And they had grown closer, Britt reassured herself, feeling painfully obvious in banged-up jeans, simple top and bare feet. She felt as if, in this relaxed state, all her feelings were on display. And all those feelings spoke of closeness and intimacy with Emir. She had dressed in anticipation of continuing ease between them. She had dressed as she would dress when her sisters were around. And now she felt vulnerable and exposed. And utterly ridiculous for having let her guard down so badly.

How could she have got this so wrong?

She watched him from the doorway of his bedroom as Emir folded his clothes, arranging them in a bag that he could sling casually over his shoulder. He must have known she was standing there, but he didn’t say a word. The chill seemed to creep up from the floor and consume her. Even her face felt cold.

What had gone wrong?

What was wrong was that Emir didn’t care and she had refused to see that. He had come here to do a job and his job was done. He had taken samples for analysis and had seen the mine for himself. He had weighed her up and interviewed her colleagues. His only job now was to pack up and leave. What had she been? An unexpected bonus on the side? She had no part to play in Emir’s plans, he’d made that clear. Why had she ever allowed herself to believe that she had? All that talk of Kareshi and the desert was just that—talk.

Her throat felt tight. Her mouth was dry. She felt numb. Anything she said in this situation would sound ridiculous. And what was the point of having a row when she had no call on this man? She had enjoyed him as much as he had enjoyed her. Was it his fault if she couldn’t move on?

All this was sound reasoning, but reason didn’t allow for passion, for emotion—for any of the things she felt for Emir. And out of bitter disappointment at his manner towards her—or rather his lack of...anything, really—came anger. What had he meant by staring into her eyes and suggesting they should take sex to the bedroom next time? Was that concern for her? Or was Emir more concerned about getting grazes on his knees? She had laughed with and trusted this man. Everything had changed for her, because she’d thought... Because she’d thought...

She didn’t have a clue what she’d thought, Britt realised. She only knew she had given herself completely to a man, something she’d never done before, and now, just as her mother had predicted, she was paying the price. But she would not play the role of misused mistress and give him the chance to mock.

‘You’re leaving?’ she said coolly. ‘Already?’

‘My job here’s done,’ Emir confirmed, straightening up. He turned to face her. ‘My flight plan is filed. I leave right away.’

When did he file his flight plan? Immediately after making love to her?

‘Do you have transport to the airport?’ She wasn’t so petty she would let him call a cab. She would take him to the airport if she had to.

‘My people are coming for me,’ he said, turning back to zip up his bag.

Of course. ‘Oh, good,’ she said, going hot and cold in turn as she chalked up the completeness of his plan as just one more insult to add to the rest. He’d had sex with her first and then had called his people to come and get him. He’d used her—

As she had used men in the past.

Her heart lurched as their eyes met. Mistake. Now he could see how badly she didn’t want him to go.

‘I have to report back to the consortium, Britt,’ he said, confirming this assumption.

‘Of course.’ She cleared her throat and arranged her features in a composed mask. She had never been at such a disadvantage where a man was concerned. But that was because she had never known anyone like Emir before and had always prided herself on being able to read people. She had not read him. They were like two strangers, out of sync, out of context, out of time.

She stood in embarrassed silence. With no small talk to delay him, let alone some siren song with which to change his mind, she could only wait for him to leave.

‘Thank you for your hospitality, Britt,’ he said, shouldering the bag.

Her hospitality? Did that include the sex? Her face was composed, but as Emir moved to shake her hand she stood back.

Emir didn’t react one way or the other to this snub. ‘I’ll wait for test results on the samples, and if all goes well you will hear from my lawyers in the next few weeks.’

‘Your lawyers?’ Her head was reeling by now, with business and personal thoughts hopelessly mixed.

‘Forgive me, Britt.’ Emir paused with his hand on the door. ‘I meant, of course, the lawyers acting for the consortium will be in touch with you.’