Page 2 of Three Wishes

“Yeah . . . I guess I should start filling out some applications.” He was right. I’d stopped going to work because I just didn’t care. I’d be willing to bet that I’d been canned.

“Don’t waste your time with all that. Come work for me.”

What? “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I said come work for me.”

“Are you serious?”


“Did Casey put you up to this?”

“No, this was completely my idea, but when I ran it by her, she was one-hundred percent on board. I’ve actually been meaning to call for a while now, but you know how busy I am.” He paused briefly. “So, what do you say?”

“Why would you want to hire me?” I asked stupidly. I knew why he’d want to hire me. I was great at what I did. Even if I didn’t really believe that at the moment.

“Because you’re a great business lawyer. You understand the marketing world better than anyone I know. I think with you and the new guy I just hired, you two will be an unstoppable force and that’s exactly what this company needs.”

What the fudge?

I sat up straight. Clutching the phone between my shoulder and my ear, I adjusted myself so my back was propped up against the headboard, cushioned by several pillows. Replacements for the ones I burned when Dennis left. But let’s forget that and focus on this job offer. Was this real or was I dreaming? I had to be dreaming. I was positive I was dreaming. So positive I pinched myself.

“OW!” I screamed.

“Dee, are you alright?” Russel asked suddenly, sounding like a concerned parent.

“Yes. I’m fine. Just . . . just stubbed my toe.” Lies. I just pinched myself back into reality.

“So, what do you think? Will you come work with me? I can guarantee the salary is considerably higher and the benefits are far better than what you’d get anywhere else.”

“A higher salary and better benefits? Hmm, what a tough decision.”

“And perks. Don’t forget the perks.”

That right there sealed the deal. Like it needed sealing. I really had no choice. I needed a job and working for Casey’s father was beyond ideal. The decision was a no-brainer.

“You know what, Russell? Yes. I’ll come work for you.”

Russell laughed heartily. “I’ll send over an application and I’ll call HR to get them started on getting you into the system.”

“Thank you, Russ. I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity,” I said, suddenly feeling grateful and oh so fortunate.

“Trust me, Dee. It’s me who should be thanking you. You are really doing me a favor by coming aboard. I need people I can trust and you definitely fit that bill.”

Casey’s dad and I continued to make small talk until he announced that he needed to get on sending that application over to me before calling HR. I hung up with him and sunk back down into my bed. For the first time since Dennis dumped me, I didn’t feel like life was all gloom and doom. A ray of sunshine had peeked through the darkness and with it, brought the promise of more. I suddenly felt like I didn’t want to lay in bed anymore. I wanted to get my life back and it was time to do it.

With that feeling of hope warming my soul, I got up, took a shower, and began cleaning up. After all, I was an adult and I generally hated mess. And my house was definitely a mess.

It felt good to be up and moving. To have goals to achieve, even if they were minor ones like taking out the trash. I couldn’t waste away in bed or generally ignore my life anymore. I needed to get back to a new normal because I owed it to myself. I deserved to continue to chase my dreams. To see the three wishes I’d carried since childhood actualized. Yes, my shithead ex rattled my confidence, but that didn’t mean that there wasn’t another chance somewhere out there.

Deciding that was my new mantra, I took those first baby steps and with each step, I reminded myself that I deserved to see the three wishes I’d always dreamt of come true. I deserved a job I was proud of. One I loved. I also deserved to be financially stable and independent. Last, I deserved the chance to have a family, the thing I wanted most of all, and right now, I didn’t care how that happened. All I cared about was that it happened.



Six Months Later