Page 50 of Three Wishes

“I’m taking your advice. I’m going to fight. When you were braiding Amie’s hair this morning, I called my lawyer, Melinda, to speak to her about this whole clusterfuck.” I said the last part softly so tender little ears didn’t pick up words their parents wouldn’t be too happy about them repeating.

“She handled your divorce, right?”

I nodded that she had. “She has a lot of experience practicing family law. She’s the one who got me custody in the first place.” I glanced down at our entwined hands and on impulse, brought her hand up to my lips and kissed the back of it. “I know I shouldn’t worry. I haven’t done anything to question my responsibility towards my child, but you know how the courts are.”

“I do.” Dee squeezed my hand. “Even though the court system usually grants custody to the mother, I see no reason why any judge would take her from you. Tami’s proven herself to be unreliable as a parent. Plus, her trying to blackmail you for full custody is more than enough for you to maintain custody.”

“But she and I were the only ones at the table when that conversation took place,” I pointed out.

“True, but there were other people present when we were in the park. They all heard what she said.”

I nodded because Dee was right. We were fortunate that there were witnesses to what Tami had tried to pull. I’d already heard from two of them since handing out my cards. Each one told me that they’d be happy to tell any lawyer or judge what they witnessed. The last woman I spoke to claimed that her daughter had recorded the whole ugly scene on her phone. I should be relieved to know even strangers had my back, but that nagging feeling in my gut just wouldn’t go away. The feeling that said that Tami was going to pull a fast one on me and I was on the verge of losing my daughter. I knew it was all nonsense, but still, I couldn’t help what I felt.

“I know you’re right, but I just can’t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.”

“I promise you, no matter what, I’ll be right here beside you, supporting you and doing whatever I can to make sure Amie stays with you.”

“How did I get so lucky to find you? I’m so fucking lucky that you’re mine.” I brushed my knuckles down her cheek before dropping a chaste kiss upon her lips.

“You’re the lucky one?” Dee grinned back at me and squeezed my hand again.

“Of course.” I kissed her once more as she snuggled into my side.

“I think it’s me who’s the lucky one.” She sighed and let her head rest against my shoulder. “And I don’t want to hear any more argument from you. I just want to sit here and enjoy the moment.”

“What about enjoying the moment this weekend at my family’s lakeside cabin?” I asked as Amie and her friend began running around the playground, enjoying their own version of game tag.

“You have a cabin?” Dee looked up at me with genuine surprise.

“We do. We’ve had it for years. I’ve been meaning to go up there for a while now. Why don’t we go up for a weekend away?”

“Do you know how wonderful that sounds?” Dee purred. The woman purred and now I was hard as a rock. Not wanting anyone to see, I quickly crossed my legs and tried to hide my erection with my cup.

“I can’t think of anything better. Should we tell Amie or should we surprise her?” My woman had the power to shame me. She immediately thought of Amie while I sat here planning out all the places where I was going to fuck her once we got to the cabin.

“My parents are taking her to Indiana to visit my sister,” I explained, suddenly remembering the long-set plans my parents and I had made. “Callie recently had a baby and Amie’s been dying to meet her new cousin.”

“Then I guess it’s just you and me.” She winked and gently nudged me in the ribs.

“Yep. Just you and me.” Not giving a shit who saw, I kissed Dee right there in front of everyone. Granted, our kiss wasn’t X-rated like I wanted, but it was steamy enough that everyone knew this woman was mine and that I was going to spend the rest of my life making sure she never forgot it.



“Thisis your family’s cabin?” I gasped, gawking at what I saw through the SUV’s windshield. When he’d first mentioned getting away for the weekend, Travis made it sound like his family’s lakeside cabin was just that: a small cabin situated by a small lake. However, the man wasn’t being entirely truthful. In fact, he straight up lied. In agoodway.

The huge, gleaming wooden jewel before us couldneverbe mistaken for just a handful of rooms and barely any space. The expansive log-cabin-mansion before us was massive, almost like a resort. If I had to guess, I’d say there were five or six bedrooms, just as many baths, and several common rooms. From the outside, the lake house nestled in the upper part of Michigan screamed luxury and as we pulled closer, I realized I was the lucky one who got to immerse myself in it until I got all pruny.

And the view. . . Oh my god, the view took your breath away. The lake house sat atop a small hill that sloped down towards the bank of a glass-topped lake surrounded by a thick forest of evergreens. With bright, clear blue skies overhead, you could see everything.

“Are you just stunned or is this not okay?” Travis asked, breaking through my trance and snapping me back to the present.

“Are you fucking kidding?” I squealed. “This place is amazing! But you, mister, you lied!”

“How did I lie?” Travis laughed.

“You led me to believe that our weekend getaway was this tiny, cramped place in the woods.”