Page 60 of Make Me, Daddy

“That’s right, baby girl. When you’re ready, you will strip for me and climb over my knee,” he stated, reaching for the paddle on the coffee table and putting it beside him on the couch.

I chewed my lip nervously, standing there for a long minute until my fingers started moving all by themselves. Slowly, I untied the belt around my waist and let it go. I shrugged the dress off and gently laid it on the coffee table. My breasts were already bare, my nipples standing on edge. The only thing left was my panties, and I hesitated for a moment. My devious little plans had gotten me in far over my head, while also getting me exactly what I wanted, and now I was about to pay the price with Daddy’s ring on my finger.

With a deep breath, I pushed my panties down. The waistband scraped against my sensitive flesh inch by inch. As I stepped out of them, I couldn’t help but notice that the seat was soaked through with my arousal.

There was no way he wouldn’t have seen that.

I placed them aside with my dress and looked forlornly at his lap, wishing I could just be sitting on it rather than about to go over it. He was right though. I did need this, and I knew I would feel sad if he just let this go, so I slowly climbed over exactly where I was supposed to without even a sliver of a fight. He adjusted me forward, pinning my legs beneath one of his. Doing that at the beginning was far more terrifying because it made the possibility of it really stinging transform from a faraway dream to an immediate, inescapable reality.

“I love you, my baby girl,” he murmured.

His broad palm circled over my bottom, and I let out a sigh of relief. I was home. Cormac Murphy was my home.

“I love you too, my Daddy,” I said, curling my body against him as much as I could.

His fingers dug possessively into my vulnerable flesh, and I sucked in a breath, readying myself as much as I could. When he finally let go, I knew the time had finally come and I lifted my bottom, wanting him to know he had my complete surrender from the very beginning. The first crack of his hand was deafeningly loud, and it suddenly occurred to me that someone else walking by in the hall or maybe in the next room would hear this. The second crack made me forget all about whoever may be nearby and focus solely on the sting that came with it. This wasn’t a playful spanking, and he didn’t start slow, so there was no time to get acclimatized to the terrible sting.

I tried to be brave and take it quietly, especially since I’d been the one that had specifically instigated the whole thing. I’d wanted his attention and I’d done more than I’d needed to really earn it, and here I was getting exactly what I wanted. I pressed my lips together with the express purpose of keeping silent and taking this whole thing with a shred of dignity, but his palm seemingly got harder. The sting compounded on itself and by the fourth one, I lost my battle, and a tiny cry slipped out. I tried to clamp my lips shut again, but there was no going back now.

His hand curved, slapping firmly against the fullest part of my bottom. His aim was impeccable, but the broadness of his palm made it that much worse. I couldn’t kick or squirm even a little bit. His leg was like iron against the back of my knees, thoroughly pinning me in place, letting me know that this wouldn’t end until he decided it was over and even then, his cock was going in my bottom.

Even with his hand reddening my ass, the thought of him taking me there thrilled me in a deliciously taboo way and I closed my eyes, blushing even though no one could hear the wickedly naughty thoughts bouncing around in my head. When he finally paused, I breathed a sigh of relief. My backside thoroughly scalded, I whimpered. I knew that my cheeks would be hot to the touch, and then I felt him shift and suddenly I remembered.

Fuck. He was reaching for thepaddle.

My mind had somehow pushed it far away, tricking itself into believing that the spanking was over, and that it was time to move onto the much more shameful part of my punishment. Left reeling, I cried out and pushed my right hand back, spreading my fingers wide and trying to cover as much of my bottom as possible. Carefully, his hand closed around my wrist, pinning it almost effortlessly behind my back.

“You know how much Daddy cares for you, don’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I whimpered.

The cool wooden surface of the paddle slid against my thigh and stilled. His hand squeezed around my wrist.

“Do you know why I’m pinning you in place for your paddling?”

“No, Daddy,” I whined softly.

“The paddling is going to sting, and you’re not going to be able to stay still, baby girl. I don’t want those pretty little toes or your gorgeous little fingers to get hurt. I want to make sure that only this very naughty bottom is sore by the time I’m done,” he explained.

Even as my nerves flared, my heart swelled with emotion.

“I trust you, Daddy,” I whispered, unable to keep the nervous trembling from my voice.

“I will treasure that, baby girl, forever and always,” he rumbled fiercely, and the walls around my heart crumbled into ashes.

“I’m ready, Daddy,” I said quietly, trying to be as brave I could.

“One more thing, baby girl. I want you thinking about something very important for this next part of your punishment,” he murmured, smoothing the wooden surface over my bottom cheeks.

“I’m always going to be there for you from now on, no matter what. If you ever question that again from this point forward, I will not hesitate to put you over my knee and paddle your bare bottom bright,brightred. Daddy loves you and I want to make sure you never forget that.”

In the sweetness of his proclamation of his love, there was also a glaring warning, even if it was between the lines. This was going to sting,really sting, and there wasn’t going to be a thing I could do about it.

“What are you going to be thinking about, baby girl?”

“That you love me, Daddy, and that you always will.” I swallowed hard.

“That’s my girl,” he praised and his grip on me tightened.