Page 39 of Make Me, Daddy

I collapsed on the couch with an audible huff of pure frustration. Dancing for him like that had made me feel sexy and gorgeous, not to mention incredibly powerful. For the first time between us, I had felt like I’d had the upper hand for the briefest of moments.

I hadthoughtI’d won. This was dumb.

Maybe this game was not as simple as I originally thought. I chewed my lip and grabbed the remote. I flicked to Netflix and then to HBO before I eventually settled on renting a movie off Amazon just because I wanted to spend his money. It was subtle act of defiant revenge, but it made me feel better in the end.

I wrapped myself in a blanket and sank into the plush comfy couch, my legs a little cold now that I wasn’t moving anymore. For a while, I just watched the drama between the male and female lead as they tried to fight the romance that was obviously sparking between them. My core squeezed tight when they finally gave in and made love, my own pussy clenching as I thought about how that could be happening to me right now. I sighed heavily. Maybe I should have watched something else.

How would I pull off dancing like a good girl while dressed like a bad one? Should I imagine what it felt like for him to pull my panties down for the first time on his plane or maybe pretend like it was the moment when he’d bared my breasts and seen all of them only just last night?

I groaned, trying to think of different things I could do and coming up blank. Dancing like a bad girl had been easy. I’d even done it once on a dare. My friends had bet me a hundred bucks that I wouldn’t do it, but I’d proven them wrong by cleaning house that night, both with tips and the money they owed me. It wasn’t that hard, you just had to move with confidence.

Good girls didn’t strip dance in a club though.

When the movie was over, I chewed my lip and headed back upstairs. Cormac was inside of his office, and I slipped through the door. He lifted his brows, appraising me expectantly.

“I’d like to try again for you, Daddy,” I said softly, trying to add a touch of trembling inexperience to my voice. It was difficult though, especially because the whole point of doing this was to earn something that a good girl would be too innocent to even want.

“I’m looking forward to it, little girl,” he murmured.

He sat back and I closed the door behind me. He cocked his head to the side and offered me his phone. I chose a different song this time, something a bit softer and sweeter, but still a little sultry. His ravenous gaze roved over my body, and I couldn’t stop a shiver of excitement from racing down my spine. Trying to play the part of a girl that was ashamed of a man seeing her for the first time while also being hesitantly aroused, I started to dance. I kept my eyes downcast for much of it, only braving to meet his eyes on rare occasions that fit with the beat of the music.

I stripped hesitantly, using trembling, jerky movements to pretend I was ashamed. By the time I was fully naked, I breathed softly and waited as my core spiraled with heat. His expression was masked, a mysterious mix of arousal and assessment that only sought to make me needier than ever.

“You are such a beautiful girl. I enjoyed it very much, but it was still too slutty to earn my cock,” he replied, those icy irises glittering with intention.

In an instant, my hopes were dashed even as my clit pulsed with need. Unable to stop myself, I groaned with frustration.

“Would it help if I said please?” I tried, becoming increasingly annoyed with my own desire for the second time that day.

He shook his head, his expression dark, and I stuck my lower lip out in what I imagined was the absolute best pout of my life. When it became clear that it was doing nothing to further my cause, I grabbed my clothes and turned around, escaping as quickly as I could to my bedroom. I dressed quickly, so much so that I almost tore the skirt with my overwhelming irritation. I plopped down on the bed with a heavy sigh. My stomach growled and I pushed myself up to my elbows.

I stayed there for a few minutes longer trying to figure out what I could do to convince him but coming up blank. Not knowing what else to do, I made my way back into the kitchen. There were several pieces of fruit on the table, and I picked through them, not really knowing what I wanted and eventually settling on a banana. A part of me hoped he would walk in and find me eating it in some wicked ploy at teasing him with my mouth so that his frustration level might come anywhere close to mine. Unfortunately, he didn’t come out of his office by the time I finished it. I tossed the peel in the garbage and stared down the hall. Impulsively, I lifted my chin and strutted down the hall, heading right into his office.

“I want to try again,” I blurted out. An amused expression broke out over his features, and I pulled my shoulders back with as much defiant pride as I could muster.

He said nothing, instead deciding to sit back in his chair as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and cocked his head.

Arrogant sexy asshole bastard dick.

I took a deep breath, chose a different song, and danced like I had the second time, adding a bit more hesitation and reluctance in my body movements as the beats rang out all around me. When it was over, I stood before him naked for the third time that day.

I knew even before he uttered a single word that it hadn’t been enough.

“Still too slutty, baby girl,” he whispered gently.

He didn’t have to say it. I had known even before he’d said anything.

I didn’t reply to him this time, choosing just to grab my clothes and retreat to my bedroom so that I could lick my wounds and swallow down my defeat. I enveloped myself in a blanket, wrapping my arms around my knees as I pulled them in against my chest. I knew I’d almost got to him with that first dance. His eyes had turned ravenous, and he had just barely kept himself at bay.

In my heart, I knew I hadn’t tried my hardest either time after that. I also knew why. First, I didn’t want to let him win. More than that, though, I didn’t want to know that I fought him with every part of me and he still won despite all that.

I noticed that there was a brand-new phone for me on the nightstand and I picked it up. I opened the YouTube app and started searching for inspiration, but nothing really felt helpful. Eventually, I just settled on listening to some music until I finally found the perfect song. I wasn’t familiar with the artist, but the lyrics of the song felt like it set the right tone for what Cormac wanted. I listened to a few different remixes, but the original version of ‘Slow Down’ by GRAE was perfect.

By the time dinner rolled around, I’d spent too much time thinking about how to dance for him in a way that would earn me the fucking I wanted. As the hours passed, my desperation only amplified in intensity. My skin was so warm that it was practically feverish and when that acted in concert with the heavy ache of desire in my core, I realized something about myself.

No matter what I did, the whole thing was going to feel shameful. Even worse, I knew I would do exactly as he asked eventually; it was only a matter of time. The harder I fought against him, the more shameful his inevitable victory would be. We both knew I needed his cock and the longer this went on, the more absolute my surrender would be.

The aroma of the evening meal eventually drew me out of my room. He was already in the kitchen cooking, but it seemed that our dinner wasn’t ready yet and it wouldn’t be for at least a little while. I cleared my throat when he turned to face me, wanting to give it one last shot.