And some of the greatest lovers too, she thought. And what else but love could this exquisite courtyard have been designed for? Everything spoke of romance—the intricate mosaic patterns on the floor, the songbirds carolling in the lemon trees, and the tinkling water features. Surely it was the most romantic place on earth?

And as such was completely wasted on her, Britt concluded, as Sharif indicated that they should move on. ‘I’ll have someone show you your room,’ he said.

So that was it. Tour over. Her heart lurched on cue as he raked his wild, unruly hair into some semblance of order. He probably couldn’t wait to pass her over to someone else.

‘Freshen up and then meet me in ten,’ he said.


‘Unless you’re too tired after your journey?’

‘I’m not tired.’

‘Good. Put something casual on. Jeans—’

She held back on the salute as a group of women clothed in flowing gowns in a multitude of colours appeared out of nowhere. She turned to look over her shoulder as they ushered her away, but Sharif had already gone.

* * *

‘These are your rooms,’ an older woman, who seemed in charge of the rest, explained as Britt gazed around in wonder.

‘All of them?’ she murmured.

‘All of them,’ the smiling woman explained. ‘My name is Zenub. If you need anything you only have to ask—or call me.’ And when Britt looked surprised, she added, ‘This is an ancient building, but we have a very modern sheikh. There is an internal telephone system. This room leads into your dressing room and bathroom,’ she explained, opening an arched fretted door that might have been made of solid gold, for all Britt knew. The door was studded with gems that seemed real enough, and probably were, Britt concluded, since Sharif had explained that every original feature inside the citadel had been faithfully restored to its former glory.

She was excited to discover that she had her own inner courtyard, complete with fountain and songbirds. The scent from a cluster of orange trees decorated with fat, ripe fruit was incredible while the fretted walls and covered walkways kept everything cool. It was just the type of place to invite exploration—the type of place to linger and to dream. Perhaps it was just as well she didn’t have time.

‘There are clothes in the wardrobe, should you need them,’ Zenub told her as she ushered the other women out. ‘And your suitcase is over here,’ she added, indicating a dressing room with yet another glorious display of fresh flowers on one of the low-lying, heavily decorated brass tables. ‘Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything else.’

Britt smiled. ‘I will—thank you. And thank you for everything you’ve done to make me so welcome.’

Amazing didn’t quite cover this, Britt reflected as the women left her alone in what amounted to the most fabulous apartment. Every item must have been a priceless treasure, and it was only when she walked into the bathroom and smiled that she saw Sharif’s hand in the restoration. The bathroom was state of the art too. There were the high-quality towels on heated rails, as well as fabulous products lined up on the shelves. If the harem pavilion in the desert had been a place of pure pleasure, this was sheer indulgence. It was just a shame she didn’t have time to indulge. Another time, she mused ruefully, stepping into the shower.

She showered down quickly and dried off. Tying back her hair, she thought, Sharif stipulated casual, so she tugged on her jeans. A simple white tee and sneakers completed the outfit. A slick of lip gloss and a spritz of scent later and she was ready—for anything, she told herself firmly, leaving the room.

Except for the sight of Sharif wearing a tight black top that sculpted his muscular arms to perfection, and snug-fitting jeans secured by a heavy-duty belt, holding heaven in its rightful place.

And why had she never noticed he had a tattoo before?

She’d been otherwise engaged, possibly?

‘Hello,’ she managed lamely, while her thoughts ran crazy stupid wild.

‘Britt.’ He looked her over and seemed pleased. ‘You fulfilled the brief.’

‘Yes, I did, boss.’ She raised her chin and met the dark, appraising stare with a challenging grin.

‘Shall we?’

She glanced at the imposing doors, either side of which stood silent guards whose rich, jewel-coloured robes and headdresses reminded her that this was an exciting land full of rich variety and many surprises. But not half as many surprises as the man standing next to her, Britt suspected as they jogged down the steps together. She stopped at the bottom of the steps and did a double take. ‘A motorbike?’