Page 7 of Three Wishes

“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean that I won't.” Runa took a sip of her drink. Our server suddenly appeared with our entrées and left after telling us that he'd be back to check on us.

“So, you two have come to an agreement. How does this work exactly?” Runa asked as she cut into her New York strip, took a bite, and nearly orgasmed when the decadent buttered beef hit her tongue.

“You remind me of that chick in that movie who faked an orgasm right there in the middle of a deli,” I said as I cut off a piece of my French mustard chicken. The cream sauce was so delectable that I was surprised I didn’t copy my sister and have a full food-gasm right there in my chair.

“There are worse comparisons, and that’s one of my favorite movies.” Runa waved me off. “But quit trying to distract me and explain how this whole thing works.”

“Like I said, we’ve agreed to be civil at work. No sniping, no teasing, no pissing me the fuck off just because he can. I’ve promised to be cordial and totrynot to snap his head off every time I see him.” I stopped to take a sip of water because suddenly it was beyond hot in here and I needed to cool down.

“You’re flushed. You only flush like that when you like someone.” My ever-observant sister pointed out. The shit-eating grin she wore made me want to smack her.

“I just had a hot flash, that's all.”

“Tell that to someone who believes you.”

“It’s true.” It wasn’t. What I just felt was nothing like a hot flash. If anything, it should be labeled a "Travis" flash.

“Mmmhmm. I think you like him, but you’re not ready to admit it yet. Not that I can blame you. The way Dennis did you dirty? I’d be reluctant too.”

Pain squeezed my battered heart as I thought about how my ex ripped the comfortable life I’d had right out from under me. One minute, I was happy. The next, he and the boys had moved to Canada to live with his skank. It just wasn’t fair, but was life ever really fair? No, it wasn’t. If it was, I wouldn't have been diagnosed with cancer during my late teens and lost my ability to bear children. I learned early that life was never fair, but somehow had temporarily forgotten it.

“I’m sorry,” Runa said empathetically. I’d fallen quiet and she’d accurately guessed why. “I know it’s still a touchy subject for you, and I’m so proud of you for getting back onto your feet. I’m also proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and making that truce with Travis. In the long run, I think you’ll be proud of yourself for putting your personal feelings aside for the sake of office harmony.”

“I’m sure you’re right, and at least I don’t have to keep up that pretense outside the office. I’m just glad we aren’t working on any cases together. That would open up a whole other can of worms." I took another drink before continuing. "As long as he stays on his side and I stay on mine, I don’t see why we can’t continue to keep the peace.”

Runa and I finished dinner and shared a cocktail afterward. When the evening came to its natural end, we made our way outside and ordered a rideshare home. The driver dropped her off first, since her apartment was closer to the restaurant.

“I know it’s hard, but just keep taking it one day at a time,” she repeated the words our adoptive father often said. “Because one day, you’ll be able to look ahead without everything constantly hanging over you.”

I pulled my sister into my arms and hugged her. “I love you Roonie Bo Boonie.” I squeezed her before letting her go.

“I love you too, Dee Bee Bo Beebee. If you need anything, just call me. I’m a short drive away.” I thanked her again and promised to call her if I needed anything, even if it was a girl’s night where we got wasted and ended up on my couch binge-watching our favorite movies.

On the ride home, I gave myself permission to think about everything that had happened to me. Dennis’s surprise announcement. Me going to work for Russell. And the stark reality that I was probably never going to meet someone and that at least two of my three wishes would never be realized.

The first wish came true when Russell offered me my dream job on a platter and I hadn’t hesitated to take it. The other two wishes, however, the wish for an amazing partner to share my life with and a family, were ones I was just going to have to let go of. Losing Dennis’s sons, Nathan and Daniel, were proof that those wishes just weren’t in the cards for me. I’d just have to find a way to be happy and grateful for what I already had: the best siblings one could ask for, a great best friend, and a career where the possibilities were limitless. I’d been given a lot and that would just have to be enough.



Twoweekslater,ourtruce remained in place. We’d been polite. Cordial. Professional. All the things that drove me crazy because Iyearnedfor her fire. I craved the sharp lash of her tongue. I'd been dying to hear the sexy way she growled before telling me to basically bugger off. The woman was an out-of-control blaze and I hungered for that fire like a thirsty man craves water. I knew this ceasefire was for the best, but damn it! I wanted Dee to scorch me with all the wildfire she possessed. Yet, all I'd gotten was this shitty tepidness because as we’d agreed, it was best for everyone.

Since we’d declared our moratorium, Dee and I had ended up in the breakroom together several times. I’d had to show her how to operate the “infuriating” coffee machine each time. Dee paid close attention and swore that come the next day, she wouldn’t need my help. So far, that had yet to happen. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was faking her "not knowing" just so we’d have something to talk about. There had been a few times where I wanted to tease her about it, but decided against it. I'd gone that route before and it had gotten me nowhere.

We were both headed back to our respective offices when Russell suddenly popped his head out of his office and said, “Dee, Travis?"

I was immediately curious as to what he wanted. According to my latest performance review, I had nothing to worry about, but still the anxiety was there.

“Could I possibly see the two of you in my office for a moment, please?” he asked with a smile, instantly putting me at ease. With my cup of coffee and cheese danish in hand, I followed Russ into his office while Dee dashed to hers and brought back a pair of legal pads and two pens.

“Here. Just in case we need to take notes.” My lovely Dee offered me a pad and a pen. I thanked her for her thoughtfulness before I asked Russell if it was okay to set my food and coffee down upon his desk.

“Is something wrong?” I asked to get this party started. I had a considerable amount of work to do and wanted to finish it before I left for the day. I knew Dee did as well.

“No.” Russell shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything is great, but there is something that needs attention. That’s why I asked you two in here.” Dee and I shared a brief look before turning our focus back to the man who employed us. “I’m sure you’ve heard that we’re contemplating filing suit against Mad Media Magazine. Do you know why?”

“They violated the terms of their contract when they went behind our backs and sought representation from the Powers Group,” I answered because I knew the company well. The Powers Group was Harrington's biggest rival. While Harrington still sat atop the throne, Powers wasn't above using dirty, underhanded tactics like trying to steal away clients in its bid to unseat the king. Back when I was looking for a job, they’d also offered me a position. Someone from their corporate had heard I'd been looking for a job and with my former high-profile status, they wanted me on their roster. I contemplated accepting, but ultimately declined because I didn’t like the cut-throat atmosphere. Ten minutes in that building was more than enough to see how toxic and stressful their work environment was. Ultimately, I chose Russell’s company because it had better ethics,muchbetter benefits, a top-notch respectability, and had over a ninety-percent retention rate. Plus, their onsite daycare was an added bonus if I ever needed it.