Page 28 of Make Me, Daddy

“Is there anything else you need?” he asked, his tone suggestive and I blushed, feeling the keen reminder that I’d really like my bra back but was too proud to ask for it.

I shook my head and took the drink when he passed it over to me. It only made me even more aware of the soft fabric rubbing against my stiff nipples.

I was going to win this silly little game.

I went to take a sip as he turned away and Iaccidentallystumbled, spilling the contents of the very full glass all over my sweater and down onto my jeans.

“Dammit. I’m such a klutz,” I swore, and he turned back around to drag his gaze up and down my body, pausing suspiciously on my chest before continuing back up to my face.

He didn’t say anything at all, seemingly waiting for me to speak first.

“Do you have anything else, a new outfit maybe? This is going to stain if I don’t go rinse it off.”

“Sure. Let’s head back upstairs and I’ll dig up something for you.”

When his gaze caught mine, I could have sworn he was looking at me with a vaguely concealed amused glimmer in his eyes. I did my best to ignore it, but my shame at such a low-balled ploy only made my nipples harder. He turned away and jogged up the stairs. I followed, very keenly aware of the prominent bouncing of my breasts with each step.

I waited outside my bedroom while he climbed the stairs one more floor up. I guessed that maybe his master suite was up there. He hadn’t shown me that on the tour, but maybe he just valued his privacy. I shrugged it off as his footsteps echoed ahead of him, announcing his descent. I plastered a smile on my face as he came into sight. He handed me a small pile of clothes and I disappeared into my room, closing the door behind me.

I quickly laid it out on the bed. The sweater was similar to the one I was wearing, but the cowl neck dipped a little deeper and the torso looked to be a bit tighter. There was another pair of jeans, as well as socks and panties.

There was no bra.

Thought you were being clever now, huh? Looks like he beat you at your own game.

With an annoyed scowl, I changed into the new clothes, my mood sullen as I tossed the juice-stained ones into the hamper in the bathroom. I prepared myself before I opened the door, not really accepting that he’d outsmarted me on this one while also not really having a choice about it either. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind now that he knew that I was doing, so maybe my little trick was having some effect on him at least. I counted that as a little bit of a win. I flounced out of the room to find him waiting, and we descended the stairs together. He paused in front of a closet door and opened it, pulling out a coat that was definitely not his.

“Here. Ada wanted you to have this. She picked it out for you as a special gift,” he offered, holding out a gorgeous dark forest green and black plaid patterned pea coat.

“That was awfully sweet of her,” I said softly.

He held it up and I threaded my arms through. It fit me like a glove, falling to just above my knees. It was the perfect size.

“Perfect,” he whispered, and I noticed his voice had turned a tad huskier.

I traced my fingers across the deceptively soft wool fabric.

“I’ll make sure to let Ada know that I’m grateful for such a thoughtful gift,” I said, letting my guard down for the briefest of moments.

“Good girl,” he praised, and my pussy clenched down hard.

My body’s reaction was so visceral that I stumbled over my feet, this time not on purpose. Cormac reacted quickly, reaching out and grabbing my upper arm before I fell. With a breathy pant, I thanked him before steadying myself upright. My nipples were hard as diamonds and my arousal pooled in the seat of my panties. My cheeks felt red hot with shame.

I held my head up. I could do this.

I wouldn’t let him win.



Her bit of naughtiness with the juice had been clever. I hadn’t had the forethought to see it coming, but I’d been able to foil her with ease once she’d made it clear she wanted to wear something else. I didn’t scold her. It wasn’t really necessary, and I didn’t want her to think of me as this hard ass that sought to control her every move.

On another day, I’d have happily let her wear anything she wanted when she was alone in the house with me, but when I’d seen her in that too-short skirt, I had stopped short, immediately thinking about how all the men in the city would see those long, lean, beautiful legs and I couldn’t stand for that. I shouldn’t feel this possessive over her. She didn’t belong to me.

But you want her to be yours…

I shook my head and covered up my vein of jealousy with some lame excuse that I didn’t want her to be cold outside, which was true, but not my main concern. Her expression softened at my words, and I sighed in relief, thinking I’d played it off well.