Page 4 of That One Night

I remained behind, watching her go and feeling like my world had been put back to right. Despite my elation, I was wracked with guilt.

“Hey,” Lou said as she suddenly appeared at my side. “You okay?”

I shook my head.

“No. Everything just feels so… so…”


“That’s a good way to describe it, but it’s more than that I feel… guilty.”


“Guilty because I ruined Vanessa’s wedding.” I wrung my hands together and ate the urge to chase after our friend and confess.

“No,” Lou said back, quick to steer me away from going down a dark path. “Do not feel guilty, especially after what Mary and Phyllis just said.”

“What were they saying?”

“Mary let it slip that Vanessa was trashing you every time I wasn’t around. She kept ranting and raving that you weren’t here to see her so happy.”


Lou nodded.

“Vanessa thinks you’re selfish and that you should have dropped everything to be here at her beck and call instead of being in New York.”

“I told her that I had to tie up a lot of loose ends. I had to address them before I left to come here.”

“I know.” Lou rubbed my shoulder in the caring, affectionate way her grandmother, Rita, did. “Ari, between you and me, Vanessa’s always been self-centered. I know you’ve always handled her through rose-colored glasses, but this wedding has taught me something valuable.”

“What is that?”

“That she’s turned into a complete and total bitch.”


“No, Ariel. You didn’t hear her them. They flat out admitted that the only reason why Vanessa asked you to be in her wedding was to rub it in your face.”

“Why would she do that?”

“Because I think she’s jealous of you.”

“Of me?′

“Of you. You’ve always excelled where she didn’t and I think it drives her crazy.” Lou nodded again. “And don’t go feeling bad about how this whole fiasco turned out. You didn’t hear the screaming coming from that room. There was more to Lucas calling off the wedding. I’d put down money that I don’t have on it.”

I wanted to believe Lou.

Yet my brain said one thing while my heart said another. It was all so confusing, yet the one thing that I knew for certain was that I’d found my Lucas again and I’d die before I let anything take him from me again.



The Wedding from Hell
