“Mika is speaking to his fathers now. He said that he would try his best to convince them to give us what we ask. You won a lot of people over today. They were chanting your name. I think they will see that we deserve the salvation, that our place is here. I’m sure it is only a matter of time.”

That was positive at least. I wasn’t sure how far I could trust Mika yet, but I sensed that he was eager to help. It was good to have at least one ally with us in this place.

I leaned my head back on the pillow. “Then all is not lost, even though I lost the battle,” the words were heavy on my mind. I had not uttered them before, and although the foe I had fought was a formidable one it still played on my mind. I’m sure there was a way I could have defeated him if things had gone differently.

When I mentioned this to Lanas, he had a strange look on his face. “I hope you’re not planning to challenge him again,” he said. I just laughed.

“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. I’m aching all over.”

“Then lie back. I can make you feel better,” he said. He gently turned me around and pulled the blanket away, revealing my bruised skin. It hurt wherever he touched and I winced with every breath.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“Don’t be. I know it will feel better in the long run,” I replied.

He pressed his fingers into my muscles and began to work at the knots. They eased under his touch and I felt myself slipping away into this realm that lay between pleasure and pain. The sensations traveled across my body and into my mind, swirling into a miasma that left me breathless. I couldn’t believe how talented he was. I murmured this sentiment to him, for I lacked the wherewithal to speak full sentences. I lay there as he placed his palms against my shoulder blades and drew them aside, squeezing all the tension out of my flesh. The sensation was blissful and exquisite, feeling as though I was on the edge of something wonderful.

“How are you so good at this?”

“I used to do this all the time for Mom. She would be out there every day, traipsing about the world, carrying water from the trickling river back to the village. Her feet were dry, her shoulders hunched, and every night she complained about her muscles aching. Since it was something that had to be done every day, she never got a respite either. I think she would have been a crumpled ball of tension if I hadn’t learned how to make her feel better. The pain never went away completely, but I was at least able to help her sleep at night.

“Well, it feels amazing,” I said, my body melting under his touch. I enjoyed the way he moved down my body, running his fingers down my spine, reaching the base of my back. There was a slight crack as the tension was released from my bones, and then I ordered him to go lower. My legs were screaming in silent agony until his hands ran down my thighs and dug into my flesh, showing my muscles no mercy. It was the same for my calf muscles and my feet. His fingers jammed into them and eked away the tension, sending the pleasurable sensations running up my legs right back into the core of my body.

I had only let select few people touch me like this before, but they weren’t like Lanas. I knew that I could trust him with anything, and now I thought I needed something special, something to push away this lancing edge of fire that seared my soul. After he had been massaging me for a while and my legs felt like jelly I turned around. The blanket covered the middle of my body.

“I have something else you can do for your Lioness,” I said, and then parted my legs. I watched his gaze as I slowly peeled away the blanket, revealing the dark shadow in the delta between my legs. He gulped and nodded slowly. His hands ran up my legs, still continuing to massage my inner thighs as he crept closer and closer to the damp, throbbing warmth that was slowly seeping out of me. Deep breaths rushed out of my throat as I breathed heavily, gasping and panting with a sense of urgency. His long fingers flicked and delved, exploring the most sensitive area of my body, and my neck arched back as the pleasure began to rock through me.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I was where I belonged, on my knees in front of my lioness, basking in her glory, doing whatever she asked. I breathed in the scent of her. She was sweet and spicy, the air hot and blazing with the heat that simmered upon her skin. Her flesh was supple, her body glorious, and all I wanted was to be close to her. The feeling of her skin was enough to fill me with an electric sensation and as I massaged her, I felt myself becoming aroused.

But my enjoyment was nothing compared to hers. She was the only one who mattered. She was the one who had almost died, who had put herself through so much in order to fight for our pride, and now she deserved her reward.

I loved the way she shuddered as my fingers rose up along her inner thighs. Her skin was bruised and tainted from the fight she had been in, but she was no less beautiful to me. If anything, these marks increased her allure because it showed what she was capable of and what lengths she was willing to go to in order to protect her pride, and I was included in that. Today I had experienced how close I had come to losing her. I had to face a world without her, and it was not a world in which I wanted to live. I wanted to enjoy every moment we were able to spend together and I wanted to show her how much I cherished her, and how much I appreciated her.

I nestled in between her legs, resting them on my shoulders as I grew nearer and nearer to her. When I breathed out, she tingled and shuddered, and when I darted my tongue out she moaned loudly. Her body twisted and writhed as the pleasure sang through her, and my tongue was eager to do all it could to make her feel as good as possible. I buried myself in her as I kissed her and made love to her with my mouth, tasting all of her sweetness as it flowed across my lips. I moaned and murmured with delight as I closed my eyes and surrendered to this heaven that was her body, my tongue laying flat against her sensitive skin, before tightening and striking inside her, tasting all of her femininity.

My arms curled around her legs, holding onto her as I lost myself in a frenzy. Her hot, impassioned breaths hit the air and her head twisted from side to side. Her breasts swelled when she breathed in and every inch of her was perfect. She was a goddess made flesh, and I was the one chosen to mate with her, to give her everything I had. I was ready and willing. I was eager to pledge my life to her and make sure that she had everything I could offer.

I opened my eyes and watched the flicker of arousal spreading across her features. I loved feeling her body arch as the orgasms hit her, and I took it as a personal challenge to ensure that there was a steady flow rushing through her. I wanted to prove myself worthy of her. I wanted to ensure that she knew she could depend on me for everything.

By the time she was sated I gasped for breath. I trembled as I lay my head against her thighs. Drops of sweat trickled along her skin in front of me. I breathed in her musk, finding that it played havoc with my mind. It was like a potent drug that I was wholly addicted to.

“I suppose that almost makes up for dying,” she murmured, and then shifted across the bed to welcome me in her arms. She held me there, my Lioness. Our lips brushed together and I turned my body, my hard body, because I wanted more. She smiled and shook her head though.

“Not tonight, Lanas, but soon. When we know what is happening with the pride. I want to wait until things are settled before I decide to bring a child into this world,” she said. I couldn’t help but be disappointed, yet this was what my Lioness wanted, so I bowed my head and nestled against her body, holding her tightly as we rested and waited for judgment to fall upon us.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I walked downstairs and knocked on the door where Ava was resting. At first there was no answer, and this troubled me. I wondered if she had fallen ill, or if perhaps Lanas had been overwhelmed with grief. Even though I did not wish to think the worst of them, I was also a little concerned that they might prove me wrong and try to find a way to take advantage of our hospitality. When they did not answer I panicked and opened the door myself. Perhaps it was an invasion of privacy, but I told myself I was doing it for the right reasons.

I walked into a darkened room. As I stepped in, I saw the figures on the bed, entwined together. Lanas was in her arms. As I suspected, there was something deeper to their relationship, and it felt as though I had been punched in the gut. I looked away, annoyed at this flare of envy that I felt because I did not see any reason for it to exist. After all, it wasn’t as though I was in love with her or anything. I admired her for all she had been through and her prowess in combat, but there was nothing more to it than that.