Page 42 of Make Me, Daddy

“Of course.”

“Oh, goodie,” I exclaimed, and the musical sound of his laughter filled the room. He shook his head, but his smile was contagious, and I couldn’t help but grin along with him.

“I need to take care of some family business today. I’ll be back later this evening and I’ll pick up some takeout for us. How’s that sound?”

“I’d like that,” I replied.

“Pizza, Thai, or Chinese?”

“Pizza,” I said decisively.

Anyone that I’d ever met from the east coast was always talking about how good the pizza was over here, and I’d always wanted to try it.

“I know just the place,” he said. Then he sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. His expression turned mildly stern, his jawline tensing a bit and I fidgeted a little in my seat.

“Be a good girl for me today. You’re welcome to whatever you like here in the house. If you need anything, I can send my driver for you to pick it up. You don’t have to stay here either, you’re not my prisoner or anything like that, but don’t go too far and make sure to take your phone with you if you do.”

“I will,” I promised.

“There are snacks in the pantry. I had one of my guys pick up all kinds because I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”

“Thank you. That was sweet of you,” I smiled.

“I’ll be back around five or six. We’ll have a nice dinner and then I’d like to watch a movie with you tonight,” he continued.

“Is that all,Daddy?” I deliberately added a playful sassy tone and his blue eyes darkened. I found myself lost within their swirling sea.

“If you’re a very good girl, I’ll make sure you go to bed wet, sore, and well used. If you’re a bad girl, though, I’ll have to take my belt to you first and you’ll go to bed withallthreeof your tight little holes well used and very,verysore,” he warned, and my core squeezed so tight that I almost cried out.

My bottom hole tensed anxiously, and I chewed the inside of my cheek. I thought I should be shocked, but a part of me wasn’t surprised that he would want to take my mouth and my ass at some point. I tried to ignore the curiosity his threat instigated as best that I could.

“I’ll behave,” I squeaked.

“Good girl,” he praised.

He got up from the table and strode over to me, cupping my cheek with one broad palm. He leaned down and kissed me. The sweet tenderness in that soft kiss took my breath away. His fingers tightened almost like he didn’t want to leave me, but he eventually pulled away.

“See you later, Daddy.”

“Have a good afternoon, baby girl,” he murmured.

His eyes caught mine for one last time before he descended the stairs to the ground level. I heard the door open and shut, and the house was filled with silence. I sighed, picking up our plates from the table. I rinsed them off and loaded them into the dishwasher. He’d already cleaned all the pans, so there wasn’t much cleanup at all.

I wondered what he had to do today. Come to think of it, he’d never really said what he did for work. Actually, he’d never really given any details as to who he was or how he was so rich or why he had so much power. I had a few guesses, but all of them seemed ludicrous when I really sat down and thought about it. This wasn’t a movie or a book or some television show. This was real life.

I headed to his office, noticing that he had left his credit card out for me. I slid into his enormous executive office chair and stared at the computer screen. Eventually, I opened a web browser and searched his name. There was nothing really that specifically alluded to what he did. The articles mentioned him in a positive fashion and most of them revolved around charitable contributions at various functions. Eventually, I gave up and sat back.

I looked down at the desk. There were multiple drawers, and I slid the first one open, pawing through it carefully so he wouldn’t realize it was disturbed. When I happened upon a locked drawer, I couldn’t contain my tiny shriek of victory knowing that I could probably pick it open. Unable to stem my curiosity, I raced down to my bathroom and grabbed a bobby pin out of the fresh pack I’d seen in one of the vanity drawers.

It took me less than a minute to bust through the lock. I giggled when I noticed several bottles of what I assumed was top shelf Irish whiskey. I pulled out a wooden box and opened it, only to find it full of Cuban cigars. The scent of coffee and chocolate was strong, but enjoyable, and I closed the lid.

I was just about to close it when I noticed that the drawer space didn’t seem as deep as all the others. I reached inside and touched the back panel, pressing a little so that it popped open and revealed a secret compartment. My eyes grew wide, seeing several stacks of cash along with a framed photograph. I gently pulled it out. When I turned it over, time seemed to come to a complete stop.

It was a picture of Cormac, my father, and mymother.

I stared at the photograph, noting the way his arms were over my parents’ shoulders. At some point, they’d been close friends, maybe even close enough to consider each other family. A heavy weight settled on my shoulders. Cormac hadn’t even mentioned knowing her. He’d kept that from me and there wasn’t a single reason in the world I could think of to explain why.

Maybe this had all been just a pipe dream and I’d let myself get caught up in his easygoing nature, the safety I felt when surrounded by his powerful presence, and how he’d rescued me from years behind bars, not to mention the mind-blowing sex.