Page 49 of Three Wishes


WakingupinDee’sarms was my favorite pastime Well, mysecondfavorite pastime. Having her writhing and moaning while buried deep inside her was definitely the first.

The wonderful day yesterday—before Tami ruined it— left us all exhausted. Dee and I tucked in early right after dinner, choosing to leave the few dishes there were for the morning. We didn’t make love last night, due to us both being too tired. Instead, we spent the long hours of slumber wrapped in each other’s arms, our hearts beating in time. Despite the drama, it was the best night’s sleep I’d had in ages.

The sound of little footsteps hoofing it down the hallway served as our alarm. Dee and I both woke up with a start. Neither of us had discussed the possibility of Amie finding us in bed together.

“Shit!” Dee gasped as she threw back the covers and began to search for her clothes. “Where are my bloody underwear?”

“Would you relax?” I laughed, amused by her frantic, but futile search.

“How can I relax? Your daughter’s going to come in here any second and she’s going to want to know why I was asleep in your bed!” Dee whisper-shouted as she continued to search for the clothes I put into my hamper when I got up to use the restroom during the middle of the night. Was I about to tell her where they were? No. I enjoyed watching her scramble about in only my T-shirt too much to do that.

“Relax baby, and listen,” I said soothingly as I patted her side of the bed. Dee refused to budge from where she stood, hands on her hips and reminding me so much of my daughter in that pose.

“Listen to what?” Her light eyes flicked back and forth between me and the doorway.

“Do you hear her footsteps?” I paused long enough for her to notice the distinct lack of footsteps in the hallway. Dee glanced at the door, her brow wrinkled with confusion. Her right eyebrow steadily rose towards her hairline as she silently tried to figure out what was going on.

“No,” Dee said after a beat. “But that doesn’t mean anything. She could barge in here any moment. What if she sees me? She’s going to want to know why I’m here and what am I supposed to tell her? ‘Good morning, sweetheart. Oh, you want to know why I’m here? I spent the night with your daddy last night. Hope that’s okay.’” Dee fixed me with a glare that would have sent lesser men fleeing for their lives. Not me, though. Ilovedher fire and her sarcasm.

“Really, Travis. I don’t see why this isn’t worrying you?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. She was so fucking cute when she was exasperated.

“I’m not worried because today’s Sunday,” I offered her an explanation.

“So what?”

“Amie watches BlippieverySunday morning while she snacks on a bowl of dry cereal. She never eats it with milk. Hates it for some reason. She’s going to spend the next hour or so planted on the couch, eyes glued to the TV. That’s why Iknowshe’s not going to barge in here and surprise us. I can guarantee when wefinallyleave this bed,she’sgoing to be the one who’s surprised.”

I was right, too. Twenty minutes later, Dee and I reluctantly got out of bed and threw on some clothes. Dee had on my old college football tee and a pair of my old shorts while I opted for my pajama pants and my Regal Beagle tee that my sister, a huge Three’s Company fan, got me last Christmas. Amie was parked on the couch just like I'd predicted, eyes glued to her favorite show as we descended the stairs.

“What’s Blippi teaching you today?” I called out and sure enough, my Pumpkin kept her eyes glued to the ginormous flatscreen TV.

“We’re at the aquarium today,” Amie answered excitedly, although it was clear that her focus was on what she was watching instead of me.

“What’s your favorite animal at the aquarium?” Dee asked tentatively.

“Dee!” Amie let out a piercing squeal and jumped up from the couch, spilling her honey-coated breakfast O’s into the cracks between the cushions. Amie ran towards Dee and jumped into my love’s arms. “Dee! You’re here! You didn’t leave-ed me! You stayed!”

I swear, my heart ballooned with happiness.

Dee held Amie tightly to her as they hugged each other. “Of course, I’m here, baby girl. I’m not going to leave you! Ever!” Dee kissed Amie’s forehead before sweeping her errant curls back from Amie’s delicate features.

“Good! I want-ed you here with me. We can watch my show while Daddy makes us pancakes.”

“Oh, I’m making pancakes?” I giggled as my daughter climbed out of Dee’s arms, grabbed her hand, and dragged her over to the couch where she ordered Dee to sit next to her. Under the crunch of her spilled cereal, Amie promptly restarted the episode she was watching so Dee wouldn’t miss a moment.

“Yes, Daddy. Dee and I want pancakes and you make the best,” Amie stated as if that were absolute fact. “Daddy puts blueberries in them and lets me put more blueberry sauce and maple syrup on them with whipped cream.”

I did not let her put whipped cream on her pancakes, which she knew, but seeing her so happy, I would make an exception.

“Okay, I guess I’ve got my orders, then. Blueberry pancakes coming right up!”

Breakfast had long since been over. Dee cleaned up while Amie and I went upstairs to get her ready for the day. Sundays were usually low-key days for us. They usually consisted of lunch somewhere, time at the park, and ice cream on the way home. Amie insisted on taking Dee to pizza for lunch so she could show her the arcade and introduce her to Mr. Benny. After pizza, we headed to the park where Amie met up with a friend and the two set to playing. Dee and I sat on a nearby bench sipping on matching cups of sweet black tea. Dee had been quiet since we’d sat down and I couldn’t help but wonder if it stemmed from what happened yesterday.

“What are you going to do?” she asked suddenly before I had a chance to choose my words. “About Tami, I mean.” Dee threaded her fingers through mine as she held my hand. When she turned her attention to me, all I saw reflecting back was love and concern. My breath hitched as my heart squeezed inside my chest.