Page 6 of Three Wishes

“Then it’s agreed. We’ve got a deal.”

“But only at work!” Dee bandied back. “All bets are off outside of work hours, though. Especially if you just ‘magically’ appear like you did this morning at the Brass Bean. Or if we get asked to dinner with Casey and Jason.”

“Like I told you then, I like their coffee and they’re on the way to work. Plus, we both know there’s no getting out of dinners when our best friends are getting married. They’re never going to let us off that easily.”

Dee watched me with narrowed eyes. The set of her mouth said she didn’t quite believe me, but for the sake of the truce, she was going to let it go. But me, I was more than ready for our truce to turn into something more.



“Youwhat?”Mysisterlaughed in my face as we sat across from each other. I’d just returned to my office after declaring my truce with Travis when Runa sent me a text asking if I wanted to grab dinner. Her son Caleb was staying the night at a friend’s house and in her words, "Mama needed a night out." My answer was an immediate yes.

“Travis and I . . . Well, we came to an agreement.”

“What kind of ‘agreement?’” Intrigued, Runa leaned in closer.

“Sort of like a truce.”

“A truce?” Runa laughed again.

“Yeah, like a ceasefire? A suspension of hostilities? We’ve agreed to be cordial, but just while at work. The rest of the time, I’m free to dislike him.”

“And he’s free to annoy you?”

“He won’t if he knows what’s good for him.”

Runa barked out a laugh. “So, let me get this straight. You’re free to be a bitch to him when you’re not on the clock, but he has to be on his best behavior all the time?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged like it was no big deal.

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!” Runa howled so hard it rattled the table.

“What’s so funny about it?” I gritted through my teeth, clearly not as amused as my sister was.

“Do you know how utterly unfair that is? Not to mention, you and the word ‘truce’ have absolutely no business being around each other.” Runa tossed in a chortle as she wiped her streaming eyes with her napkin.

“What do you mean by that?” I demanded, feeling slightly offended.

“You, my dear sister, are like a shieldmaiden. Feisty, confident, skilled, but not known for your negotiation skills. Unless you’re in the courtroom. Then you’re like the tiger lady who isn't afraid to rip out a throat or two.”

“You just made me sound like a battle-axe,” I griped, although secretly, I liked the comparison. I was unapologetically myself and that would never change.

“Like that’s a bad thing?” Runa stated.

“A battle-axe is defined as an older, combative, and domineering woman. In other words, a nag.”

“And we all know that definition was written by a man. An ignorant man to boot. If you ask me, that definition should be changed and pronto. It should say a battle-axe is a strong, capable woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone.”

“I think I like your definition better.”

“Me too. Now, let’s get back to this truce thing. Tell me how all that came about.”

I sucked in a deep breath and told her all about running into him at the coffee house this morning, the meeting, me losing the battle with that piece-of-crap coffee machine, the truce, and finally, about that bitch from HR spreading lies.

“This Marcy chick better hope I don't run into her.” My sister punched her open hand in a move that made me think of her favorite movie hero, Rocky Balboa. Runa was obsessed with the movie. It was one of the reasons why she chose to attend the University of Pennsylvania. Even though it ended up being for less than two semesters.

“You don’t even know what she looks like,” I laughed, amused that even though we bickered often, my sister was the first person other than Casey to always have my back. My sister was my fiercest protector, even though she was younger than me by two years. I had no doubt that if she found out what Marcy looked like, she’d give that catty gossip a tongue-lashing she was sure to never forget.