Page 6 of Stolen Vows

If you had told me that I would end up married to another man this evening, I would have said you were crazy, but here I was.

The limo pulled away from the church and I sighed, leaning back against the seat. I don’t even really know how it happened, but suddenly there was a drink in my hand in a fancy glass. I raised an eyebrow and went to take a sip, assuming it was just water. Sergei cleared his throat and reached out, stopping me before I could bring it all the way to my lips.

“It’s not water. Very good Russian vodka,” he warned. He had just the hint of an accent, but it was hidden beneath what I assumed was years of practiced English.

“I’ve been known to order a martini from time to time, but I tend to prefer a Cosmo over that,” I admitted.

“I will make you one as soon as we arrive at my home in Lake Forest.”

Even though I’d grown up in Chicago, I hadn’t ventured in that direction in a long time.

“Before we do that, though, I’d like to take my new wife to dinner first. I’ve made reservations at the Red Caviar.”

I sucked in a breath and felt a bit of disbelief. Red Caviar was an exclusive, upscale restaurant just north of downtown. It was known for its fresh take on Russian cuisine with an American twist. I’d never been, but I’d heard that the waitlist was nearly six months out. The chef had not one, but two Michelin stars.

“You got a reservation?”

“The owner owed me a favor,” he answered.

It was deliberately vague, and I guessed that there was probably more to the story, but I somehow knew better than to ask. There was a little distance in between us on the seat and I glanced down at the vodka in my glass. I noticed that he had one in his hand too, although his was much fuller than mine.

“To a long and fruitful marriage,” I said, lifting my glass into the air.

He clinked his glass carefully against my own, but I quickly downed it first. The vodka burned as it slid down my throat, but once it settled in my belly, a familiar warmth radiated outward from my center.


“Very,” I answered quickly. To be honest, it was far smoother than any other vodka I’d tried before, especially the cheap well vodka that was served in the bars around Hyde Park, close to where I was finishing my last year at the University of Chicago. I was studying business management, and most of my friends liked to study hard, but party much, much harder.

It had made for several interesting Friday nights…

“I have an apartment,” I ventured. Most of my things were already sorted and ready for packing, all prepared to move into the house Robert and I bought together when we got back from the honeymoon.

“My men are there right now gathering your things. If there is anything else you need, all you need to do is ask and I will get it for you,” he replied as if it was the simplest thing in the world.


“Within reason, of course. I’d deliver you the moon, but that is a little outside of my reach at the moment.” He winked. I giggled quietly, peering down at my hands in my lap.

“Should I change out of my dress?”

“If you wish to do so, I can make it happen,” he offered.

“I’d like not to stain it. Every time I wear white, it’s like I’m asking to spill something on it,” I replied sheepishly.

He smiled, like he’d already known that about me. I shifted in my seat. Maybe he did or maybe he just knew how to foresee a woman’s needs. Had he been with a lot of women before?

“There will be someone already waiting for you with a more fitting dress for our first meal together as man and wife,” he replied, cutting off my train of thought.

“How did you know my size?” I asked.

“I have many technologically inclined associates at my beck and call. There is much you can learn about a person from their credit card records, etcetera,” he replied, keeping his eyes level with mine.

Immediately, I got the sense that the associates he was referring to didn’t always operate on the legal side. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees as he cocked his head. His dangerous aura felt oddly exciting.

“I chose the gown myself. I wanted to make certain that you felt like a queen on your first night as mine,” he explained.

I blushed, not really knowing what to say. No one had ever done something so thoughtful for me before. I began to worry what he would want in return. Would he expect me to sleep in his bed tonight? Would he want to fuck me? Could I even do that?