Page 37 of Three Wishes

“I’m going to take her home.” I explained as Runa’s glassy gaze swept over her sister.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Runa agreed before touching her sister’s hand and brushing back the errant lock that had fallen across Dee’s face. “I’m glad you were watching her, Travis,” Runa added, shocking me. I made a face and Runa went on to explain. “I know how you feel about her, and trust me, she feels the same way. She’s . . . she’s just scared, but I know you’re a patient man. You wouldn’t have put up with her avoiding you for most of the night if you weren’t. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but just keep being patient with her. I know she can be a butt, but it’s not because she doesn't like you. She’s just scared shitless of being that vulnerable with someone again. My sister tries to hide how bad Dennis messed her up, but that asswipe really did a number on her. It’s good that you understand that, too. So, just don’t give up on her. Please. Eventually, she’s going to realize what a good thing she’s got in you.”

“I hope you’re right, Runa, and I promise I’m in it for the long haul. Dee’s my end game.”

“Make sure she gets home safe?”

“I’ll protect her with my life.” I tucked Dee in closer, nestling her snugly against me.

“I know you will. That’s why I’m letting you take her. If it were anyone else, I’d be hauling her ass outside as we speak.”

Knowing I had her sister’s trust spoke volumes. Dee was super close to her brother and sister. The three of them were close-knit. That important bond was strong because they had two parents that prioritized family above all else. They knew what was important.

“I’ll text you when I get her home,” I promised. Runa thanked me before telling me she would go tell Jason and Casey. With the woman I loved secured in my arms, I gently carried her outside and to my SUV and barring nothing else happening, my home.



“TY?”Runa’spissedoffscreech faded behind me as I carried Dee outside. I didn’t stop to see what was happening. My only objective was getting Dee home. Tomyhome, where I know she’d be safe. I’d managed to get her down to my car before her eyes flicked open. I watched as she let out a pitiful groan and vomited.

“Dee?” I held her as she retched. When it seemed like she was done, I opened the door and promptly sat her down on the front passenger seat, not giving a single shit if her puke got all over my car. Cars could be cleaned, and making sure she was alright was far more important than some shit leather. “Dee?” I pushed her hair back before grabbing a handful of napkins and a pack of wet wipes from the glovebox. I quickly wiped her face off as best as I could before shifting her so she’d be more comfortable.

“Wha—What’s . . . going . . . on?” Dee groaned, her words slow and slurred. Her head flopped back against the headrest causing her to let out a small, frail-sounding whimper.

“It’s okay, baby,” I soothed softly. “You had too much to drink, love, but you’re going to be okay. I’ve got you. I’ll take care of you.” I did another quick swipe of her hands before doing my best to clean myself off. “I’m taking you home, but first, I need you to drink some water. Okay?” Thanks to Amie and her obsession with having a water bottle everywhere she went, I pulled one from the back and urged Dee to drink. She did as I asked and took small sips. Not enough to make her sick again, but enough to begin rehydrating her.

“That’s good, baby. I’ve got you. I’m going to take care of you, love.” I pushed her hair back again and pressed my lips to her forehead. I shifted her again to fasten her seatbelt but stopped short. Dee’s arms, legs, neck, chest, and hands were covered in welts. My heart kicked into overdrive. Hives. I’d seen enough of them to know hives when I saw them. Amie got them every time she came up against anything with fabric softener. One little touch was all it took to make her break out from head to toe.

“Change of plans,” I announced. We weren’t going home. We were going to the hospital. It was apparent Dee needed medical attention. Hives were no joke. I knew how easily they could lead to anaphylactic shock. Fear gripped my belly and set my pulse to racing. My girl was in trouble and there was no time to waste.

Before I knew it, we were speeding towards the hospital. I dialed Runa while we were en route, but it went to voicemail. I explained how Dee had vomited, that she was covered in welts, and I was taking her to the hospital just to be safe. An hour later, the emergency staff had carted Dee off and I was left in the waiting room without answers.



“Travis?”Runa’sshoutechoedacross the empty space. I looked up as she rushed into the waiting room, wide-eyed and borderline frantic. Her worried, disheveled appearance matched how I felt inside. I was nearly out of my mind with worry. Since Dee had been wheeled off, there’d been no word on how she was doing. I’d been up to the nurses’ station begging for even a shred of news, but the two manning the helm simply shook their heads before telling me they couldn’t tell me anything because I wasn’t Dee’s spouse or an immediate family member.

“Is she okay? Did they say what happened?” Runa threw her arms around me when she reached me. I hugged her tight, thankful that she was here because maybe now we’d get some fucking answers.

“I have no idea! I don't know anything!” I snapped. I was on the verge of losing it.

“What do you mean you have no idea?” Runa's hands went to her hips as if she were gearing up for war.

“No one will tell me anything because I’m not family!” I all but shouted, hoping the nurses who'd denied me access to my Dee heard me.

“No one’s come out to let you know how she is? No one's given you any updates?” I shook my head, eyes closed as I tried to focus on my breathing. Runa laid a soothing hand upon my shoulder before looking directly over at the nurses' station. I sensed a storm quite like her sister’s brewing under the surface. This time, though, I can’t say I felt sorry for those who got caught up in it.

“Not a word.”

“Well, that’s about to change. Let’s just see them try to say that shit to me!”

I watched the normal mild-mannered Runa transform into a vicious, snarling wolverine. I stood transfixed as she stormed—yes, stormed—over to the station and started ripping the two unhelpful nurses a new one. The two nurses instantly withered under Runa’s malevolent wrath. All I could do was stand back and grin, while thinking about how both those bitches were going to have assholes the size of the Grand Canyon when she was done.

“That is her boyfriend!” Runa pointed towards me and slapped the counter for emphasis. “He of all people should be allowed to know what’s going on with my sister! Not kept out of the fucking loop! Now, I want some fucking answers and I want them now. And if I don’t get something within the next thirty seconds, heads are going to roll.”

Runa reminded me so much of Dee as she continued with her rant. Neither was afraid to get down and dirty if needed. They’d do and say anything to get the answers they sought. One of the thoroughly chastised nurses jumped up from her seat, anxiously rambling about going to see if there were any updates.