Page 49 of Make Me, Daddy

I want you to know that you’re welcome to come back at any time, and I will welcome you with open arms. Take all the time you need. If you never want to come back, that’s okay too. Whatever you choose, I promise you I won’t be angry. I just want to make sure you’re safe and that you’re happy.

I’ve included my credit card along with this letter. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to use it. Buy yourself something pretty and at least allow me to spoil you just a little bit.

I miss you.


Cormac Murphy

P.S. Don’t do anything illegal, but even if you do, I’m still going to bail you out.

I stared at the letter for a long time. My eyes turned watery, and I placed it down on the table. His kind words touched my heart and a harsh pang of sorrow bit through me. I looked inside the envelope and true to his word, his credit card was inside.

I uncovered the silver platters to find different kinds of French toast. There was some slathered in berries, another with bananas and caramel, and then one with baked apples and cinnamon. There was an enormous pot of freshly brewed coffee along with all the fixings. There was a pitcher of orange juice too and I would bet money that it was just squeezed this morning at a place like this. The whole gesture was very sweet, but a part of me had been hoping for him to show up at my door instead. There wasn’t a single thing in the world I wouldn’t give up just to feel his arms around me again.

It comforted me to know that he missed me because I missed him too.

I slid into my seat and pulled the berry one in front of me. With the side of my fork, I cut a small bite and popped it into my mouth. Even though it was just as delicious as his, a little piece of my heart hurt because he hadn’t been the one to make it.

I wished he’d been the one to deliver it. It would have meant a lot to me.

I ate slowly, sipping at the hot coffee while I read the letter over and over again. The last line made me smile for a second as I imagined him sitting there, clenching that broad fist of his. My bottom cheeks tingled, and I sighed.

Nothing in the letter made it seem that he would show up at my door. He was doing the right thing and giving me space to process all the things I had learned, which was exactly what I’d asked for. He was being understanding, allowing me to decide if I wanted to stay or go, and that meant a lot too. I was grateful to him for saying all the things that he did, but I kind of wanted something more than that.

I wanted him to come here and really show me that he wanted me back. I didn’t just want to be his little girl either. I wanted to be his in all ways and not just for the rest of my sentence. I didn’t want temporary. I needed forever.

It was at that moment that I knew I had been lying to myself. I’d tried not to care for him, even pretending for a little while that I hated him for having the nerve to bare my bottom and spank me, but I couldn’t do it any longer.

I loved him.

Truthfully, I wanted to be his little girl and his good little slut and his Caitlin. It may be a lot to ask for, but if I was going to do this, he was going to give me everything. I needed to know that he felt the same way, that he loved me too.

I took a bigger bite of French toast and chewed thoughtfully. How could I let him know what I wanted without specifically telling him every little detail? It would mean so much more to me if he figured it out himself.

I focused on the last line.

Even in all his kind and understanding words, he was still warning me not to do anything naughty. An idea sparked in my head.

I wasn’t going to do anything illegal. I didn’t want to have to force him to bail me out for a second time and I refused to show him that I was a criminal. Instead, I wanted to show him that I could take care of myself in a responsible way, but that sometimes I did things that warranted his unique brand of correction.

Not warranted.Needed.

I picked up the credit card and stared back at it thoughtfully. My nipples pebbled beneath my robe, and I reached inside to tweak one of them gently. I hadn’t worn a bra since I’d left because it helped me feel more connected to him even when we were apart. My pussy clenched hard. I would get his attention. I was sure of it.

I didn’t come up with just one idea. I came up with several. I stood up and padded over to the desk. There was a tablet sitting on a charger stand and I picked it up, bringing it over to the dining table. I filled up my coffee cup, added cream and sugar, and opened up a browser window.

I started to shop.

I searched high and low, but eventually I landed on a little-known French lingerie designer, Chantal Thomas. Through the grapevine, I heard rumor that the fabrics she used were incredibly luxurious and were particularly attentive to detail from every delicate lace trim to each soft velvet bow.

Using Cormac’s credit card, I bought ten different matching bra and panties sets. I even added several extra bras to really send a message. By the time I was done, I didn’t even bother looking at the grand total, knowing full well it was over twenty grand. My shopping spree didn’t end there either. I opened several browser windows with different designers, ordering anything that looked like something a bad girl or a rebel might wear. I kept every receipt and sent the files to the small printer set up in the room.

I took all the receipts and piled them on the coffee table. If all went according to plan, Cormac would be at my door in a few days. If he really cared about me, he’d come and put me back over his knee where I belonged. My hands went to cover my backside, instinctually knowing that if I really went through with everything that he’d probably spank me really hard with his hand or maybe even his belt. I wasn’t certain if he’d use anything else, but I knew one thing.

It would hurt.

My clit throbbed like it was demanding it right then and there. I closed my eyes, imagining the whole thing, hoping desperately that he’d take me to bed after it was all over and make love to me the way I needed to be loved. I didn’t just want a spanking. I wanted his cock to punish me too, and then I wanted him to kiss me and tell me everything was going to be okay, that he would be there for me no matter what.