Page 44 of That One Night

“I’m okay, sweetheart,” I reassured him, meeting his eye and feeling him relax under my touch.

“It’s not wedding nerves is it?” he asked again. “Because if this is too much for you, I’ll book us a flight to Vegas right now. Or we can wherever you want to go. We can get married anywhere, my angel. And if it’s the reception, to hell with it. Let it go on. Let everyone let loose, dance, and get drunk. Neither of us has to be there. In fact, I’d rather be alone with you.” His grip on me tightened and I had to force myself not to attack him right then and there. Even though we were nearly twenty floors up, the last thing that I wanted was the entirety of New York City watching us make out on this balcony like two horny teenagers.

“It’s not the wedding, and it’s not the reception. I’m not nervous about any of those things.”

“Then what is it? You’re starting to look a little green. Do you need to go see the doctor? I can make you an appointment—”

“Lucas,” I said, silencing him. “I’ve been to the doctor already. I saw him earlier today while you were running in the park. He assured me that I’m perfectly fine and that what I’ve been experiencing should only last for about another seven months or so.”

Lucas’s eyebrows dipped in confusion. His eyes searched mine as he pieced what I’d told him together. For an annoyingly long beat, he eyed me quizzically until everything snapped together like the last piece fitting into a puzzle.

“You’re…” his words trailed off.

“I am.” I took hold of his hand and placed it over my stomach. Right over where the little life that we’d created was tucked in, safe and warm, until the time came for us all to meet face-to-face. “I’m due near the end of June, beginning of July.”

Lucas jumped up and pulled me into his arms.

“I’m going to be a daddy!” he shouted proudly to the world. “I’m going to be a daddy!” he crowed again before facing me.









“Do you know how happy I am right now?” He planted another scorcher on me. The kind that led to my unexpected pregnancy. One that left me with no doubt as to how happy and how proud he was. “You are the most amazing woman, Ariel. I’m the luckiest man on the planet!”

“Yes, you are, my darling,” I laughed as I buried myself in his arms, my cheek resting against his chest. “And I’m lucky too. We’re both lucky, just like this little one in here.” I placed his hand back over my womb where our child grew with each passing minute.

“And we have that one night to thank for all of it.” He referred to when we met. The night that followed had changed our lives forever. It taught a man who’d only believed in casual sex that love at first sight was not only real, but possible. And it taught me the true meaning of love. It had made me see that what I’d had with Phil was a poor imitation of the real thing. Instead, it brought me Lucas and how when someone loves you, they love all of you. The good and the bad. Every piece of the person you are. I’d be eternally grateful for that hot Roman day and the sexy, passion-filled night that followed. I didn’t know then that it was the beginning of a rough journey. What I knew now was that every bump and struggle along the way had seen my dreams realized and now, I stood at the top of the world, grateful for everything, wanting nothing, and happier than one can ask to be.

To put it simply, life was good and would only get better.

***The End***

Lou and Ryan's story continues inHating You, Loving YouKeep turning the page to read the first chapter!

Have you heard about my series,A Girl Gone Crazy? There's also a sneak peek of the first book just waiting up ahead!


Thank you for readingThat One Night, my first standalone novel. Could I ask you a BIG favor? Would you please consider leaving an honest review at the platform of your choice? If you would, I would be so very grateful!


