Page 31 of Stolen Vows

“I had a feeling you were going to disobey me when I gave you those rules last night, but I hadn’t thought you’d do it so quickly. After taking your panties down, though, I understand why,” he observed and I buried my face in the bed, thankful for my long hair that hopefully hid how embarrassed I was right now.

“Just get it over with,” I wailed.

“No, naughty girl. This is something I’m going to enjoy very much. I’m certain you won’t, at least not during it,” he replied, and my pussy clenched so hard that I feared he might be able to see that too.

His palm smoothed over my bottom, and I knew he was staring directly at it.

“You look especially beautiful like this, trembling as you wait for me to begin your punishment. You can feel how hard the sight of you is making my cock, can’t you?”

“Yes,” I whispered hoarsely, my nipples pebbling against the satin of my nightshirt.

“Are you ready, naughty girl?”

“Please not too hard,” I tried.

“Ohhh, babygirl. This is going to sting very much, and I have no plans of stopping until your naughty little backside is bright,brightred and your pretty little tears are dripping down your cheeks. I wouldn’t want to stop before you learn your lesson about what happens to bad little girls who break the rules, especially just so she can earn a spanking just like the one you’re about to get,” he warned, and my heart stopped beating.

Imighthave bitten off more than I could chew.



I’d spent all day thinking about her. It wasn’t like me.

I was a man that was used to having complete control. A man in my position needed to rule with an iron fist. My men had to recognize me as a strong leader and that occasionally required tough decisions of questionable morality. If they sensed any sort of weakness, they could betray me to the highest bidder, and I’d put in too much work to lose the position I had now.

My father had made that mistake and he’d caught a bullet right between the eyes.

I’d inherited a shaky foundation, and I’d built it up from there, strengthening the family from the ground up and going so far as to move half of us across the world just so that we could grow even bigger and more powerful than we could have ever been if we’d stayed in Russia.

I’d been a focused, career driven manuntil her.

Last night had been a dream. She’d been a bit put off by the rules that I’d given her, but I’d expected that. I’d seen the aggravated tension in her body language initially, but then when I mentioned what the consequences of breaking those rules were, there had been a definite change in her demeanor.

Instead of anger, she’d shown me curious arousal.

Her eyes had locked with mine and within them, there had been bold challenge. I had known that she was going to earn exactly the kind of punishment I had warned her about, not because she was a bad girl who did bad things, but because she wanted to know what it was like.

I’d moved slowly with her, giving her every ample opportunity to back out while also pushing her to slowly open up to me. Putting my hands on her had been everything I’d thought it would be, and when I’d pulled up her dress and exposed those deliciously pretty panties, she’d given me every indication that she was willing, albeit a little reluctantly.

I’d expected to find her a little wet for me, thinking maybe the anxiety of me looking at her bare for the first time would overwhelm her body’s reaction to me, but it had been the complete opposite. She had been absolutely drenched.

I would never forget looking at that beautiful little pussy for the first time. It was perfect. I could tell that it was slightly swollen with her desire, her pink lips a bit puffy, but it was the very visible threads of arousal stringing between her thighs that would stay with me forever.

My Natasha liked it when I was a bit more forceful with her. I wouldn’t forget that.

I had kept a firm grasp on my restraint last night. I wouldn’t fuck her until she asked me to, no matter how much I wanted to sink deep inside her. I was a man of honor.

I would make no vow as to what happened after that.

I’d seen the way she’d blushed and turned away when I’d run my eyes over her gorgeous flesh. She didn’t have the look of a girl who’d ever been with a man before. I hadn’t been sure she was a virgin. Things like that didn’t always leave a trail to follow, but now I was certain of it.

She was innocent and that made my cock rock hard. Knowing that I would be the first man to show her everything would be an endless treasure that would keep on giving.

I’d seen the way her brows had furrowed in confusion when I’d said I was going to use my tongue between her thighs. She hadn’t really been certain what I’d meant. Her eyes had rolled back in her head the instant the tip of my tongue had flicked that sensitive little clit, and I’d had to fight every instinct to reach down and stroke my cock at the beauty of that single moment.

Her responsiveness to me had been addictive, but it was the taste of her on my tongue that had been my kryptonite. I’d allowed myself to be a bit more demanding, forcing three hard orgasms from her before I’d let her rest.