Page 29 of Stolen Vows

He is going to spank me after all. This is serious.

“My men alerted me of your departure the moment you drove out of the garage this morning. Did you happen to notice that several of them tailed you to Le Chic? That a few of them kept an eye on you while you went shopping and then had dinner at the restaurant next door?”

I shook my head. I hadn’t noticed anyone. I tried not to think about how it was sweet that even though I’d purposefully disobeyed him, he’d still protected me anyway.

“Was there anything you truly needed today that couldn’t wait?”

“No,” I replied guiltily.

“Was there anything preventing you from alerting the staff of your outing so that one of them could accompany you?”

“No,” I whispered, feeling smaller by the second.

His hands settled on my waist. Their presence didn’t do anything except remind me how massive his hands were when compared to my much smaller frame, and I chewed the inside of my cheek.

“I think, sweet girl, you were testing me. You wanted to see that what would happen if you broke the rules, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t,” I tried, and his fingers squeezed just the tiniest bit.

“Don’t lie to me, babygirl. You wanted to know if I would really do what I said, didn’t you?”

Blushing furiously, I turned my head away and refused to look at him. I didn’t say anything, mostly because I didn’t want to confirm what he was saying, but also because I wasn’t really sure if I could.

“What did I say would happen?”

When I didn’t answer, his right hand let go and lightly tapped my hip in warning.

“You said you’d… you’d…spa… spank me,” I replied miserably.


My cheeks flared even hotter, and I tried to pull away, everything suddenly hitting me like a freight train. All day, this had been some foreign possibility that wasn’t a real thing, but a figment of fantasy that had been making my pussy wet. I hadn’t actually been sure if he was just saying all those things yesterday to arouse me, or if he had even meant to follow through with any of it, but everything about his verbiage and his body language right now was telling me that it had all been true.

“On my…ba…bare… bot… bottom,” I answered.

“I did say that, didn’t I?”

“Yes,” I whispered, more than a little flustered.

“Tonight, babygirl, you’re going to learn that I’m a man of my word.”

He grasped my chin and turned my face towards his. I tried to pull away, but he didn’t let me, instead looking deep into my eyes as my shame compounded within me.

“From tonight onward, Natasha, if I tell you that you’ve earned a spanking, you will be getting one. Sometimes, it might need to wait until bedtime like it had to today. Sometimes, I may take you out to the car to deal with you on the spot if the situation warrants it. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” I murmured.

“Lift your nightshirt. Show me the panties I’m going to be taking down before I put you over my knee,” he demanded gently.

I wanted to be angry with him for doing this, but I knew that I’d done this all to myself. What he’d asked of me had been simple. He hadn’t confined me, nor had he forbidden me from leaving. All he’d asked was for me to take a bodyguard with me if I did leave, and I’d purposefully ignored him so that I would end up just like this.

He was being exceedingly gentle. I had expected him to yell at me or something, but then I quickly realized that was foolish. Sergei wasn’t the kind of man to raise his voice at a woman, especially me.

My fingers reached down, toying with the edge of my nightshirt as my head whirled and tried to figure a way out of this.

“I won’t do it again,” I said hopefully.

“What happens next is going to make sure of that, babygirl,” he answered, his voice firm.