeem’s face was a mask of desperate need and his eyes were shadowed with wild fire as he plunged deeper into her.

Her inner muscles pulled at him, as if pleading for him to let her have him all. So that’s what he did. He pushed, and pushed, and pushed… until he – all of him – was deep, deep, inside her.

The next moments were filled with their gasps, moans, and cries as he rode her. Hard and fast he thrust into her, the slide of his cock tormenting and wonderful. She angled her hips to more fully receive him.

“Jesus!” he growled as he hiked her leg up to his shoulder so he could fuck her harder.

Chess felt a scream build in her throat. It was too much; the pressure, the pummeling, the ache. Over and over and over again, he shoved himself into her then retreated. Closer and closer to the cliff he pushed her until she fell.

Waves and waves of almost painful pleasure coursed through her as she convulsed. A scream pushed its way past her lips, and to keep it from bringing down the whole house, Tazeem placed his hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.

Somehow that made the moment even more erotic, and before she knew it her body was trembling in release even as her inner walls squeezed and milked him.

Her release was like a dog whistle for his. He swore as his strokes sped up. He angled his body and buried his rod so deep into her that she let out another scream. Seconds later, she felt his cock spurt inside her as he held himself still deep within her.

“Damn!” He removed his hand from her lips and replaced it with his mouth. “Damn.”

Slowly and gently, he kissed her as they both drifted back to earth. Even though he was lying over her, he made sure that his body didn’t touch her hurt leg. And when he could move, he changed their position so she was on top of him.

“That was amazing.” She smiled as she stretched languorously atop him like a satisfied cat.

“It was,” he agreed. He kissed her forehead. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“You could never hurt me.” She kissed his naked chest, tasting a little salt from all the night’s sweat activities. “I’m glad you stayed over tonight.”

“Me too. I love the nights we spend together.” He paused for a beat before adding, “And I’d love to make it a permanent thing.”

It took a few seconds for her to get what he was saying, but when she did, she looked up in wide-eyed surprise. “Are you talking about moving in together?”

“Not just moving in together.” His gaze locked on hers. “I’m talking marriage.”

Her breath caught in her throat, and she had to swallow before she replied huskily, “Are you serious or are you joking?”

“I’m serious. More serious than I’ve ever been.” His expression was grave as he proposed, “I want us to get married, Chess.”

She still couldn’t believe it. “For real?”

“For real.” He nodded. “And before you ask, this isn’t an impulsive thing. I’ve been thinking about us getting married for some time now.”

“Since when?” she asked.

Though he’d thrown the ‘getting married’ card around a couple of times, it had always been in a teasing manner. She’d thought he was just making small talk.

“Since we got back together.” He confessed, “Every second you and I spend together just makes it clearer for me that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You’re the one I want to build my future with.”

“Oh, Tazeem. I want to build my future with you too.” Chess felt like her heart would burst right out of her chest and fly into his arms. “But don’t you think this is too fast? We’ve only been dating for a few weeks.”

“Yeah, and that’s why I was holding back. I didn’t want to rush you. But then today happened and-” His voice caught in his throat.

She cupped his face and kissed his lips to soothe him.

When he found his voice, he continued, “The fact of the matter is that I love you and want you as my wife. That won’t change no matter how long we date. I’ll still want you after one year, five years, ten years or fifty years. You’re all I want. Today I realized that I shouldn’t hold back anymore. If I wait any longer to grab you, the universe might find a way to snatch you. So please, Chess. Please marry me.”

She should’ve said no. She should’ve reiterated that they were probably moving too fast. But all her heart, mind, and soul wanted to do was to accept him. So, even without hesitation, she nodded. “Okay.”

“Okay?” His eyes widened almost as if he couldn’t quite believe that his passionate speech had worked on her.