Page 31 of That One Night

“That I did, but if I’m honest, I don’t stand a chance against those big guys. I think I’d be better off just finding a job down at the flower market or with one of my competitors.”

“Don’t let this thing with Phil make things worse. And don’t try to deny it, either. I can see that he’s put you off and that you’re worried about what’s going to happen. It’s going to be alright, Ariel. I promise you that everything’s going to be alright. Somehow, someway, you’re going to land on your feet and you’re going to be happy again.”

“I know, but I’m going to have to wade through a lot of shit before I get there.”

“No one ever said that the best things in life are easy,” she reminded me and offered me the last vegetable momo. I accepted the delicious steamed dumpling happily and made it a point to enjoy the rest of lunch with my best friend. Once we were finished, Lou and I argued over the bill. After a lot of back and forth, she flagged the server down and ordered the woman to put the entire bill on her card. Seeing that there was no point in arguing anymore, I relented but made a point that the next time that we came here, I was paying. Lou shot back a ‘we’ll see’ as she took her card back from the server and we prepared to leave. As I said goodbye to Lou, I tried not to think of Phil or the feeling of dread that had slowly been infecting me since we sat down. Little did I know that that feeling of dread would turn into a living nightmare just when I least expected it.



Present Day

“Whatthefuck?”Istopped short just as the elevator doors opened. Within the blink of an eye, every drop of joy that I’d just had vanished. Mouth gaping open, I blinked several times to make sure that I hadn’t just stepped into nightmarish alternative universe. To my horror, Phil—Yes, THAT Phil—stood just a few feet away and anxiously staring down at his phone. The elevator next to me dinged as it arrived and opened to let out a flood of hotel guests. Phil’s head popped up at the sound and immediately, his eyes locked on mine. Much to my dismay, he smiled and immediately headed towards me.

“Ari! Ari, baby!” he shouted, his smile widening while my own mouth morphed into a scowl.

What the fuck was he doing here? I thought as I quickly took him in. Shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. His warm weather attire. Perfect for Fort Lauderdale in the summertime. Judging by his getup, I knew that he’d followed me here.

“Ari! I’m so glad that I found you. None of my calls or texts are going through. Did you change your number?” He stopped mere inches away and attempted to draw me to him. Avoiding his grasp, I exited the elevator and moved just beyond his reach. I stood with my hands on my hips, furious, and ready to rip his head off his shoulders. I scoffed with disgust as I gave him an incredulous shake of my head. Phil huffed out a nervous laugh and ran a quick hand through his thick, walnut-colored hair. “It’s like no one wants me to talk to you.” Phil shot a breath through his nose. “And all these Floridiots are soooo unfriendly, especially that guy at the front desk. What a dick! He wouldn’t give me your room number, even though I told him that you’re my fiancée.”

″Floridiansare wonderful people, Phil. You’re forgetting that Aunt Tuney and Rebecca call this state home.” I reminded him, knowing full well how he despised my aunt and cousin and how the feeling was mutual. “And the last time I checked, I’m not your fiancée anymore. I haven’t been your fiancée for over two years. I stopped being your fiancée because you weren’t willing to give your side piece up. You of all people should remember since it was you that sent me that shit text message instead of breaking up with me to my face.”

“Come on, Ari.” He flashed me the smile that once weakened my knees. I was elated that it had lost all of its power. “You can’t still be mad about that? That’s ancient history.”

“It’s not ancient history. You fucking cheated on me, you asshole. You. Cheated. On. Me.” I pointed at my chest for emphasis.

“But I’ve never stopped loving you, babe. Surely, you can understand that. Love doesn’t die. It just takes a break once in a while. Besides, you know that you and I are meant to be together. We’ve been together since we were fourteen years old.”

“Yes, we were, but that all ended when you wet your dick with someone else’s pussy!” I shouted, my voice carrying so that every head in the crowded lobby turned our way. Phil giggled nervously again from the unwanted attention. Sweat beaded his brow. He was nervous. For one who was always so drunk on bravado, he always hated unwanted attention.

I couldn’t have cared less.

“I’m not going to ask again. What the fuck are you doing here, Phil?” I demanded irritably. I didn’t have time for this. I didn’t have time or the patience for Phil to ruin this wonderful day or the start of my new life. Phil knew better than to come here. He knew that I wouldn’t just take him back, but foolishly, he’d come here wanting to be part of my world again. He wouldn’t be though. Lucas was my world. He’d been my world even when we were apart. There was no space left for Phil. Every square inch now belonged to the man I’d left upstairs.

Phil cleared his throat and shifted from foot to foot. Something was bothering him, and I highly doubted that it was me. Or was it? He must have known that he was the last person I expected to see. And now that he was here, I’d have to deal with him and send him on his way.

“Why are you showing up now? Years later, I might add, with this bullshit? Did you think that I was just going to wait around while you sowed your oats?” Judging by his shocked expression, the answer was yes.

“I knew you were mad, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I thought I was in love with someone else. I know now that I was wrong. What else can I say except that I think I got cold feet. That kind of commitment is scary, especially for a guy like me. I mean, how could it not? I’d never experienced another woman but you. And then I met her and my head got turned. I know it was a dick move, but I’m a man. Any man in my shoes would have done the same thing.”

No, not every man. The thought whispered with certainty. Lucas would never do that to me. Yes, he was with a lot of women before we met, but the one thing he wasn’t was a cheater. The fact that he was still on friendly terms with most of them was proof enough of that.

“I can’t say I’m sorry, though, Ari. Going through that, meeting her, it all showed me what it was that I wanted. That I really loved you this whole time. That you’re the only one that I want to be with. And we both know that I would have never strayed if you’d just made an effort.”





“Me? Are you seriously saying that this is my fault?” I was seconds away from exploding like dynamite and clawing his eyes out. “How dare you say that I didn’t make an effort?! I was the only one that actually tried to make it work!”

“And you were always busy! Your nose was either buried in a book or in a bunch of those stupid flowers!”

“I was in the last semester of a double major, you jackass! Plus, I was working full time! And even though I literally had no time to spare, I still made the effort to see you as much as I could. Or have you forgotten all those times that we were supposed to meet for lunch and you cancelled at the last minute? Or when I finally had that one free weekend and we were supposed to go to that bed and breakfast, but you never bothered to show. You didn’t even bother to call me all weekend either, even though I kept blowing up your phone.”