I then did the same thing, and the journey was most definitely not as smooth. I was improving my skills with every journey I took though, and those I left at the tower did not seem as nauseous. Group by group we managed to transport every lion from our old village to the tall tower of Orestes, and the same expression of awe was etched upon every face. They were welcomed with open arms and were shown around. They celebrated the grass under their feet and the cool air. They ran to a nearby stream and frolicked in it, splashing about as though they did not have a care in the world. It was good to see them happy, for they had been miserable for such a long time.

I returned home alone, standing as the last lion in the village. The wind whipped around, as though it was searching for all those who had been missing. Our homes were still here, the hollowed out shells that we had used as shelter. Some belongings had been left as well. People had only taken those things that had sentimental value. I walked up to my chamber where I stood overlooking the world. The air scorched my eyes and burned my throat. After being in Orestes for such a short time it amazed me how generations of us had managed to live in a world like this.

It was something that I would not soon forget. This spirit of endurance was something that we could not afford to lose in the future. It may not have been easy, but it was something that had grown in us over the years and taught us how to live in an unforgiving world. It had shaped our souls and I did not want to lose it at all.

I walked among the wreckage of the chamber. It was still a mess from the fight with Darrow. There was nothing here I wanted. The only trinkets that remained were reminders of a cruel childhood. I picked up the bracelet that had once adorned my wrist, that had given these lions more years of suffering than they should have endured. If my father had been more open minded then we could have found salvation years ago. I thought of all the souls that had been lost in that time and I mourned them deeply. I then moved to the window and looked down. Darrow’s body was covered in dust and shadow. So were all the other bodies that were interred in this place. It was a planet of the dead now, and once I left there would be nothing but dust to wash over the land, and nobody to hear the whispers of the wind. I pursed my lips and let go of the bracelet, watching it fall down into the dusty bowl along with Darrow, where it too would be buried. I would never take such a barbaric thing with me, and I would never want a child of mine to feel as though it was a possibility.

I sighed briefly as I thought about everything that had happened to me in this place and all I had endured. If Lanas had not agreed to rip the bracelet off then we would have died here. But now we had a future to enjoy. Now every lion in this pride had a way forward where they could form ambitions and hopes, all things that were denied to us in this desolate world. I spat on the ground and then returned to Orestes, knowing that I would never see this place again.


When I returned the party was in full swing. Meat was being roasted on spits and an array of fruit and vegetables had been laid out on tables. Every delicacy that Orestes had to offer was available to my lions, and they were eating like there was no tomorrow. I couldn’t help but laugh with glee as I watched them. There was nothing better than seeing them revel in the joy of this night after so many years when they had starved themselves for the sake of the pride. Now there was food in abundance and they did not have to watch their portions. The lions were mingling with each other, the ones native to Orestes telling my lions about the rest of the world and all the sights it had to offer. The sick were being treated, and everyone was able to be happy.

“How are you feeling?” Mika asked as he walked towards me. Lanas was by his side. I was going to have to get used to seeing them together.

“I’m feeling happy, but I’m also feeling like this is all a dream and at some point I’m going to wake up and it’s going to disappear,” I replied.

“It’s definitely not a dream, and the only way this is going to disappear is if you choose to leave. But there’s plenty of Orestes to explore before you think about doing that,” Mika said.

“Actually there was a place I was thinking about. I thought we might go there, just the three of us, before we fully throw ourselves into life on Orestes. That is, if you don’t mind missing out on this food and entertainment, Lanas?”

Lanas smirked. “I think I have gorged myself enough for one day,” he said.

I took their hands and then closed my eyes, thinking of a place that had never left my mind, not once since I had seen it as a child.

We emerged on a sandy shore with a sea that crashed onto the beach. Behind us tall mountains rose, sheer surfaces that stretched into the blue sky. There were wispy clouds drifting across the sky, and a sea that stretched endlessly to the horizon. The sand was soft and warm under our feet, the temperature perfect. I breathed in the salty, briny air and smiled.

“What is this place?” Mika asked.

“This is the first place I traveled to. I came here and I thought it was the most wonderful place in existence. I went back all excited to tell my father what I had seen, but as soon as I did so he became scared and treated me as though I had performed some vile crime. Then he put the bracelet on me and I was unable to travel, no matter how hard I tried. I never stopped thinking about this place though. It’s so peaceful.”

I stopped talking for a moment, enjoying the sounds of the waves breaking against the shore. It was the primal song of nature, and there was nothing better.

“I know that the coming days are going to be filled with many different duties as we blend the two prides, and that I have much to learn about my talents. I just wanted a moment with you both, a moment to appreciate what we have and what our lives are going to become.”

I kept hold of their hands as I walked towards the water, reaching the point of the beach where the tide left a shadow. When it flowed towards us the water ran around my feet. The sea was foamy and refreshing. I turned to them.

“Now undress for your Lioness,” I said. Lanas did not hesitate. Mika paused for a moment, but then he too shrugged off his clothes. I watched them peel away their garments, revealing hard muscles and athletic bodies. The fires in my soul were aroused as my gaze traveled down, meeting their manhoods, which were long and surrounded by a thick thatch of bristling hair. I stood in between them and placed a hand on the middle of their chests, sliding it down before I wrapped my fingers around both of them. I began to massage them, feeling them grow in my hands, loving the heat and the blood that rushed through them, all of it at my command.

I brushed my lips against theirs in soft kisses, which helped to inspire desire within them. They were hard and rampant now, the skin stretched taut, the thickness so wonderful in my hands. They would serve me well, oh yes, these two lions that were going to be mine for the rest of our lives.

But I was not going to make things easy for them.

“Now it’s time for you to show me how good you are at hunting,” I said as I turned away from them. I released my clothes, shrugging them away to the wet floor, revealing my long hair that reached the small of my back and my lithe body, my hips swaying as I walked into the water, which was warm and welcoming. I submerged myself and swam away from the shore, allowing the water to flow along my glistening curves. My hair was thick and long and lank and my arms swam through the water. When I turned my head I saw my two charges surging after me, moving swiftly through the sea. I increased my pace and changed my direction, smiling as I challenged them with swimming away.

Secretly I wanted them to chase me down though. This wasn’t going to be fun for any of us if I did not let them catch me, so I slowed and then we splashed as they placed their hands on my ankles and dragged me towards them.

I shifted around so that I was nestled in between them. Their arms supported me below the water and they lifted me up so that my breasts were exposed. The full, round breasts dripped with water, the pink nipples hardened by arousal. I draped my arms around their necks and watched as they began kissing me. Their lips moved from my neck down my throat and then to my chest, while they took one breast each. Their tongues darted across my nipples and their teeth made small, satisfying bursts of pain as they scraped against my flesh. A smile widened on my face and I leaned back, enjoying the way this pleasure surged within me. It was like the tide itself, flowing back and forth from my soul, beginning in the molten core of me and then spiraling out to the rest of my body, as though it was completely out of control.

Their hands ran below the water and touched my thighs and stomach. I could feel the heat of their bodies bristling against me. I was surprised that the water did not reach its boiling point. We were able to stand on the seabed, but they had their arms underneath my body, carrying me, and when I directed them back to shore they did not let go. They walked in staggered bursts, still with their lips locked to my flesh. I traced lines down their bodies, eager to enjoy everything they had to offer, eager to feel everything that they were willing to give me. Their heat and their hardness pressed against me, but it was only when they were out of the water that I got to see them in all their masculine glory again. Water dripped off their shafts, coating them in this glistening and shiny veneer that made them all the more glorious.

I murmured my delight as I led them to the top of the beach where the sand met the smooth rocks. I sat upon one, the water leaving a shadow on the stony surface below me. I welcomed my lions to me, embracing them again. I kissed them both, moving my mouth from one to the other. They trailed their lips all over, creating small flickers of excitement throughout my body, as though inside was a storm that raged and did not show any sign of abating.

Their hands ran down as we kissed and slipped in between my thighs. I bit my lower lip as their fingers battled with each other, but then found a way to work with each other as they teased and tormented me, finding a perfect way to create whirling sensations that crashed through me. As I arched my neck back and enjoyed the feeling of this rippling delight working its way through me, I too reached down and started to pleasure them. I took their erections in my hands and began stroking, bringing the taut skin back and forth. The waves continued to crash against the sea and I closed my eyes, losing myself in this blurred, hazy world of intense sensations.

Now that my pride was safe in Orestes there was a weight off my mind. I could enjoy life as I had never enjoyed it before, and I could enjoy these two men with everything they offered.

I twisted my head from side to side as I caught them with brief kisses. Then, knowing how much I had enjoyed it before, Lanas fell to his knees and positioned himself in between my legs. I groaned loudly as he began making love to me with his mouth. The feeling of his tongue slashing and swiping across the most sensitive and intimate area of my body created these wild kaleidoscopic feelings of ecstasy within. I felt as though they were going to burst out of me all at once, but instead they burned inside.