“You’ve been so naughty that you’re going to ask for aspankingbefore I give you what you really need, little girl.”
I recoiled as if he had struck me, opening and closing my mouth in shock. Before I had time to react or even respond, he gathered his things and swept out of the pub in a silent flourish. There was no time to decide whether to give him flat out denial, an annoyed rejection, or anything in between.
Everything in me wanted to tell him off.
The ringing of the bell over the door careened throughout the room like a toll bell. I watched him disappear as he turned the corner, and I swallowed hard, turning back to the bar.
Angus slid another whiskey in front of me.
“Good man,” I muttered in his direction.
“Don’t let him get to you. He’s not worth it.”
“I know.” Scowling, I dragged the tip of my finger around the rim of the glass, trying to figure out how I felt about the whole exchange, and failing entirely.
I should hate every bit of the things he’d said, but there was a tiny part of me that was intrigued. No man in Boston had ever dared to stand up to me the way he did, and I chewed my lip, wondering if that confidence would extend to the bedroom.
Sure, maybe it was all talk, but maybe it wasn’t.
What if he was actually a man that could stand his ground against me? Passive men got old very quickly. It was extraordinarily boring to tell them what to do, where to touch, how to kiss, the whole shebang. Shane appeared to be the kind of guy that took charge in life and with his woman. As aggressive as he appeared to be, I did recognize that he hadn’t tried to control me.
It hadn’t been like that in the slightest.
I’d been around men that were the polar opposite of him, using fear, violence, money, and brute strength to rule over those they considered weaker. Unfortunately, in my world, most of them considered women to be second class citizens.
That’s what made my brothers so special, and me that much more powerful. I was everything the criminal underground didn’t expect, and I used that position to my advantage every chance I got.
I sat back and slowly sipped away my confusion, enjoying the soft buzz tingling beneath my heated flesh. I breathed in deeply, trying to steady myself even though his threat played over and over in my mind as if it was stuck on repeat.
I didn’t know what to do.
My mind certainly wanted to fight it, but my body had a flurry of more sordid ideas. Frankly, it was the most annoying thing I’d ever experienced in my life.
By all rights, I should shut the door in his face. I should keep him at a distance solely based on his arrogance alone, but a very deep part of me didn’t want to. I couldn’t tell if it was curiosity, lust, or just a simple infatuation because he was unlike anyone I’d ever had the chance to meet before.
Did I risk letting this drag out just so that I could find out?
Maybe it wouldn’t be worth it, and he was the kind of man that was just far too confident about his abilities to seduce a woman into his bed.
But… maybe it would all turn out to betrue…
I tipped back my glass and downed every drop of that deliciously spicy whiskey and swiftly slid it across the bar top. Angus reached out and caught it in a quick movement that still impressed me just as much as it had the first time I’d seen him do it. I stood up and he grinned in my direction.
“See you tomorrow, Ada?”
“Jury’s still out,” I replied tersely. His answering smirk told me that he knew I was coming back tomorrow.
The only one still questioning it was me.
When the sun set the next day, I was still standing in my closet deciding what to wear. How should I approach this? Should I come in like a boss bitch, or should I take a more delicate approach? For some reason, making the right call felt like it would set the course of our entire relationship tonight. Making the wrong one would be devastating, and I wanted everything to go perfectly tonight.
I didn’t know that that meant yet.
I’d been anticipating the meetup between us all day, and my body was simmering. Every inch of me felt like it was baking in a sauna, but the heat between my thighs was the most irritating of all. I wasn’t even in his vicinity yet, and my panties were already wet, so much so that I’d changed into three different pairs today. It didn’t matter how many times I changed. I soaked through them all.