Page 26 of Make Me, Daddy

I pulled at the turtleneck around my throat, feeling warm and itchy suddenly.

“In time, we can arrange that,” he answered.

“Then where are you taking me?”

“The rest of my family has been wanting to meet you and I promised them I’d bring you around once I had you safely here with us in Boston. Ada would never let me live it down if she didn’t get some time with you today,” he grinned.

“So, you’re showing me off like a prized horse then? Your latest charity case?” I sassed back and his eyes flicked to mine.

I expected him to start to scold me for daring to talk to him like that, but he surprised me once again.

“Are you comfortable in your seat?” he asked, sitting back as he popped a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

He chewed thoughtfully and his expression stayed warm and welcoming. I shifted in my seat, catching onto his subtle insinuation right away. Without saying it explicitly, he was reminding me what had happened yesterday and that somehow, he knew there was still the slight residual soreness left behind from both his belt and his hand. I stared down at my plate, my face heating as I remembered how it had felt to have him bare me, how shamefully arousing for him to pull down my panties with the sole intention of punishing me for doing something naughty.

I didn’t even have to touch my breasts to know that my nipples were noticeably erect. Even worse, I sort of wanted him to notice, but it didn’t end there. I yearned for him to touch them himself. Stuck on the teetering edge of arousal and frustration, I fell back on my voice of reason. I didn’t want to get another spanking today. More than anything, I just wanted to figure out what this new life would look like. Yesterday, I’d been looking at years of prison and if I was honest with myself, this was a massive upgrade, and I couldn’t deny that no matter how I looked at it.

Even if my keeper sometimes took my panties down and spanked my bottom bright red when I deserved it. Or maybe needed it. I don’t know. I wouldn’t think on that particular point any further.

Yes, you will. You know that’s exactly what you’re going to do when you go to bed tonight.

“What places are you going to show me?” I asked cautiously.

For some reason, it suddenly became very important to me that he didn’t think I was this bitch or a terrible person that lived to goad him. I was thankful for him shielding me from years of prison time. I should try harder to show him that I was a bit more grateful than that. He cocked his head and smiled.

“Well, Murphy’s Grill and Pub first. It’s a restaurant and bar that my brothers and I help run. I’ll take you to The Roasted Bean, which is hands down the best coffee shop in the city. If we have time this evening, we can drop by Sean’s Pub, which is another fantastic local joint nearby. We might not have time for everything today, but there’ll always be tomorrow or the next,” he explained, his mouth turning up in a warm smile.

“Brothers?” I asked.

“Mhhhmmmm. I have four brothers. I have a sister too, Ada. She’s been dying to meet you. I practically had to hold her back at your father’s funeral,” he grinned.

I glanced up, taken aback by the joy painted across his features. It reminded me of something you see in those Hallmark holiday movies. It was so foreign to me that I hadn’t really believed it to be a real thing. He loved his family and it showed. In a bout of curiosity, I pushed a bit further, wanting to understand it a little bit more.

“You’re all here?”

“Yeah. We moved here a little over ten years ago from Ireland. Kieran, my oldest brother, has really worked hard to make a name for us here. We all have,” he replied.

His answer seemed loaded somehow, like it was vague enough to conceal something while also not really hiding anything. Instinctually, I knew Cormac and his family were insanely powerful people who may or may not engage in various ways, legal or not, to get a job done, like breaking me out of prison and taking me clean across the country to serve out ‘my time.’

Normal people couldn’t do things like that, but he could.

“What if they don’t like me?”

“They’ll love you. Don’t you worry. Hell, Ada was the one who made sure to get all your toiletries in your bathroom. She wanted to make sure you felt completely at home,” he replied cheerily.

“She did?”

“I didn’t even ask for the receipts because I thought ignorance was probably a wiser course,” he winked, and his boyish excitement slowly made me feel more at ease.

“Why? None of you really even know me.”

There was nothing combative in my voice. I just had trouble understanding why a family that I’d never even met would be this excited about spending time with a perfect stranger, especially one that had been convicted of a felony like me.

“Your father was practically family to us. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t blood related. None of us wanted to leave you stranded out there when there was something that we could do about it. Seeing your pretty face behind bars wouldn’t have sat well with any of us.”

“I just…” I began, but he cleared his throat and cut me off.

“Family takes care of family, Caitlin. No matter what,” he stated, his utter seriousness seeping out from his every pore.