Page 11 of Healing Kiss

He gestured to the couch, for her to sit no doubt. She complied—what other choice did she have? The hair on her arms stiffened like a small army ready for battle.

He obviously had no idea of her thoughts because he sat next to her, flooding her nostrils with his clean, masculine scent. Only thirty minutes in his company, and Lillian’s body quivered, stimulated by his unusual energy level, no doubt. She adjusted her rear end on the couch cushion and avoided looking at his grim profile.

“I have another fundraiser tomorrow night, and…I could use a date.”

“A date?” Alarm sharpened her voice more than she intended. Now she did look up to see his razor-sharp eyes locked on hers. “Are you joking?”

He smiled, and she supposed he meant it to be reassuring, but it came off looking like the Grim Reaper and did nothing to settle her nerves. “I’m quite serious. I need a date for Saturday evening—a large charity event the hospital is hosting, and I’m obligated to attend. You need me to visit your friend tonight. Seems like an even trade.”

“I’m sure you know dozens of women who would enjoy being your date. Why do you need me?”

“The women I know would all expect a second date. And a third. I have no interest in romantic entanglements. I need someone who has no expectations of anything further. Someone who can dress the part and look convincing by my side. Someone I won’t have to run into and make awkward conversation with at similar parties a month or a year from now. Someone who lives out of state, so I’m unlikely to see them again.”

She sniffed, trying not to take offense at his description, which made her sound like…what exactly? An actress, a nobody, an unimportant speck of dust who didn’t matter? “What exactly would I have to do?”

Something flashed in his eyes…triumph, regret, boredom? He shrugged as if he hadn’t thought through the details fully. “Dress in your finest, hang on my arm, pretend like you admire me—whatever you might normally do on a similar date.”

She adjusted the grip on her purse. What did a girl normally do on a date? She couldn’t remember it had been so long. What harm would it do to attend a single party with him? Even if she managed to cure Hannah tonight, she couldn’t leave until she was certain her sister had recovered. “If I do this, be your date tomorrow, you’ll come with me, tonight, to visit my friend?”


“I’ll do it, then.”

“Great.” A ghost of a smile formed on his hard features, and now she recognized the gleam for what it was—satisfaction. This was a man used to getting his way.

“I do have a few other requirements, though.”

Ah, now the pouncing would commence. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, and it took her several seconds to make her lips form intelligible words. “What…what requirements?”

“I want more information. What’s your friend’s name, for starters?

“Hannah. Hannah Milano.”

“I’ll need access to Hannah’s medical records and will want to talk to her doctor. You’ll need to have her family sign the necessary paperwork to make it possible.”

Lillian would never let Tristan know it, but he intimidated her. The power he generated pierced her mind, bending her to his will like a tree branch blown about in a strong wind. He oozed confidence, wealth, command. She would have to watch, or he’d run roughshod over her.

She lifted her chin, keeping her gaze on his. “Why do you need all of that? What do you hope to do?”

He gave her a cool look. “I think I can offer more than just a Make-A-Wish style meet and greet. You seem to forget I have a great deal of resources. I want to understand what her condition is and to see what, if anything, I can do to help.”

She raised her chin a notch. “All right. But I want you to consult with me before you do anything.”

“Fair enough.” He nodded easily. Too easily. She got the feeling he was testing her.

He stood and faced her, hands on lean hips, dark hair tousled, every inch a billionaire tycoon. “Where are you staying while you’re in town?”

“At the hospital. There hasn’t been time to get a hotel room. I’ll worry about that when Hannah’s well.”

“You’ll need to shower and sleep. No sense booking a hotel room. You can stay here. I’ve plenty of space, and it’s not far from the hospital. I’ll see that you get back and forth safely.”

A shiver started at the nape of her neck and tingled down her spine. Was this a trap? An elaborate plan to hand her over to Kinetica? “That won’t be necessary. I’m sure I can find a hotel.”

“Nonsense. This place is big enough to accommodate a large crowd. If the situation is as desperate as you say, then you don’t have time to waste searching for a hotel.”

He was right. Besides, if Kinetica were watching Hannah, they’d most likely look for Lillian at the hospital or her dad’s house. They’d never expect her to be at Tristan’s. She’d be safer from discovery there.

She stood and moved toward the door. “You win. I’ll stay at your place. Can we go now?” Hannah would be dead by morning if they didn’t hurry.