Page 13 of Make Me, Daddy

He didn’t really need to point out how much of a difference in power existed between us right now. It was already painfully clear to me. He was clearly the one in charge, both physically and financially and every other way imaginable.

“I don’t even know you,” I scoffed.

“I know you don’t, but there are several things that need to take place this afternoon before I take you with me to Boston, so I’m going to make things very clear from now on. Coming with me isn’t an option. It’s happening whether you like it or not. Do you understand me?”

I didn’t want to give him even an inch of leverage.

“Fuckoff,” I snarled.

He sighed, the sound somehow weary, like I’d somehow just forced his hand into God knows what. I gulped anxiously, waiting and trying to be as brave as I possibly could. I knew in situations like this that confidence was key. Maybe if I played against him, he’d drop whatever this charade was and leave me alone. Jail would probably be a better deal than whatever sick fantasies this asshole had in mind.

His belt buckle jangled behind me, and I tensed, forcing my eyes wide open. I tried to wrench my head back so that I could see what he was doing, but he didn’t allow me much wiggle room. With a blank stare, I watched him pull the thick black leather strap from his slacks. The swish of leather sliding against cotton was so loud that I heard it over the hammering of my own heartbeat.

“What are you doing?”

He’s about to fuck you, you idiot.

Somehow, though, I instinctually knew that wasn’t going to happen, at least not here. Slowly, he folded the belt in half, holding onto both the buckle and the other end in his fist. It was only then that it finally dawned on me what was happening.

He’d taken off his belt and pushed up my skirt.

He was going tospankme with that thing.

Freshly renewed panic surged through me, and I pushed as hard as I could against the desk. With embarrassing ease, he held me in place as I thrashed, kicking my toes against the floor. Then I tried whipping my hands back to punch him as hard as I could right in the balls. I shrieked with alarm when he captured my wrists and pinned them firmly behind my back.

I was helpless. Nothing I could do would stop this from happening.

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on me. I’ll call the police and tell them what you did. You’ll be arrested,” I threatened.

“Iownthe police.”

His response was terrifying in its simpleness. It confirmed what I already thought, at least partially, that he was some powerful bigwig that had more money than he knew what to do with, and he’d somehow set his sights directly on me.

I didn’t know what more to say after that, so I just kept fighting. I kicked backward, missing his ankle or even his knee. I struggled for a long time, and he just held me in place. When I finally stopped moving, I was breathing hard.

I’d never been in a situation like this before.

I didn’t know what to expect, so I tried to put on a brave face. Everyone knew that a spanking was a childish punishment, something that happened behind closed doors in perfect houses with white picket fences. If a kid could take it, so could I.


“Let’s talk about this. Maybe we could come to some sort of agreement,” I tried.

I wouldn’t beg. There was no way I’d degrade myself like that to him. Until this moment, he’d seemed like a reasonable man and maybe I could work with that. My bottom flexed and he didn’t say anything.

“I’m done talking, Caitlin,” he replied, his tone serious enough to make it crystal clear that the time for negotiation was long over.

This was going to happen whether I wanted it to or not.

I didn’t understand it, but my pussy chose that exact moment to clench down hard. I almost squeaked in surprise, but I bit my lip at the last second, keeping my dignity blessedly intact. I told myself that maybe he would just swat me a few times to make his point. After he was done, he would call the judge back in and we would carry on like this never even happened. Maybe he just wanted to remind me that he was in charge or something stupid like that.

This would be over before I knew it.

I gave myself the best pep talk I could muster. I was strong and a man’s belt wouldn’t break me. This was just a normal Friday with a normal punishment for a normal girl like me. Stacy had even told me about her older boyfriend taking her over his knee once for teasing him and she’d told me that she’d had the hottest sex of her life after it. She had blushingly admitted that it was a real spanking that stung, but she’d come really hard when he’d bent her over and fucked her just as hard after it was over.

Maybe Cormac was into this kind of thing, some kind of kink that involved manhandling a woman and reddening her bottom with his belt.

I blushed at the thought and quickly turned my eyes downward, staring petulantly at the rich swirly wooden surface of the desk like it was somehow at fault for my current predicament. There was a barely discernable change in pressure in the hand pinning my wrists against my back and I tensed, anticipating the first blow before it hit. The harrowing sound of the belt cutting through the air was almost gentle, like the swish of the wind, but that only lasted for a fraction of a second. The noise it made when it contacted my panty-covered ass was jarringly loud and the sudden worry that someone in the halls might hear washed over me.