Page 25 of Stolen Vows

I screamed the moment it began, and I didn’t stop until it was over. White hot pleasure burned through my veins, surging up and down my limbs with wild abandon. His fingers tightened around my wrists, holding me down that much more firmly and forcing me to take the pleasure he gave me.

I screamed until my throat was hoarse, just like he said I would.

The aftershocks that followed were almost intense enough to count as climaxes all on their own, and by the time he finally pulled his mouth away from my clit, my breathing was ragged. Slowly, he released my wrists. I could feel his eyes on me, but I was too exhausted to try to hide anymore. He very gently kissed my clit, and I cried out, so over sensitized that I tensed immediately.

“That’s it, my good girl. You came nice and hard for me, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” I breathed, not really able to string any more words together. I closed my eyes, simply focusing on pulling air in and out of my lungs.

Gently, he gathered me in his arms. He made no move to pull my dress back down, leaving me exposed as he pulled me into his lap. His arms wrapped around me, strong and steady and marvelously mine.

“Did you like that?”

I nodded into his chest, blushing too hard to say anything at all.

“Good, because I’m going to do that whenever and wherever I want, babygirl. The only choice you’ll get about it is if you need to go over my knee first,” he growled, and despite the mind-blowing pleasure I’d just had, my pussy clenched greedily anyway.

Tentatively, I wrapped my arm around the back of his neck. His palm cupped my cheek, and he firmly lifted my chin and kissed my lips. The taste of my own arousal was still fresh on his.

I cried out at the stark, musky sweetness, but he didn’t let me pull away. The same hand that had lifted my chin grasped around the back of my neck and fisted in the hair at the back of my scalp. A fierce volley of pain blossomed across the back of my head, but it only added to the burning bliss still boiling through my veins.

“I will never tire of the taste of you,” he whispered huskily, and my heart leapt into my throat. I curled against him, and he kissed my forehead, making me feel more cherished than I could have anticipated.

He held me like that for a long while. I expected him to demand something in return, but he didn’t and that made me adore him even more than ever. When my breathing finally returned to normal, he helped me climb to my feet.

“Hands on my shoulders,moya malyshka.”

I was too unsteady to even consider not doing what he asked.

He glanced down, making sure that I saw him looking at my swollen wet flesh before he grasped the hem of my dress and slowly pulled it down. I looked to the side, trying to find my panties, and he shook his head.

He reached out and took them off the table himself. Then he tucked them into the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

“I’m keeping those, babygirl,” he murmured, the dark glint returned to his eyes as my pussy clenched hard. Now that I was fully covered, he pulled me back into his lap and snapped his fingers. Immediately, the doors opened, and the waitress brought in a plate of dessert.

Even though I was pretty certain she couldn’t see anything, I pressed my thighs together as hard as I could. I tried not to think about how easily she’d heard the snap of his fingers, knowing that my screams of ecstasy had been much, much louder just a short while ago. Had she been standing by the door? Had she heard the whole thing?

Sergei picked up a fork and prepared a small bite. Far too distracted, I didn’t really look at what the dessert was until he was holding that small forkful in front of my mouth. Without thinking, I opened my mouth and finally looked down to see the most decadent piece of German chocolate cake that I’d ever laid my eyes on.

The layers of moist chocolate cake melted on my tongue, followed by the sweet, gooey coconut-pecan filling. The rich dark chocolate ganache sent my tastebuds on a tailspin, and I couldn’t hold back a moan at the sheer indulgence. He took a few bites himself, but he fed most of it to me. Occasionally, I sipped at the glass of wine that had appeared in front of me, losing myself in the sweet treat.

When we were finished, he helped me to my feet. He took my arm firmly in his, and I didn’t resist, my legs still feeling very much like jelly as he led me out of the restaurant and back to the car waiting for us. I felt my nakedness beneath my dress with every step, but what was much worse than that was my own wetness slicking between my thighs.

His grasp on me was gentle as he helped me climb into the backseat. I shyly pulled at the hem of my dress, doing my best to cover myself so that I didn’t give the world a show. It was only after I climbed inside that I noticed that he’d used his body to hide me from anyone that might be looking.

I liked that very much.

He slid in beside me and pulled me against him. The ride back home was quiet, but there wasn’t really a need to say anything at all. The sun had long past set and the sky had gone dark, lit only by the glittering stars overhead. I lay languidly against him, resting until we pulled in front of his mansion, and he helped me out.

For a such a hardened criminal, he was ever the perfect gentleman when it came to me. He led me upstairs and sat me down on the bed. I gazed up at him demurely, trying to figure out what would come next. Any other couple would have had time to know each other before marriage, but not us. Instead, the two of us were figuring out who each other was when we were already man and wife.

“Rest here, babygirl. I’m going to prepare you a bath,” he said, his voice tender and gentle.

I nodded, leaning back on my elbows. I was more tired than I cared to admit. His mouth between my legs had been more than I could handle in only the best kind of way.

I clenched my thighs together in anticipation of the next time he made me to come for him like that. The water started running and I glanced towards the bathroom door. For the few minutes he was inside, I imagined what it would be like for him to force me on my back so that I could take his cock in much the same way. Would I come even harder for him like that? The shadow of his tall frame standing in the doorway cut off my shameless train of thought.

“You will take a nice, long, relaxing bath, babygirl. After that, you will go to bed,” he explained, and I stiffened a bit pridefully.