Why had she listened to Eva? Eva was hot-headed and impetuous, and was always getting herself into some sort of trouble, while Britt was cool and meticulous, and never allowed emotion to get in the way.

How had this happened?

‘Why are you really here?’ Sharif pressed mercilessly, smiling grimly down into her eyes. ‘What do you need from me?’

He knew very well what she needed from him. She needed his hands on her body, and his eyes staring deep into hers. She needed his scent and heat to invade her senses, and his body to master hers—

* * *

His senses raged as Britt pressed her body against his. This was his woman. This was the woman he remembered and desired. This was the fierce, driven woman he had first met in Skavanga, the woman who took what she wanted and rarely thought about it afterwards.


Could it be possible that he didn’t want that part of her? he marvelled as Britt spoke his name. Did that wildcat bring out the worst in him? Loosening his grip on her arms, he let her go. When he had first entered the pavilion he had seen the tender heart of a woman he had started to know in Skavanga—the vulnerable woman inside the brittle shell—the woman he had walked away from before he could cause her any hurt.

‘Sharif, what is it?’

He stared down and saw the disappointment in her eyes. And why shouldn’t Britt expect the worst when he had walked out on her before?

Everything had been so cut and dried in the past. He’d fed his urges and moved on, but he had never met a woman like this before. He had never realised a woman could come to mean so much to him. The feelings raging inside him when he had found Britt alive were impossible to describe. All he could think was: she was still in the world, and thank God for it. But he had a country to rule and endless responsibilities. Did he make love to her now, as he so badly wanted to do, or did he save her by turning and walking away?

‘It’s not like you to hesitate,’ she murmured.

‘And it’s not like you to be so meek and mild,’ he countered with an ironic smile. ‘What shall we do about this role reversal?’

‘You’re asking me?’ she queried, starting to smile.

He closed his eyes, allowing her scent and warmth and strength to curl around his core, clearing his mind. He prided himself on his self-control, but there was will power and then there was denial, and he wasn’t in the mood to deny either of them tonight. He wanted Britt. She wanted him. It was that simple. Above all, he was a sensualist who never ate merely because he was hungry, but only when the food was at its best. Britt thought she knew everything about men and sex and satisfaction, but it would be his pleasure to teach her just how wrong she was.

‘What are you doing?’ she said as he led her back through the billowing curtains.

Settling himself on the silken cushions, he raised a hand and beckoned to her.

‘What the hell do you think this is?’ she said.

‘This is a harem,’ he said with a shrug. ‘And if you don’t like that idea you might want to step out of the light.’

‘I’ll stand where I like,’ she fired back.

His shrugged again as if to say that was okay with him. It was. There wasn’t one inch of Britt that wasn’t beautifully displayed or made even more enticing by the fact that she was wearing such an ethereal gown and standing in front of the light. He let the silence hang for a while, and then, almost as if it were an afterthought, he said, ‘When the women brought that gown, didn’t they bring you any underwear?’

Her gasp of outrage must have been heard clearly in Skavanga.

‘You are totally unscrupulous,’ she exclaimed, wrapping the flimsy folds around her.

‘I meant no offence,’ he said, having difficulty hiding his grin as he eased back on the cushions. ‘I was merely admiring you—’

‘Well, you can stop admiring me right now.’

‘Are you sure about that?’

‘Yes, I’m sure. I feel ridiculous—’

‘You look lovely. Now, come over here.’

‘You must be joking.’

‘So stand there all night.’

‘I won’t have to,’ she said confidently, ‘because at some point you’ll leave. At which time I will settle down to sleep on my bed.’

Britt looked magnificent when she was angry. Proud and strong, and finely bred, she reminded him of one of his prized Arabian ponies. And this was quite a compliment coming from him. Plus, a little teasing was in order. Hadn’t she put him through trials by fire and ice in Skavanga? Britt had done everything she could think of to unsettle him while he was on her territory, but now the tables were turned she didn’t like it. ‘Come on,’ he coaxed. ‘You know you want to—’