Page 52 of Break Me, Daddy

“My sweet, beautiful girl,” he murmured.

“My Daddy,” I said softly, my voice thick with emotion. I trembled, but no part of me pulled away. His kisses continued even though my tears had long dried. It was sweet and tender and each one struck me like a lightning bolt straight to my unprotected, vulnerable heart.

My ragged breathing slowly returned to normal, as did the frantic beating of my heart. Occasionally, I would shiver and he’d squeeze me tighter, offering his own body heat to keep me warm.

My pussy, however, no longer wanted to cuddle. It was as if every last bit of heat inside my body had centered between my legs. Eventually, I shifted my thighs just enough to come to the mortifying conclusion that I was the wettest I’d ever been in my life. With every second that ticked by, I could feel more and more of it dripping down my sensitive folds. My pussy was desperately begging for attention, and nothing I could do or say would deny that.

My body was sending him a message, and it was only a matter of time before he discovered it. He cleared his throat and my heart leapt at the sound, wondering if he would like the fact that I was reacting like this. Deep down, I knew he would, but there was a tiny part of me that remained unsure.

“Are you going to be any less sassy and defiant with me, little girl?”

A long moment passed and hesitantly, I pulled back and stared into his eyes. Hidden within them, I saw him. He didn’t want to control me, nor did he need to. His eyes sparkled with enjoyment each and every time I sassed him, even when I’d openly defied him and told him that I was going along to the meeting with Maxim. I hadn’t imagined his pride when I’d taken control of that meeting and come up with a solution.

There was no part of me that needed to be spanked in order to get things done. That was instinctual for me. I had a drive to build my family to greater heights, to make better lives for me and everyone important to me. I didn’t need Shane to change me, and there was nothing within him that revealed that he needed that, either. I took a chance, being completely vulnerable with him once more.

“No, Daddy.”

I watched him closely for any signs of anger, but I found none. Instead, his gaze hinted of pride, joy, and warmth, and before he said anything at all, I knew that the pieces of our puzzle had finally come together.

“Good. I wouldn’t dream of having you any other way.”



For a while longer, neither of us said anything at all. We didn’t need to. Instead, we enjoyed each other’s company. I pressed my ear against his chest, losing myself in the steady, constant beat of his heart. It was strong, its cadence hypnotizing, and I sighed with contentment.

The longer I stayed curled in his lap, the more fervently my pussy screamed for his attention, and I started having trouble keeping still. My core tightened, the passionate desire soon becoming painful, and before I realized what I was doing, I opened my mouth and started to speak.


At this point, I wasn’t even sure of what I was going to say.

“Yes, little girl?” he asked. His fingers tightened around me, holding me securely against him. I could feel the hard length of his cock against my hip. He was just as aroused as I was, and the worlds tumbled out before I could even think to stop them.

“Will you fuck me while I’m… while I’m like this?”

I waited for his answer nervously, even pulling back just enough to see his expression so that I could figure out what he was thinking before I said anything more. He smiled warmly, and my sudden fear whisked away into nothingness as his palm cupped my face. With a careful tenderness, he nibbled at my ear and a whirlwind of pleasurable need spiraled through me like a tornado.

“Tell Daddy how you need him to fuck you.”

I swallowed anxiously, still a bit nervous. Like this, I was extremely vulnerable.

Tonight, I needed something a little different from the wild roughness that had previously defined us. With all of my defenses down, I felt tiny and small, like a fragile thing that needed a gentle loving touch in a world that was encased in a savagely dark shadow.

Honestly, I wanted it all, and Shane was the man that could give it to me.

“…gently, Daddy.”

“Like it’s his little girl’s first time?” he countered, and my pussy clenched hard.

He saw right through me. I opened and closed my mouth nervously as my cheeks flared red hot. Was this the point he’d think me weak? Would he look at me differently when we woke up beside each other in the morning?

I was by no means a virgin, but freshly broken like this, I sort of was in a way. All my ironclad defenses had fallen, and for the first time, I could feel what a man’s touch felt like when I was completely open like this.

“Don’t worry, little girl. Daddy knows what you need.”

My heart squeezed tight as he angled my chin up towards his. His lips captured mine in a sweet, tender kiss that took my breath away and set my body on fire. A simmering passion burst into life deep inside my heart, a profound and unknown sense of adoration that could only be one thing.