Page 46 of Healing Kiss

Lillian didn’t want to listen to the warning in her head—not with the delicious heat of Tristan’s hard body surrounding her and the power in his kiss, which stripped her of every defense. Her body opened to him, unfolding like a hot-house flower sensing the right combination of temperature and sunlight. Her legs buckled, but it didn’t matter because he held her so close, he’d never let her fall. She snaked her arms around him, and God help her, she didn’t want the moment to end.

But even as she had the thought, he was stopping, pulling away from her and setting her aside while they both breathed hard.

“What was that for?” she gasped.

“Proving a point. I can’t ignore what is happening between us any more than you can. We need to sort this out, but we’re short on time. We have a party to get to, remember? If we leave now, we’ll be fashionably late.”

The party! How could she have let him distract her to the point she’d completely wiped it from her mind. Warmth flooded her face, setting her cheeks on fire.

“C’mon.” He snagged her hand and pulled her along until they reached the door, where he paused to look down, his blue eyes locking with hers. “Promise me you won’t leave until we’ve had a chance to talk after the party.”

His eyes flashed a challenge in their depths, and another long shiver chased down her spine.

Lillian crossed her fingers behind her back because this was a promise she might not be able to keep. “I promise.”

She managed to hold herself together during the short car ride to the fundraiser, which was held at a fancy party center not far from the hospital. As Tristan predicted, they arrived a little late and were the only guests entering the building.

He tucked her hand in his and pulled her close as they walked into the large banquet room. She imagined all eyes turned to stare at them. Well-dressed couples stood at tables scattered around the room, each covered with black tablecloths and glowing crystal centerpieces. They ate petite appetizers from gold trays carried by wait staff in black and white uniforms. Others moved together on the dance floor. She dropped her gaze to the polished wood floor, praying no one recognized her.

Tristan lowered his head to her ear and grunted. “Smile and try to at least look as if you’re happy to be with me.”

She raised her gaze to meet his, then cast another quick glance around the room. No one looked suspicious, but if Kinetica had men here, they wouldn’t make their presence known.

Her gaze moved to the far corners, where she spotted little window alcoves partly shielded by gold damask curtains, then settled on the band, who was cranking out tunes from the 1940s. She flicked a glance back at Tristan, who still watched her, and forced her lips into a semblance of a smile.

“How’s this?”

Instead of answering, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, leaned in, and kissed her neck. The move was so unexpected she nearly screamed.

“Act natural,” he muttered.

There was nothing natural about what he had just done, so why he’d expect her not to react was beyond Lillian.

A familiar, silky voice greeted them from behind. “Tristan, I’ve been looking for you. You’re the guest of honor tonight. How are you enjoying the party? It’s fantastic, isn’t it?

“Oh, hello, Angelina.” Tristan sounded too polite. “The party’s great. You remember Zoey, don’t you?”

Angelina passed a brittle smile over Lillian. “Of course.” She sized Lillian up and down, taking in her outfit and costume jewelry, no doubt. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

Lillian nodded and cemented her smile in place. “Yes, although we only arrived a few minutes ago. I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up on. Why don’t I leave you to it?”She tried to escape, but Tristan pulled her backward, gripping her hand in his, with a look that said he was not happy she was trying to get away. “Zoey is here as my special guest tonight.”

Power overwhelmed Lillian’s senses, her heart pounding. She could read Tristan’s emotions better now. He was bothered by Angelina—not annoyed bothered, but frustrated bothered—like he wasn’t sure how to handle her attention. It was like Angelina repelled and attracted him at the same time…like…if her hand had been free, Lillian would have slapped it against her forehead. Could she be any more dense? Angelina had him so on edge because she was the woman who had hurt him in the past, the one who had left him because she’d wanted children.

Angelina shot a thin, cool smile Lillian’s way. “Ah, that’s right. So, kind of you to bring her along. You were always so thoughtful in this way. I’m happy to see that hasn’t changed. Speaking of which, would you be a sweetheart and get me a drink from the bar—you remember what I like, don’t you? I’ll keep Zoey company until you get back.”

Tristan hesitated but nodded and released his grip on Lillian to go after the drink. No sooner was he out of sight than Angelina protracted her claws.

“Tristan and I were engaged once upon a time. Did he tell you?”

Lillian shook her head, her stomach sinking with the knowledge that her instincts had been right. Tristan had feelings for Angelina, which explained why he’d wanted Lillian to come to this event as his date so bad. Someone who wouldn’t get attached. He obviously viewed her as a potential bed partner. Well, that was Lillian in a nutshell, wasn’t it? Available for a one-night stand and nothing more. She didn’t blame Tristan for seeing her that way, since she’d been blowing hot and cold since they’d met.

So why did it feel like Angelina had poked a hole into Lillian’s heart and blood was slowly spilling into her chest cavity?

Lillian swallowed. “I haven’t known Tristan long.”

“Well, so you know, I broke things off with him over a year ago, but it was a mistake. He knows it was a mistake, but he’s a proud man, so it will take a little time for him to come around. I’m determined to win him back. I’m not above eating humble pie, either, if that’s what it takes.”

“Why are you telling me all this?”