Page 32 of Three Wishes

“Yeah, really. Dennis was so pissed. They started shouting at each other. It was getting really heated, really fast. People around us were starting to notice and then just like that . . .” I snapped my fingers. “. . . Dennis took a swing.”

“I thought you said Travis punched him?” Runa asked as she took a sip of her favorite blueberry lemonade.

“He did, but Dennis threw the first punch. It was after that when Travis clocked him a good one. The next thing I knew, they were on the ground beating the shit out of each other.”

“Then what happened?” Both women were on the edge of their seats, barely able to contain their excitement.

“I kept shouting at them to stop, but neither were listening to me. So, I ran. I was so embarrassed because everyone was staring and I was so flippin' angry that I just took off. That's when Travis chased after me. He found me right outside the gate. Naturally, we argued and just as I was about to leave, he grabbed me by the shoulders and laid one on me.” Boy did he ever. I wasstillfeeling its aftershocks.

“Oh my gosh!” Casey squealed and clapped her hands. “I knew it! I knew he liked you!”

“Don’t get all excited. It’s not like I liked it,” I lied. Unfortunately for me, both RunaandCasey saw right through me.

“Bullshit!” Runa laughed. “I can tell by your face that youdefinitelyenjoyed having his lips on you. It’s written all over your face that you liked it, and that you liked it a lot.”

Casey bulldozed right past Runa and asked, “Was he a good kisser?”

I debated lying, but again, I couldn’t. My two closest confidantes would see right through it.

“Fuck, yes,” I heaved out, relieved to finally admit it. “He’s an amazing kisser. The moment his mouth landed on mine, I felt it all the way to my core. I’ve never gotten the tingles like that from just a kiss. I swear, if Dennis hadn’t shown when he did, I would have come right on the spot—"

"Dee!" My name rang out across the restaurant, cutting off my words and stealing my attention. I looked up to seeAmie running at full speed towards me, her little face lit up with pure joy.

"Amie!" I jumped out of my seat just as she reached me. She launched herself into my arms with an excited giggle before kissing me on the cheek. I kissed her back, just as excited to see her too.

"Is that her? Is that Amie?" Runa squealed.

“It is.” I heard Casey say as Amie and I hugged it out.

"Oh, my god, she’s so cute!”

“Isn’t she?” Casey chimed. “She’s such a little doll.”

“Don’t forget spunky and smart and the best at playing Barbies!” I hugged Amie tight before letting her go.

“I am! I’m all those things!” Amie cheered happily. Her big brown eyes twinkled with the prospect of having an adoring audience. I, meanwhile, was grateful to see her.

Amie MacDaniel was the sweetest, cutest little munchkin I'd ever had the pleasure to know. I'd thought about her a lot since her dad had asked me to watch her. I'd thought about asking Travis about her, but hadn't because I wasn't sure how he'd feel about it. I didn’t want to overstep and disrespect his boundaries. With him on my mind, I looked up expecting to see Travis walking towards us, but found an older couple instead.

“Amie, sweetheart. What have I told you about talking to strangers?” the older woman chided gently. The woman was stunning. Practically ageless. She was dressed in an elegant, flowy blouse and perfectly pressed slacks, looking every bit the fashion plate. Her hair, which fell to her shoulders, was a soft silver that looked natural and held a natural wave. This had to be Travis' mother. The woman standing before me was the spitting image of her son.

“This is Dee!” Amie blurted out excitedly as she waved at Runa but refused to let me out of her grasp. “She watch-ed me when Daddy had to go on his err . . . when he had to go and I had to stay home. Dee help-ed me braid my dolly’s hair and gave me a hug when I was sad about Mommy,” Amie explained as if what we shared was the greatest event in the history of mankind. For her, maybe it was. For me, it definitely ranked up there.

“You’re Dee? How lovely to meet you, dear.” The woman, who I assumed was her grandmother, raised her eyebrows as she took me in. Her eyes sparkled the same way Amie and Travis’s did. With kindness and appreciation. I liked her immediately.

“Arthur MacDaniel.” The man beside her smiled and offered me his hand. “Amie’s grandfather. This is my wife, Mavis.”

“Deandra Cavanaugh. Travis and I work together.”

“She’s daddy’s best friend, Grandpa!” Amie said as if that were a vital piece of information. To her, I guess it was. “She and I played Barbies together. Although her dolly lost when we played Fashion Show.” Everyone around her laughed. Amie gazed up at me adoringly.

“It’s hard to win against you, especially whenyourdoll is the smartest and the most beautiful.” I booped her little nose, making her giggle.

“I can’t believe we ran into you.” Travis’s mother broke out into an ear-to-ear grin as she offered me her hand. “I’m Mavis. Oh my, it’s so nice to meet you. Amie told us that you and Travis are the best of friends. Neither one of them ever stops talking about you.”

“Daddy told Uncle Jason she’s pretty. And smart and that he wants to kiss her again,” Amie added, wanting to be part of the conversation.

“I told you he likes you,” Runa whispered loud enough so only I could hear. I suspected Mavis read her lips because the smile she wore now stretched across ear to ear.