Page 72 of Healing Kiss

“Yes, it’s…Zoey.”

The nurse wrinkled her brow and held up her hands. “How many fingers do you see?”

“Ten,” Lillian said.

“Good. Do you know who this is?” She pointed at Hannah.

Lillian smiled. “That’s my…that’s Hannah.”

“Good,” the nurse said, a smile on her face. “I’ll be back. We’re paging your doctor.”

As soon as she left, Lillian turned to Hannah. “Tell me you’re not still working on that same pair of socks?”

Hannah stilled, the smile dying on her face.

“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, it’s…I finished those socks weeks ago.”

“Weeks ago? But you were just working on them earlier today…weren’t you?”

Hannah shook her head, her forehead creasing. Now that Lillian took a closer look, her sister’s eyes looked glassy, a deep weariness in their amber depths.

“What’s wrong?”

“Lil, you’ve been in a coma for more than a month. Dad and I have been taking turns by your bedside night and day, praying you’d make it. For a while there, I wasn’t sure you would. But then a few days ago, your hands and feet started twitching, and you opened your eyes a couple of times. The doctors said these were all good signs your brain was healing, and you’d be waking up soon.”

A flashback of the doctor leaning over her chest with a pair of paddles came to Lillian’s mind. “That’s right, I saw them shock my heart.”

“You saw that?”


“That’s wild…then you know you nearly died. Tristan saved you.”

“Tristan? What did he have to do with it?”

“I remembered what you told me about him being a burner.” Hannah bit her lip. “I reminded him if we could find someone else with your ability, they might be able to use his energy to save your life.”

“You found another healer?”

“Not me. Tristan tracked her down. Her name’s Tanya Kovalenko. She’s from Russia. Kinetica kidnapped her and was using her to heal women they infected with deadly viruses at Oak Haven—you remember, where Mom was working before she was killed?”

Lillian could only nod.

“Tristan discovered where their operations were based and paid a lot of money to the right people to have Tanya released. Since I had fully recovered after you healed me, I traveled with Tristan. I used my talent to open Tanya’s heart and convince her to use her energy to cure you. It worked.”

“What about Kinetica? They snuck up on me in your room. I was so weak, I couldn’t scream. How did you find me and stop them?”

“I didn’t. By the time I was aware of what was going on, they had already left with you. But Tristan hired a security team to protect us. The team had been watching the hospital, and they chased the kidnappers to the parking garage and were able to stop them until the police arrived. By then, though, you were too far gone. You’d expended too much energy curing me, and the additional trauma of being kidnapped put a strain on your heart. You were in a coma.”

Lillian tried to sit up, adrenaline causing her heart to pound. “The kidnappers were arrested, but that doesn’t mean Kinetica is no longer a threat.”

“Take it easy, Lil. Kinetica is out of business. Tristan’s security firm gathered strong evidence and then turned it over to a major TV network, who ran an exclusive story. It was all on national television and the government’s involvement was exposed. There was nowhere for them to hide. The CEO was arrested and their operations in West Virginia shut down. Tanya and many others were freed. Somehow Tristan kept your name out of the press.”

The pressure in Lillian’s chest eased a little, but now another thought had her pulse racing. “Tristan, he’s…”

“Not here.”