Page 37 of Stolen Vows

Me: You’re terrible.

Chloe: Tell me you’ve at least seen it.

Me: Not yet…

Chloe. Sigh. I need to teach you everything. Be at my place at eight. I’m going to make you into such a perfect little slut that he won’t be able to stop himself from dicking you down good and proper when you get home.

Me: I’m not going to get a choice about this, am I?

Chloe: No. You’re going to take it just like you’re going to take that dick.

Me: See you at eight, bitch.

Chloe: Love you, bitch.

Me: Love you too.

Ishook my head, unable to stop myself from giggling like a schoolgirl.

I’d met Chloe on my first day of college. We both lived in the dorms that year and we’d somehow happened to get matched with each other. We’d been best friends ever since. We shared clothes, had the same favorite drinks, and had both had a chance to hold each other’s hair if a night out on the town ended badly. It had been at least two weeks since I’d last talked to her, and I felt guilty about that. I’d been so wrapped up in my own life that I’d forgotten about her. She’d been unable to come to my wedding because of her mother’s health. Her parents lived overseas and she hadn’t been able to make it work, but we had loosely planned to get together once she got back to celebrate.

She was going to give me so much shit for not filling her in on all of this, but I deserved it. I knew she meant well.

I was pretty relieved to know that I was going to see her tonight, and I sprinted up the stairs and right into my closet. There was a slinky scarlet red dress that I’d picked up at Le Chic that I’d been looking for an excuse to wear and this was going to be perfect. It was already in a garment bag. I packed a small bag of makeup, knowing she was probably going to use most of her own ginormous collection.

When I glanced at the clock, it was only three in the afternoon. I went upstairs and put on a movie, texting the two men that usually accompanied me about my plans. One of them replied that they would be out waiting for me with a car by 7:30 PM.

When my stomach growled, I put in an order to the kitchen. In no time at all, an attendant brought it upstairs and set up a small table beside me so I could eat while I enjoyed the romantic drama I’d chosen to pass the time. Wanting to eat something filling before heading out on the town, I took a bite of my grilled chicken sandwich, enjoying the spicy bite of jalapeno, the creamy fried egg, and the fresh cilantro and lime guacamole. There was lettuce, tomato, and onion. Altogether, it was perfect, but the seasoned sweet potato fries were just as much of a star. I ate my fill and when the movie finally ended, it was time to go.

Before I left, I stopped in the specialized storage room that Sergei had designed for his personal wine collection. I didn’t know much about the different vintages of wine, but I did find several bottles of one of my favorites that I’d only mentioned to him in passing at dinner one night. I grinned, grabbing a bottle.

Victor was waiting for me by the door, my dress and bag already in his arms.

“Ready, Mrs. Reznikov?”

“I am. It’s good to see you,” I smiled. He opened the door with a respectful bow of his head, and I headed out to the black Range Rover waiting for me. Yuri climbed out of the driver’s seat and opened the door for me. Once we were all safely inside, the three of us drove back to Chicago.

I spent the time scrolling on my phone and catching up on social media. I didn’t usually partake in much of it, but I could certainly lose myself in it from time to time. Before I knew it, we’d pulled up in front of Chloe’s apartment complex. I hopped out of the car, excited to get the evening started.

“I’ll be awhile here. We’ll probably be heading out to Femme Fatale in a few hours, but I will be upstairs in apartment 1052 with my friend Chloe.”

Femme Fatale was our favorite nightclub. It was specifically catered towards their female audience, which always made it somewhat exclusive. It was especially nice to not have to worry about being bothered by overzealous men who wanted nothing more than to break up a group of women talking together just so they could have our attention themselves. I hadn’t been there in ages, but I was already looking forward to sitting in one of our favorite booths and enjoying a martini or two while the featured female musician sang long into the night up on stage.

It was going to be a good night.

Victor opened the door for me, and I tapped in the code to get into Chloe’s building. He followed, and as much as it annoyed me for a moment, I didn’t let it get to me. Once inside, I climbed into the elevator and headed up to the tenth floor. Chloe opened the door by the second knock and squealed when she saw me. In an instant, her arms were wrapped around me.

“I missed you!”

“I missed you more,” I exclaimed. She pulled me inside and was just going to shut the door when she noticed my beefy entourage.

“Is that him?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and I blushed hard.

“No. That’s my bodyguard,” I explained.

“Like the hot bodyguard you fuck or like the beefy bodyguard that someone hired to protect you, because I have to admit, he’s kind of cute,” she continued, and I didn’t dare meet Victor’s eyes. To his credit, he kept silent.

“The second one,” I muttered.