“That you do,” I said, grinning. Then I reached for her and slid my arm around her waist, pulling her against me. “Now, unless you want me to ruin that dress, you’ll take it off yourself and get that gorgeous naked ass in that bed.”
“Ready for round two already?” She cocked up an eyebrow, challenging me, and I chuckled darkly.
“The question is,are you?”
The next morning began sluggishly. I woke before Ada did and enjoyed the sight of her angelic features as she slept beside me. As if she could sense me watching, her eyes slowly opened, and her sweet smile when her gaze met mine was one that I would remember forever.
“Morning, beautiful,” I whispered.
“Morning, handsome,” she replied. She stretched, making the cutest little squeak. I hadn’t let her dress last night, so I enjoyed when the pink bud of her nipple peeked out from beneath the blanket. I dipped my head down and captured it with my mouth, teasing it with my tongue. She moaned quietly, eventually pushing me away with a reluctant groan.
“If you start that, we’ll never get anything done today,” she muttered, albeit reluctantly.
“As much as I don’t want you to be right, you have a point,” I agreed with a scowl.
She laughed, climbing out of bed and stretching again, teasing me with the sight of her gloriously naked body. With impressive confidence, she walked across the room to a set of doors, which she quickly pulled open, revealing a pantry.
The storage space was well-stocked with preserved foods, the place fully prepared for extended stays at a moment’s notice. I admired her bare ass as she searched among the shelves, noting that several of the marks from my belt had faded, but there were a few that remained that told the story of what had happened between us last night in her pub.
Every part of her took my breath away.
She brought over a few plastic-wrapped pastries and tossed them on the bed. I rummaged through the packages, ultimately settling on a strawberry cream puff and digging into it. She picked up a decadent looking cinnamon bun and I looked on incredulously.
“I have good taste,” she replied. She finished it up and hopped in the shower. I followed, running my hands along her body occasionally as she washed. When she was done, she got out and I rinsed off, too. I was surprised to see another whole closet of designer clothing, complete with options for both men and women.
“That section will probably fit you. You’re about Cormac’s size, I think,” she guessed.
I ventured over completely naked, aware of her eyes on me. As I rummaged through the hanging suits, I saw that she was correct about the sizing. I chose a simple black suit, finding the fit to be pretty decent. By the time I was fully dressed, she was already put together, with a full face of makeup and a sleek pantsuit that gave her a powerful edge.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed the number from last night. Maxim picked up on the second ring.
“I’m relieved to see that you made it through the night, Mr. Kavanagh.”
“As am I. It probably doesn’t need to be said, but I deeply appreciate the tip off last night,” I replied.
“Of course.”
“I would like to meet this afternoon, as you suggested,” I began.
“I think that would serve both our families well,” Maxim answered.
“My men will meet you on the ground floor of the Emerald Isle at 3:00 PM. They will lead you up to a suite of my choosing, where we will make introductions, enjoy a cocktail, and discuss how we’re going to handle the Kozlovs moving forward.”
“I will see you there, Mr. Kavanagh. If there is anything else you need in the meantime, please feel free to give me a call.”
“I will, Maxim.”
This time, I hung up first.
“Come on. I need to arrange a few things before I go to meet with the Morozovs,” I explained.
She unlocked the main door and led me back upstairs. My man and my limo were still there, but I noticed at least a dozen soldiers positioned throughout the warehouse as guards.
Ada Murphy didn’t fuck around when it came to her personal protection, which filled me with pride. She pulled the door of my own limo open herself and slid inside. I climbed in beside her and my driver started the car.