Page 13 of Stolen Vows

I was just about to turn around and head back when the sound of a male shouting made me pause. Was someone in trouble? Did they need help? I had my cell phone in my pocket just in case I needed it, so I could call someone if they did.

I glanced back at the house, not seeing any lights on inside other than the one I’d left lit inside my bedroom. Sergei’s office was dark. When I heard another distressed shout, I hurried along the path and finally reached the back of the gardens. There was a stone wall lining the perimeter, but a wooden door was ajar in the back corner. I ventured towards it, finding that it led into the lush green woods that surrounded much of the property.

There was another path along here, and I almost exclaimed with joy at finding that it followed a trickling brook. It probably didn’t go any deeper than knee height, but the noise of rushing water was peaceful all the same.

I kept going, hearing the sound of hushed voices not far ahead. Just when they seemed like they were around the bend, I paused and listened. There was another structure ahead that was much smaller than the house behind me. I assumed it was a guest house or storage of some kind. It was well-lit, yet still hidden among the overgrown vegetation. I pushed aside a leafy branch, catching sight of half a dozen men.

The shout came again. This time, it was clear that it wasn’t just distress. It sounded more like pain. The solid smack of a fist hitting flesh was stark and I stopped moving. The distinct feeling that I was about to witness something I shouldn’t came over me. I kept going anyway.

Sitting in the center of the ring of massive male bodies was a man tied to a chair. His face was bruised and bloodied. He groaned, his head hanging, and I sucked in a breath.

“Boris, I’m a man that believes in loyalty above all else,” a man said calmly.

I gulped, recognizing Sergei’s voice immediately. I searched the group to find him. He was the biggest one there, wearing a fitted black t-shirt that molded to his hard, chiseled muscles. In the moonlight, every ridge and cut seemed that much sharper, making him appear even larger than life. He oozed power, cracking his knuckles as he stared down at the man bound before him.

“I don’t take kindly to betrayal,” he continued.

His knuckles were bloodied. If it wasn’t his, it was likely that of the unfortunate man held prisoner.

“We had a deal. I held up my end of the bargain. I paid for those, and you didn’t deliver, deciding to sell them to the Mikhailovs instead,” Sergei continued. I expected him to punch the man again, but he circled him like a predator waiting for the opportune moment to tackle his weak, vulnerable prey.

“They offered more money,pakhan,” the man whimpered.

“Do you think I care about the cost?”

Wisely, the man didn’t answer. Instead, he stared miserably at the ground.

“I needed those weapons. I had already brokered my own deal after trusting your word that they would be delivered yesterday. Do you think my client was disappointed when I had to tell him that the weapons hadn’t come in like they should have? Do you think that makes me happy?”

“No,pakhan,” he answered fearfully.

“I understand I’m a new name in town, but I’m here to stay, and that means I’m going to need to make an example of you. What should I take from you that would equal the value you stole from me? Should I start with your pinky? Your left hand? I know… Why don’t you choose for me?” Sergei warned.

The sound of his voice was terrifying. He’d never come even close to using that tone with me, and I was thankful for that.

I watched, wide eyed, as he pulled a knife out of his back pocket and flicked it open. I noticed that there was a handgun stuffed in the back of his jeans.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away as Sergei rounded on the man once more, looking at him with a darkly expectant expression. When he finally stopped in front of him, I held in my breath, too frightened to look away.

“So, what will it be?”

“My next shipment comes in next week. I can make sure it’s even better than your original request. I’ll even throw in some extras at no cost to you,” the man pleaded.

“Answer my question, Boris, unless you want me to choose for you, and I promise you won’t like what I’ve got in mind,” he threatened. His vicious smirk grew bigger, and I couldn’t help but gasp out loud in fear.

Oh, fuck.

Sergei stopped cold.

Slowly, he looked over his shoulder. There wasn’t time for me to run or hide because his steely gaze immediately found mine. The man beside him looked up, caught off guard by Sergei’s sudden distraction, and he found me too.

Suddenly, everyone was looking at me. I opened and closed my mouth, trying to figure out if I should explain myself, but I ended up taking a fearful step back, followed by another and another, until I turned around and fled back to the house.

I had just reached the gardens when a gunshot rang out, echoing through the woods behind me.

I didn’t stop until I was safely back in my room, closing the door and leaping back into bed without changing into my pajamas. I stayed there with my eyes closed and the covers pulled over my head, unable to sleep.

I knew Sergei had been the one to pull the trigger. I hadn’t seen it, but I hadn’t needed to.