Page 70 of Stolen Vows

“My men are in position,” Nikolai growled.

His eyes were as equally angry as mine. Since coming to Chicago, I’d gotten to know him far better. He wasn’t the kind of man that allowed anyone to treat women like cattle to be bought and bred. He’d been hesitant at first to risk his men solely based on their failed attempt on Natasha, but when the horrific front that Femme Fatale was really hiding was finally revealed, he’d started getting the ball rolling in under an hour. He wouldn’t let that stand either.

We had teamed up and all of our soldiers were waiting on deck. Between my tech guys and his, we had already been assured that every lock in the place had been deactivated.

The whole operation had been kept hush hush. None of us wanted to alert the Columbians that we were coming until we were walking through that front door.

I reached down and unholstered my 9mm Hellcat from my belt. The extended chamber held fifteen rounds and I didn’t intend to waste a single shot. Our tires squealed as Victor slammed on the brakes. All at once, the doors opened and two of the most powerful families in the city descended on our sworn enemy.

Just like we’d planned, the Columbians hadn’t known we were coming.

The dark, dingy interior was flooded with red dots. The men roared with fury, trying to unholster their weapons, but they were sloppy. The place exploded with gunfire.

The Columbians had nothing on Russian organized crime.

Nikolai and I pushed through the first floor, ascending the main staircase to the upper levels. I’d been able to get my hands on the builder’s blueprints pretty easily and knew the main kingpin would be upstairs in the office in the back. It was protected by thick metal barriers that were built into the main walls. It was originally intended as a vault and was probably used to store some of the cartel’s laundered money today, but it was tucked in the back of the building with no easy way out.

It made it a particularly bad place for their kingpin to spend most of his day, especially with Nikolai and I coming for him.

A man rushed at me with a pocketknife, and I made quick work of him with a bullet straight through the center of his face. Without a sound, he slumped to the ground in front of me, and I used my foot to kick him out over the ledge. His body thumped as he tumbled down the stairs and hit the main ground with a loud, wet crash.

There wasn’t a single man that survived getting in my way.

I used my bullets sparingly, but I had two extra magazines in each of my pockets just in case. I could be violent when I needed to be, but I tended to be more on the conservative side rather than excessive.

When it came to Natasha, though, all bets were off.

I pushed onward through one hastily put together attack after the next. Nikolai was just as good of a shot as I was. Together, we were virtually unstoppable.

With surprising ease, we made it all the way to the back to Rico Juarez’s office. The lack of coordination between his soldiers was incredible. No one worked together. They all rushed at us like kamikaze pilots and looked surprised when it ended with a bullet to their face. I knew it wouldn’t take much longer for our men to work through the rest of the cartel, especially when we were met with one poorly organized attack after another. Behind us, we heard gunfire, but up here it had gone deadly quiet.

The only person left alive was Rico.

Together, Nikolai and I used our combined strength to kick the door down. The wooden doorframe was surprisingly weak. The screws that held it in place had rusted through long ago, so much so that they were barely hanging on. The wooden door itself was reinforced with metal, but it looked like it had been kicked and slammed so many times that it was barely holding itself together.

Rico’s shocked face as we stood in the doorway was priceless.

On the surface, he looked sloppy. He was wearing a ripped t-shirt and a grey pair of jeans that looked like they were about to fall down to his knees. He had some muscles, but they were hardly noticeable among the needle tracks up and down his arms. A true leader never used his own drugs. It made for foolish decisions and weak leadership. Honestly, I was about to deliver the ending he deserved.

He rushed at me, but Nikolai stepped to the side and threw out his arm in a ruthless clothes hanger that slammed the cartel leader right to the ground. Rico pushed up from the floor, scrambling to put himself together.

His eyes were beyond dilated. He was high right now.

“What the fuck?” He muttered and I shook my head.

I kicked him straight in the chest and he flew backwards, slamming into his desk with a loud grunt. His body was strangely languid, likely a side effect of whatever shit he was on. His head lolled to the side as he lifted his gaze towards me.

“Sergei Reznikov,” he sputtered in a flash of recognition.

“The one and only,” I replied.

His eyes slid to Nikolai, opening wide with realization that the two of us were working together. Back and forth he went between us, the shock on his face amusing.

“What are you doing with Nikolai Lenkov? Are you his prisoner or something?”

His confusion was laughable, I had to admit.

“No, Rico. I’m not his prisoner,” I chuckled.