Page 33 of Stolen Vows

“After your spanking is over, I’m going to hold you for as long as you need, and when you’re ready, you’re going to open your thighs and show that gorgeous pussy to me. If it’s soaking wet, I’m going to make you come on my tongue.”

I cried out, imagining his mouth between my legs again, unintentionally bucking a tiny bit over his knee. He chuckled knowingly, and I knew he’d felt it, which only made me quietly wail with mortified arousal.

“I bet you’ll come even harder for me than you did last night.”

He lifted his hand and brought it down hard on my bare left cheek. The sound was far louder than I expected, and it shocked me so much that my whole body tensed.

I suddenly remembered the staff. There was no way they would have heard that and not know what was happening.

A second spank followed, and I squeezed my eyes shut, mortified by the noise of flesh smacking flesh. Anyone walking nearby would be able to listen to this and it wouldn’t take a whole lot of guessing to figure out what was going on. Would I even be able to meet their eyes after this? Would they look at me like I was weird, knowing that I’d had my panties pulled down so Sergei could spank my bare bottom?

I tried to twist my wrist and cover my ass, trying to stop the loud sounds from echoing off the walls.

“Someone might hear!” I exclaimed.

“There is no one on this floor right now, babygirl, and even if there was, what happens between a married couple inside their bedroom is none of their concern. I pay them more than enough to mind their own business.”

“But they’ll know what’s happening!” I tried and he snapped his palm against my bare skin, jiggling my bottom suggestively.

“No one will ever see this beautiful body but me, but if someone hears you scream as you come for me or listens when you get this naughty little ass spanked, they’ll know you’re a very well taken care of woman, won’t they?”

I blushed, hating how his explanation made my pussy clench hard.

“Yes, sir,” I murmured, feeling more than a little pouty about it.

“Once your spanking really gets started, babygirl, you’ll forget all about anyone that may hear. The only thing you’ll be focused on is how much my hand stings and when I’m going to decide it’s over,” he warned.

I swallowed nervously as his palm lightly patted my cheeks. I’d been too distracted to really notice if those first few swats hurt, but I had a feeling that wouldn’t last much longer.

I braced myself, but there was no preparing for what came next.

The first few spanks had been no more than love taps, mostly noise rather than sting. The ones that followed were not. The much louder sound that came with it was startling, but not as much as the stinging burn. Without meaning too, I yelped and immediately snapped my lips shut, not wanting him or anyone else nearby to know how much he was already getting to me. It had only been a few swats.

I made a vow to myself to take this with as much dignity as I could. I would keep quiet and take the punishment that I’d earned with my head held high. His palm swatted down hard, and I tensed, feeling proud of myself for keeping silent even though that one had definitely been harder than the others. Then another one followed, and I made a startling realization.

The sting didn’t fade fast enough for the tempo he was keeping. It burned long after his palm contacted my bare flesh, and when the next one hit, it compounded on the first. I sucked in a breath, trying to cope and be brave all at the same time.

The size of his hand really hit me then. It was broad enough to cover one whole side of my ass at a time, which meant that every time he slapped my bottom, the sting spread over most of it. It started as a sharp simmer, but then quickly escalated to a much fiercer burn as time went on. His big hand slapped from the upper crests of my cheeks, all the way down to my upper thighs, a place that I quickly found stung the most.

Trying to keep silent, I bit the inside of my cheek so hard I tasted blood.

“There is no need to be brave, babygirl. You’re getting your bare bottom spanked. I know it hurts,” he coaxed, which only made me hold on more with as much silent courage as I could muster.

When the next spank punished the lower curve of my right cheek, I knew it was going to be a battle of wills, and when another followed, I wasn’t sure it was a battle I could win. As if he could sense my determination, my punishment only escalated from there. His hand carried with it a ferocious sting, and I had to keep reminding myself that it was only his palm and that it wasn’t made of wood. I told myself that this was nothing more than a childish punishment, that people survived things like this every day, and that I would too.

Soon, it felt like way more than all of that.

I tried to wiggle my hips and avoid just a single spank, but his hold on my body was firm as his palm peppered my scalded backside. Then, a particularly stinging strike caught my upper thigh, and a soft cry escaped my lips.

There was no keeping quiet anymore.

The spanking only became firmer and the searing burn across my vulnerable backside only got more intense. There was no thinking about anything other than his palm and my naked ass. He’d been right. The only thing that concerned me now was how much longer this was going to last.

“That’s enough,” I tried, hoping that would bring the embarrassing punishment to a close.

“You’re not the one that gets to decide that, my Natasha,” he scolded, and he emphasized his words with a stinging flurry that left me crying out from the start.

It didn’t end after that. The painful agony built and built until a new worry hit me. If this kept going, I was going to cry. I whimpered, trying to keep control of myself, but my bottom was burning, and my ego was bruised enough already.