Page 51 of Break Me, Daddy

For the first time in my life, I was safe enough to give a man my full surrender, and it was glorious. The fight started to bleed out of me, draining somewhere into my soul to be called upon when I needed it once again.

My hips arched, rising to take each subsequent strike as the agonizing burn escalated at a frightening pace. There was a freedom in knowing that this wasn’t ending soon, that this was going to go on for as long as it took, and I started to soar.

My head swirled, somewhere up in the clouds, as my body relented. My hips rocked, rising and falling to meet the belt and to take its fiery bite. I moaned and gasped, losing focus as my entire world turned on its axis.

I took that belt for a long, long time.

When Shane redirected his efforts almost solely to the backs of my thighs, I let out a pained cry, the sting more intense than I was ready for. He painted my sensitive flesh bright red, and my breath stuck in the back of my throat. A particularly fierce stroke followed, and my eyes watered. I blinked as my first defense mechanism kicked into overdrive.

The only people that had ever seen me cry were my brothers, and that was back when we buried our parents after they were killed in Ireland. Since then, I’d been strong, dependable Ada. It was different now though. I had someone else I could depend on, a man that stood by my side with the strength and power to not only be my equal, but to tear me down and build me up stronger than ever before.

MyShane was that man.

My body started to tense, my pussy clenching and all my muscles seizing as I drew in a shallow breath. Several harder strikes followed, the pace increasing. He was pushing me now. I wasn’t sure if he could read my body or if my sounds had changed enough to reveal how close I was to tears, but the hard strikes came more rapidly and with greater intensity, until all of my efforts to keep myself from crying started to fall apart.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but they kept watering. I rocked my hips back and forth, trying to avoid the lash, but his aim was true. If he wanted the end of the belt to strike right in the center of my cheek, he could do it. And he did, over and over again.

I sniffed, trying one last way to keep myself from letting go. It wasn’t really a conscious choice anymore. I’d had years of practice keeping myself from taking off the mask that I wore out in public. It was basic instinct to keep a cool demeanor when others were looking and to only feel my emotions in the safety of solitude.

This was something else entirely.

Shane wasn’t family. He wasn’t my husband, not yet at least, and he was going to see what I looked like when I cried.

I sucked in a loud breath full of air as I careened out of control. I could feel the threads of my inner strength beginning to fray, and I knew it wouldn’t be long until they ripped apart. It was only a few seconds later when a particularly brutal, thorough lash belted across the lower curves of my already scalded ass and finally broke me.

The first tear trailed down my cheek and I made a quiet sound of panicked surprise. It slid down the cusp of my cheek, leaving a cool trail behind as it made its journey past my jawline all the way to my chin. It dripped down below me, and my gaze zeroed in on the wet circle it left behind on the quilt beneath me.

I whimpered, scared and fulfilled and aroused as a second tear fell on the opposite cheek.

No matter what I did, I couldn’t make them stop.

“That’s my beautiful girl,” he praised, and suddenly my surrender took over. I started to sob, but still I raised my hips, seeking out more of the belt, and he gave it to me. Over and over, he whipped my ass until I slumped over the pillows and my tears pooled on the bed.

I didn’t really take in the fact that he’d slowed the use of his belt, each subsequent lash heavy with purpose until he finally laid it by my side. Suddenly, his palm was cupping my scorched cheek. Gently, he squeezed it and a fresh sob broke free from me.

“Look at Daddy, little girl. Show him how beautiful you look when he breaks you like this.”

There was no thinking at this point, only magnificent obedience. I turned my head and met his gorgeous, green eyes as he reveled in my complete surrender. My world drifted, floating in a haze of absolute freedom. I couldn’t really discern any one sensation from another. Pain, pleasure, happiness, sadness, fear, and anger all molded into one as he gazed back at me with a wistfully soft smile painted on his lips.

My Shane.

“You’re utterly breathtaking,” he whispered. He reached for me, dragging his knuckle through the path of my tears and my pussy pulsed hard. I sniffled, but my tears were still flowing freely.

I felt soalive.

Every nerve inside me was brimming with life, and I smiled back at him, trying to relay in silence just how happy he’d made me in this moment. He’d demolished every last one of my walls, and now he was there to make sure I didn’t fall.

“Daddy is going to unbind your cuffs now. Then he’s going to take you into his arms and into his lap, because what Daddy needs right now is to hold you.”

I nodded and closed my eyes, resting my head on the bed. I didn’t trust myself to move of my own volition yet, and I relished the tidal waves of sensation racing through me, losing myself within the swirling depths. Vaguely, I realized he was lifting each of my limbs and freeing them, but none of that really mattered.

Blood pounded in my skull and in between my legs. Desire swirled inside my core, and I found my hips rocking, but then his arms were around me and he was carrying me from the bed to the couch. I didn’t have to do anything. In a state of bliss, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he sat down and settled me in his lap.

His fingers pressed beneath my chin, and he lifted my face to his. His lips brushed my cheek, a bit tentative at first, until he was kissing my tears away with a possessive confidence that left my head reeling. I held onto him with everything I had left in me. My burning bottom pressed against his thighs, the intense ache making me realize that I would feel every hard lash for a while to come.

In a way, I was both comforted and proud. I’d taken a real belting and it had been glorious. I hoped he’d left marks so that I could enjoy every fond memory of this night for days to come.

I’m not sure which one of us held the other more fiercely, but I did know we sat there together for a long time. With his embrace surrounding my smaller form like a safe haven, my tears slowed to a crawl and soon stopped entirely. I still didn’t let go, my grip on him likely only breakable through the use of a crowbar at that point.