Page 32 of That One Night

“I told you, I had work that weekend.”

“No, I’m thinking that you were with your side chick that weekend and were too busy screwing her brains out to remember your plans with me.”

“I might have seen her that weekend, but I did have work. Besides, it gave you some time to yourself—” Phil stopped mid-speech, instantly realizing that he was on the cusp of saying something that he would regret.

“You are full of shit! Do you hear yourself?” I shrieked, no longer giving any fucks who heard me or what they thought. “You have the nerve to blame your inability to keep your dick in your pants on me? Like you cheating on me was my fault? Cheating is rarely the fault of one being cheated on, Phil. And in this case, the fault solely lies with the cheater! You have some fucking nerve to say that to me!”

“Don’t tell me that screwing other guys didn’t ever cross your mind?” His hands went to his hips. His defense mechanism for whenever he felt guilty.

“It didn’t. I would have died before I did that to you, Phil. You were my first love, my first kiss, my first everything. You were my world and you threw all of that into the trash the second you decided that I wasn’t the girl you wanted me to be!”

“Why can’t you just let that go?” Phil barked. “Yes! I made a mistake. I thought I was in love with someone else, but it turns out I wasn’t. I still love you, Ari! I want you back and I think secretly, you’re doing this because that’s what you want too.”

I slapped Phil.


Furious, I slapped him again.

“Don’t you ever presume to know anything about me, Phil.” I glared at him while the red outline of my handprint marred his cheek.

“Ariel?” The sudden sound of Lucas behind me caught me by surprise. Turning around, I watched as he bolted from the elevator and quickly made his way to me. “Ariel, what’s going on? Baby, are you okay? Is this man accosting you?” Without looking at him, I sensed his worry as he took me in his arms and brushed back the lock of hair that had fallen across my face.

“Who the fuck are you?” Phil demanded angrily as Lucas pulled me tighter to him.

“I can ask you the same question. Who are you and why are you upsetting my fiancée?” My eyes went wide hearing Lucas call me his fiancée. Despite the fury that coursed through my veins, I melted into a large, love-soaked puddle. He loved me and we were going to get married. With a grateful glance at him, I sighed contentedly.

“Are you sure that you’re okay, baby?” My love’s magical fingers stroked my cheek just before his lips brushed over mine.

″Fiancée?” Phil’s eyes bulged and a rush of crimson flared just above his collar. “I don’t fucking think so! Let’s get something straight, pal. Ariel ismyfiancée!”

“No, I’m not! I am nothing to you!” I shot back before meeting Lucas’s confused expression. “That’s Phil,” I explained, knowing that I didn’t need to give him any other information than my ex’s name.

“The Phil that cheated on you with the mystery girl? The asswipe that didn’t have the decency to break up with you in person?” Lucas’s grip on me tightened as he shot a healthy dose of venom Phil’s way.

“The one and the same.”

“You’re an asshole,” Lucas shot back, eyes narrowing like an apex predator ready to take down its prey.

“I could say the same to you, buddy! Claiming a fiancée that isn’t yours to claim!”

“That’s rich, especially coming from the likes of you. But I think you’re forgetting something.” Lucas pressed, threatening Phil in a calm, quiet manner that did nothing to hide the shitstorm he was prepared to unleash. “This wonderful woman isn’t yours. She’s mine. Ariel is mine, and I’m hers. I’ve loved her from the moment that I saw her. Unlike you, I’d die before I cheated on such a remarkable woman. Not even if my life were on the line.”

I couldn’t help but melt again. Lucas’s words possessed a direct line to my libido and suddenly, I wanted to drag him back upstairs, lock the door, and spend the next several days breathless, straddling him with him buried deep inside me.

“Oh yeah, well I happen to know that you’re engaged!” Phil crowed triumphantly. “I have it on good authority that yesterday was your wedding day, but there was a little hiccup.” Phil shot a glance at me, thinking me ignorant of everything.

“That’s right. I was engaged, but I called the whole thing off. And not just because I found my Ariel again.” He added the last part as if it were an afterthought before he raised my palm to his mouth and kissed it. “And I’m glad that I did. Not only did the love of my life come back to me, but I just learned that my former fiancée is a gold-digging backstabber that falsely signed my name on a land deal, hoping to capitalize on the millions it would generate. A deal that I have since rectified.”

“What?” My eyes nearly bugged out of my head, recalling the conversation that we’d had earlier in between rounds of enthusiastic, mind-erasing sex. “You said that you suspected she was behind it and that you weren’t sure if you could reverse the sale.”

“My attorney contacted the other company’s legal team, stating that my signature had been falsified, and notified them that we have CCTV footage of Vanessa signing my name to the documents.”

“Vanessa?” It was Phil’s turn to look shocked. “What does Vanessa have to do with all of this?”

“She’s his former fiancée,” I bit, finding Phil’s sudden behavior change odd. Why was he acting so strange? He’d only met her a handful of times and thought her to be an absolute bitch. As I watched him, my gut screamed that Phil was hiding something. That he knew more than he was letting on.

I’d soon learn that I was one-hundred percent right.